Monday, September 16, 2019

Clash, Kanellis to reveal gender, Revival make history, Snow proud of success, and more...

Clash Of The Champions:


  1. (Pre) Drew Gulak bt Humberto Carillio and Lince Dorado.
  2. (Pre) AJ Styles bt Cedric Alexander.
  3. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode bt Seth Rollins & Braun Strowman for the red Tag.
  4. Bayley bt Charlotte Flair.
  5. Revival bt New Day to win the blue Tag.
  6. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross bt Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville.
  7. Shinsuke Nakamura bt The Miz.
  8. Sasha Banks bt Becky Lynch (by DQ).
  9. Kofi Kingston bt Randy Orton.
  10. Erick Rowan bt Roman Reigns.
  11. Seth Rollins bt Braun Strowman.


  • Luke Harper returned to reunite to with Erick Rowan.
  • Becky Lynch was fined $10,000 for hitting a ref with a chair.

Baron blasts roster:

Baron Corbin says WWE stars should quit whining...

"That's a sad story for a lot of people nowadays. If something doesn't work it's always someone else's fault or nobody wanted them to do it. It's just one of those things, it's like if you really wanted to get something and really go, people are going to appreciate it even if it takes longer than expected. I had hoped to be world champion by now; it's taken me three-and-a-half years. It'll come, it's just going to take that grind. Some guys have been doing it for six months and are like well, it's not going to work out for me because I'm not champion. It's a grind. Anything worth doing is a grind so it's that kind of thing where you can't feel sorry for yourself and you have to keep pushing."

Sasha Banks says injuring Paige made her question her career:

"I feel like it was so much. I felt like so many bad things kept happening and I didn't know how to deal with them. I think what really started it all, me feeling sad, was the whole Paige situation. That really sucked and having fans destroy me and destroy my work, which I pride myself on so much, and I would never intentionally try to hurt somebody - that really sucked. It made me question myself as a wrestler."

Raw tease:

  • The King approaches: Corbin vs. Gable
  • Back on Boss Time? - Fallout from Banks vs. Lynch
  • What will be the fallout from The Fiend's ruthless assault on Rollins?
  • Alexander the second? - Cedric going for AJ's WWE United States Title after Clash loss?

Maria Kanellis will reveal the gender of her baby too.


Tamina is back. She returned on the lives this past weekend.

Triple trouble:

Revival have made WWE history. They are the first team to own holds with the red, blue and NXT Tag titles.

Wrestling school success:

Al Snow has proudly announced his wrestling school has been state accredited as a trade learning centre, in Kentucky.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Batista called out, Ugly incident at indie show, Jericho insulted by WWE, WWE draft, and more...

Alum wins indie gold at Impact:

MVP won the World Class Rev. title at Impact's event last night.

Impact star calls out retired Alum:

Killer Kross called Batista out for the next Bloodsport event.

PPV tonight:

WWE will host Clash Of The Champions tonight.

Ugly incident at indie:

Cass has probably killed any chance of a WWE return. He was a guest entrant into a battle royal on an indie show last night, but was ''Erratic'' and ''Aggressive'' from the moment he arrived at the arena. He went after Joey Janela, who he and Enzo blame for not being signed by ROH earlier this year, in the back, and they are said to have had a physical confrontation. The local police station was right next door, and when Cass started threatening to beat up staffers, when his sweater went missing, a decision was made to call them in. He was led away by some of those officers, while others decided to search his car for illicit substances, given his weird behaviour.

Joey Janela briefly addressed the incident, but would not be drawn on the details...

"Not gonna elaborate at all on this whole deal besides that it was probably the most bizarre situation I've ever seen, let alone been a part of in a wrestling locker room in 15 years. Everything was cordial and friendly Friday and I hope the dude gets back on the right track."

