Sunday, January 6, 2019


Rhodes working hurt:

Cody Rhodes says his knee is ''Shot'' and he should not be walking on it, never mind working matches. He is confident that some R&R and his doctors help will have him ready for AEW's debut.

MYC  star shames wrestling with ''Sick'' ''Embarrassing'' and ''Disgusting'' spot:

The wrestling world have reacted with revulsion to a spot at an indie show, which, via social media has gone viral. Priscella Kelly reached a career highlight last summer with a spot in the WWE MYC tournament, but in the latter part of last month wrestled a match, which may lead to her exile from the company. During a match she reached into her tights and blood what appeared to be a blood soaked used tampon from, where tampons go, and shoved it into the mouth of her prone adversary. Legends, fellow workers and many current female stars have reacted in the strongest terms against her actions, with only one or two defending her. They angry mob included Road Dogg, who is now a big deal backstage with WWE,  he accused her of having no class.

The lady herself used the female empowerment movement to defend herself. She said people were only angered because she is a woman, and that a similar spot had become iconic in the past, when a man did it (I believe she is referring to Mr. Socko).

Here it is... but **Content warning**


AWA wrestler Alexis Smirnoff has died after suffering complications from Diabetes. He was 71.

Royal Rumble:

Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville and Jeff Hardy have joined their respective Royal Rumble matches.

Inter-gender match:

WWE are teasing an inter gender match between John Cena and Becky Lynch on social media.

Jericho bans move:

Chris Jericho says he has taken his last piledriver after losing a patch of hair from the top of his head working for NJPW this week.

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