Thursday, January 10, 2019


Nigel McGuiness:

WWE have created a documentary on the career of Nigel McGuiness, which will be available on their Network.

Kenta qualifies:

Hideo Itami has taken the last spot in the 4 way Cruiserweight title match at the Royal Rumble.

Blow for Edge:

Edge's show 'Vikings' has been axed after 6 years.

Punk vs Colt:

CM Punk has filed a motion to have Colt Cabana's second attempt at suing him for millions of $ thrown out of court.

Colt has to respond by January 25.

Kane defends Saudi Arabia trip:

Kane has defended his going to KSA last year, despite the murder of a journalist in the days before the WWE show, responding to an online Q&A from his constituents...

"Because WWE donated $100,000 to the Knoxville Public Safety Foundation which was arranged long before the controversy. I made a commitment to our local first responders and I wasn't willing to break that."

AEW talking to Goldberg:

The owners of AEW are talking to WWE HOF'er Bill Goldberg...

"I have spent some time with Bill, I really like Bill, a lot, and he's one of the greatest drawing cards ever in the business. He's a huge star, a household name, and yeah, if the situation was right, obviously. I haven't agreed to anything with Bill, but I like him a lot." 

WWE pissed about the tampon:

WWE are furious about being linked to the wrestler that performed a controversial spot with a bloodied tampon, in mainstream media. Many notable outlets in the states, including the NY Post, have used the company name in relation to the performer, despite her not being employed by the company at any time, bar a guest appearance in their MYC over the summer. The lady in question says she has come to terms with the fact the spot has cost her chances of ever working there again, but has received an apology from Road Dogg, who blasted her personally, in very strong language, after the spot, she accepted, but was critical back, saying someone in his position should think first, before tweeting nonsense.

Eva on TV:

Eva Marie has signed up for Celebrity Big Brother USA.

Top star in UK:

Charlotte Flair is on her way to the UK for this weekends NXT UK special in Blackpool.


Chris Jericho has reportedly committed himself to AEW for 3 years.

Also on AEW, the Meltzer claims to have received word that AJ Styles is top of their target list, and plan to make a big money move when his WWE deal expires in the coming weeks.

HOF'er goes home:

Billy Graham has been released from hospital after his recent illness.

Old boy in surgery:

Jerry Lynn has had his hip replaced, making it a double, his other was done in 2015.

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