Chris Jericho says WWE insulted him at Mania 33:

"And not only did they take us out of the main event - and, once again, just because I was told I have no right to it and things change all the time, I'm a big boy, I can handle it. But to take us from the main event slot and then move us to the 2nd match on the card on a card that has 12 matches on it? I was like, that's a f--king insult!. And I didn't realize it at the time, but afterward, I guess about 3-4 weeks later, I was like, wait a second, we were 2nd on the card? It wasn't even 1st. The first match on the show at a WrestleMania is a very important match, maybe event second only to the main event. But to put us on second is an insult and it doesn't even matter now what I did. We had the best storyline of the year but it doesn't matter, it's still not going to get me higher on the card to be second on the card at WrestleMania. I need to leave; that is how you know. When the time comes when you are put in that spot as an insularity guy? Then I went through this whole thing when I went on tour with Fozzy and had the Tokyo Dome match against Kenny Omega. This whole new world of creativity opened up and this whole new star power for Chris Jericho, and we drew a lot of money for New Japan at that Dome show. And that was how the road to AEW started."

WWE draft:

The next WWE draft was announced during an NFL game last night.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gargano chooses brand, MSG donate, WWE host to land Fox gig, and Matt talks Edge / Lita affair...

Gargano rejects promotion:

Johnny Gargano says he will not accept a main roster promotion, to stay with NXT...

''I made my choice. I poured my heart and soul into this brand for YEARS. You think I'm gonna leave now that everything I helped work towards is finally happening? Not a chance! The phrase going "up" is dead. We're THE Main Roster now.#WeAreNXT and when you're NXT.. you're NXT.''

MSG sponsor Connor The Crusher:

MSG gave $10,000 to WWE's Connor's Cure charity this week.

WWE on Fox:

Renee Young is strong favourite to land the hosting role for the WWE recap chat show on Fox.

Matt Hardy recalls real life being turned into story:

Referencing Edge and Lita's love affair...

"For me, it's where I first started learning to separate personal life from professional life and now I am extremely comfortable in being able to differentiate the two. I mean, at first, it was a little intense, a little strange, knowing that we were all on the same page; everyone was okay. Everybody had to keep their emotions in check and as long as we did that, we knew that everything was going to be good. As time went on it got a little easier and a little bit better. The most fascinating part about 2005 in my career was that you weren't able to tell the lines between what was real and what wasn't real and where that line lies. It's the most important thing about professional wrestling, especially this day and age in 2019 you need to blur the lines where you are not sure about what is real and what is scripted."

Friday, September 13, 2019

WWE interested in CMLL, Slick bashes WWE, Cass talking to WWE, Cena lands major movie, and more...

Big Show Show:

The Big Show's Netflix sitcom starts taping next week. Tickets are on sale now.

Feuding HOF'er's were friends:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has had many recent political disputes with US president, Donald Trump, has discussed their past friendship, and the link wrestling played in forming it...

"I don't think he fears me. But I remember that in the old days, when we went to the wrestling matches, the way he admired people with bodies, and the way they would jump around in the ring, and to perform physical stunts and stuff like that. He had great admiration for that. And the showmanship, he had great admiration for that. He asked me, 'How do you do that, with the movies? I mean, it's so believable.' He drilled down to specific questions that fascinated him. It was about how do you sell something. Like, a scene. How do you go and act out a scene so that I get affected emotionally? He was fascinated by that. How do you do this when you do interviews — that you penetrate through it and you then are totally believable?"

WWE interested in buying Mexican promotion:

WWE are reportedly deep in talks with CMLL. They want to buy their tape library for their network.

Slick bashes WWE over Akeem:

"I thought George was treated unfairly in the WWE. We even talked about that yesterday, and to some degree, it was George's fault because, right in the middle of having a big, big push with Hogan, he requested some time off. He had a young kid, and my kids were just a little bit older than George's... young kid, maybe 3 or 4, and he just missed his wife and kid, you know? And Vince has given you the big push that everybody wants. After that, I thought Vince was extremely brutal in his dealings with George. George was a former world champion in the UWF and everything. He was a big star in World Class, everywhere he went, you know? But they brutalized him and butchered his career and I always thought it was in retaliation for that."

Kofi talks breaking racial barriers in WWE:

"It means the world, especially when we talk about representation being so important. For me to be the first African-born WWE Champion is incredible because now, people who look like myself can look at TV and see on WWE television that anything is possible because I'm doing it."

