Friday, January 18, 2019


Alum wants ring return:

Gail Kim says Taryn 'Tiffany' Terrell wants to end her two year sabbatical from wrestling...

"She is not wrestling, she is doing stunt work but I know she wants to come back to wrestling. She does miss it, just like everyone else that enters this business, I think. I always tell everyone wrestling is like the mafia, once you get in, you can't get out."

Sheamus talks new mentality:

Sheamus has admitted wrestling has lost the character that made it great in the 80s, but says that has been replaced by the best athletes, and therefore, the best matches the sport has ever seen...

"Today a very different product is offered. I think we're missing some characters. Yes, I believe it. I think we are leaving the creation of characters a little abandoned. Any important series like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead base their product around the characters and their background. I think the athletes and wrestlers that we have today are the best in the history of the business, although in turn I think the business has changed to what people want to see."

Alum in surgery:

Evan Bourne is set to have knee surgery that will bench him until April.

Why NJPW star is WWE bound:

Kushida quit NJPW because the office refused his requested heel turn, so he could join Bullet Club.

Indie star dies:

Rex Bacchus has lost a long and hard fought battle with cancer aged just 35.

Indie rewarded:

Capitol wrestling has been rewarded for very strong streaming numbers during 2018 with a weekly TV deal in New York, on the RNN network.

Alum's ready to return:

LayCool have tweeted that they are ready to come back to capture the newly announced Women's Tag gold.

Hogan retires:

Hulk Hogan says he has given up on his dreams of one more match with WWE...

"I'm too old to wrestle. I embarrassed myself enough out there by moving too slow, so I don't want to get back in there again. I don't think I could. I could probably wrestle somebody like John Cena or Vince McMahon, but as soon as I'd be done they'd be taking me straight to the hospital to fix something … the body's too worn out for that."

Kanellis staying:

Maria, one of 4 stars reported to have requested WWE releases since the turn of the year, has denied doing so...

"I was not going to address this but I am getting phone calls and emails about it. I DID NOT ask for my release. Speculation and rumors are running rampant. Someone is playing all the wrestling news sites.''

Dash of Revival has changed his social media handle to his real name and his partner Dawson quoted a line from a recent reboot of 'Rocky' where the title character tells his son not to let life beat him down, and to stand up and fight, which may be a reference to his frustrations with his WWE status.

WWE have not confirmed the status of any of the talent involved in the reported walk away.

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