Rock 'N' Rager 2:

Chris Jericho says his 2nd sea cruise is now fully sold out.

WWE before bro's:

Cass says he is in talks with WWE, and would be willing to ditch his friendship with Enzo Amore to seal his return.

John Cena lands major movie role:

John Cena has been named in the cast of 'Suicide Squad 2'.

Live watered off:

A live in Tennessee had to be cancelled this week due to a burst water main in the arena.

DH Smith confirms WWE return plans:

"I think the door is open for me to return to WWE at some point, I'm not sure when that is. Right now I am singed with MLW and they are really showcasing me good, so before I come back to WWE at some point, I would like to do some great thing in my career and build my name back up in North America before I come back."


R-Truth almost lost the 24/7 title to a cop during a traffic stop today.

Angelina Love recalls disturbing stalker story:

"Unfortunately, I had a stalker in the UK give me some of the most uncomfortable experiences ever. One experience was when he flew from London to Las Vegas to watch one of my fitness competitions and somehow knew what hotel we were staying in and where we would be at every moment. Came to breakfast buffet and sat at our table and also walked 10 steps behind us on the strip the following day. He recorded me on stage in my bikini. Bought me diamond earrings and left them at the front desk of my hotel. Got on my Facebook page and started asking me about family members in my photos (my page is now private). Waited by a slot machine by the front doors of the hotel at 4 a.m. when I was leaving to almost knock me over with hugs before I flew home. There were more encounters with him but that was definitely one of the worst."

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cole dropped from Raw?, Who inspired Carter's to buy TNA?, Sasha talks WWE hiatus, Impact moving home, and more...

Major announce team changes leak:

Michael Cole is being taken off the Raw announce desk, and being moved to SmackDown. Vic Joseph is scheduled to become the new lead of the Raw comms team.

X-Pac takes credit / blame?:

X-Pac has revealed he was the man the convinced the Carter family to buy the then TNA wrestling promotion. He did so during his podcast...

Sasha addresses WWE hiatus:

"I've been doing this for seven years straight, no breaks. People need to step back, re-evaluate their lives, take care of their souls, and their minds. I'm back and better than ever. I got myself a championship match on Sunday, so I think I did quite well for myself."

Many fans may not buy into that, another person she upset this week is Matt Morgan. HE is not happy that she is using his nickname, without even asking his approval...

"That's cool. Here's the thing: She could have messaged me and said, 'Hey dude, I like the blueprint, I have blue hair, so I'm going to be the blueprint of the women's division.' Whatever have you, just at least do the common courtesy thing. I would have done that, most wrestlers would have done that. The best part is 50% of the roster already told her this."

Drew sick:

Drew McIntyre had been working sick for a few weeks before the decision to take time out to have a lingering injury repaired. He says he thought he had the flu, because he was so run down, but worked through the illness, before re-injuring an old problem in Mexico.

Impact move to own channel:

Days after completing the purchase of AXS TV, Impact have announced they are going to take their TV show to the channel. This raises questions for NJPW, who have a deal through until 2021. Anthem say no decision has been made about any programming, bar their own, as yet.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

KOTR final confirmed, KO fired, Seth's secret siblings, UK star moving stateside, and more...

King Of The Ring:

Shane McMahon stepped into the KOTR Semi-Final, in place of Elias, last night. He lost to Chad Gable, twice, meaning Gable will face Baron Corbin in the final. The match will not now happen at Clash Of The Champions, but on Raw the following night.

King remembers the day he died:

It has been 7 years since Jerry Lawler died on an episode of Raw, before being saved by the WWE medics backstage. He recalled the incident today...

"Seven years ago today, September 10, 2012, I died on WWE RAW from a cardiac arrest! Thanks to DocSampson13, MichaelCole, your prayers and God, I got a second chance!"

Impact own TV:

As Anthem, owners of Impact, complete a majority takeover of AXS, they have announced a closure of the TV company offices, and laid off most of their staff today.

Killer Kross addresses Impact situation:

"I'm in a situation right now where I have to be very careful how I choose to address things. My hands are completely clean in all of this. I have been attempting to get clarification on things that were supposed to be given to me in a timely manner. Some of them have been ... I'm not even sure how to put it. It's so difficult to answer. It's very difficult to even discuss. I'm doing my absolutely best to remain civil and professional on the entire ordeal and it's extremely difficult. I'm really just looking to being treated fairly and I'm just looking to put my best work out there. There are now situations that are occurring where, basically, opportunities are being delayed and I guess, what the easiest way to put it, opportunities are being ... I apologize. It's really the first time I've talked about it. These things I'm attempting to pursue in my career, I'm being blocked from pursuing them for really ridiculous circumstances."

Announce change:

Nigel McGuinness has left 205 to concentrate on NXT. Dio Maddin will take his seat.

KO fired:

Shane McMahon fired Kevin Owens on TV  last night. There is speculation that he will drop back into NXT, to give the new TV show some major star power for it's debut on USA.

Seth meets family he didn't know he had:

Seth Rollins recently found out he had a brother and sister. He met them for the first time this week, and thanked the DNA testing company who broke the news of his secret siblings, for helping to bring them together.

Kurt's new role:

Kurt Angle has reportedly started working as a backstage producer for Raw this week.

New announcers:

WWE have hired Mackenzie Mitchell, ex of Impact, and Matt Camp for their NXT broadcast team.

JR has dig at SCSA:

Jim Ross bemoaned the lack of the double middle finger salute from Stone Cold on Raw this week, before he hit his stunner. He said it lacked the impact the move normally has.

Dunne with UK:

Pete Dunne is moving to the USA full time. He will be one of the mainstays of the new NXT TV show, but will leave the UK off-shoot behind, to do so.

Book talks Sting's anti-WWE ethos:

Booker T says Sting robbed himself and WWE fans of his services. Sting reportedly refused to join WWE after WCW folded because of a promo by the Rock, dissing then WCW champ Booker T. Book himself feels that was an error in his judgement...

"I didn't dislike Sting or anything like that. Sting and I are friends; we've always been friends. I just think he really missed out more than anybody on that deal. I've always been able to speak up for myself and when it's a wrestling angle it's as real as we make it. It's Shakespeare; Romeo & Juliet which is how I've always viewed it. I never looked at the way Sting looked at it."

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Legend visits Raw, KOTR final set?, Celeb wins WWE gold, Alum has nasty illness, and more...

Attention seeking Alum:

Enzo Amore bought tickets to attend Raw at MSG last night.

Lynch vs Flair:

Becky Lynch has addressed Ric Flair's lawsuit against her 'The Man' moniker...

"All I can say about Ric is, I like Ric. He's been a good friend to me over the years. We'll see what happens with that."

WWE extend deal:

WWE and Full Sail University have extended their contract, and NXT will continue to emanate from their venue.

Raw guest:

Howard Finkel was backstage at last night's Raw.

Matt wants to be broken:

Matt Hardy says he wants to finish his WWE career as a broken man...

"I don't think there's really one more thing, maybe. I would like to finish my run with WWE as 'Broken' Matt Hardy. I think there's still a lot of money to be made with 'Broken' Matt Hardy. I think it's different; it's very 2019. I think a great example is The Firefly Funhouse with Bray Wyatt which I am really enjoying. I think he is really extremely intelligent, creative, think-outside-the-box guy and that is why we were such great friends when we teamed. I think he is very creative. What he is doing right now is very masterful. He has dialed in to the hardcore audience and there's such a good separation between The Firefly Funhouse Bray and The Fiend Bray Wyatt. He knows how to do the duality of the two. I am very intrigued and also super entertained between the two personas."

Jericho confesses he stole his iconic line:

Chris Jericho's meme goldmine ''A little bit o' the bubbly'' was not his own creation. Y2J says he repeated a line from a Jim Carrey film called 'Dumb & Dumber.'

Barbados show:

A promoter is putting together a wrestling show for the island of Barbados. WWE Alumni Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne,Justin Gabriel, Ryback, Simon Gotch, Damien Sandow and Adam Rose have already signed up, along with HOF'er Teddy Long.

King Of The Ring:

Baron Corbin is the first KOTR 2019 finalist. He won a triple threat last night to qualify. Elias Elias will bot be joining him in the final. He has been pulled from the King Of The Ring tournament with an ankle injury.

JR critical of ageist fans:

Jim Ross is hot with fans criticising AEW for putting their World strap on the almost 50 year old Chris Jericho...

"When you're a main event guy and closing the show, you're doing it for a reason. Hopefully that reason is because you've earned that spot and you can deliver. Jericho can always deliver and the issue of ageism in that he's in his late 40s – and that's the reason that we're not making him the champion – that's a lame reason."

Celeb wins gold:

NBA star Enes Kantner won and lost the 24/7 title before Raw last night.

Legends to NJPW:

WWE HOF'er's Rock 'N' Roll Express will wrestle on the next NJPW US tour.

SD tease:

  • The Undertaker returns to SmackDown LIVE
  • Kofi Kingston's journey brings him back to Madison Square Garden
  • Chad Gable looks to continue impressive King of the Ring run against Elias
  • Will Roman Reigns pay back Erick Rowan for last week's surprise attack?

WWE games support charity:

WWE will donate $2 for every tweet about the new WWE video game, to a Leukemia charity.

Nasty illness:

Brian Knobbs is in hospital with a nasty infection in his knee, which needs a total replacement. A GoFundMe has been set up to raise the $10,000 he needs for the op.

Clash Of The Champions:

AJ Styles vs Cedric Alexander for the US gold is booked for Clash.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Why SHane is MIA, Why is Slick out of WWE HOF, MMA want to sign Alum, Injury, and more...

Online heat:

Flip Morgan has angered Tama Tonga with a quip at Bullet Club's expense...

"Are they still a thing?"

Tama responded with a shot at the company he works for...

"Is your company?"

Ken Shamrock pops for his biggest foe:

"I'm not surprised by The Rock's success. I mean, I am in the sense of how he took off and the opportunities he got. I knew he was talented and he was going to do some incredible things in pro wrestling. But what I didn't know is that he would be such a dramatic performer and character in the acting world. It is awesome to see because he is a good person and he deserves it."


NJPW have announced a special from LA for Novermber.

Raw tease:

  • Raw King of the Ring Semifinal Match becomes a Triple Threat
  • The battle of WWE's Four Horsewomen
  • Rey Mysterio returns to action against Gran Metalik
  • Cedric Alexander looks for payback against AJ Styles

Why Shane is MIA:

Shane McMahon is doing jury duty in New York.

NXT debut sells out:

NXT's first TV tapings have sold all of their tickets.

Slick talks why he is not in the WWE HOF:

"I think, that I can say with certainty, that I would be in the Hall of Fame, ahead of Teddy Long, had I not have been a part of that lawsuit. I think I still will [get into the Hall of Fame] because I know Vince... he's mad now, but as time goes by, he'll cool off, and we'll get a chance to talk, and I still believe I will be. If they never put me in there, they're still not going to take away the fact that I was very, very successful, and that my name had become a household name within wrestling circles."

MMA want Alum:

Bellator are in talks with TJ Perkins. They want him to fight for their promotion.

New book:

Hornswoggle will release his biography this week.


Drew McIntyre is benched with an unspecified injury, and will miss tonight's MSG show.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Daffney's health, NWA title change at ROH, Sabu talks WWECW, and Cody in heat...

Daffney provides health update:

"First, let me again say thank you for the love and kind thoughts ???? I wanted to update y'all as best I can on my physical health. For those interested on an update of both my physical and mental health - I'll be doing a live stream as soon as I can because I definitely need to. I went to one of the top orthopedic Dr.s at St. Joseph's Hospital on 8/27. After speaking with his PA, I waited very briefly and Dr. Jeffords came in with his cart and a monitor on it. He showed me a few images with a bright white spot next to my spine - which looked like the third picture, but it's between my C7 and T1. He sat down and said that he wouldn't waste any of my time. He had never seen anything like it and said I needed to see a neurologist asap. He put this rare diagnosis on the referral so they would get me in quicker. A perineural root sleeve cyst is found in the lower back - again like in picture #3 - but because it was up between my C7 & T1 it was unheard of. Plus, if you look it up (which believe me I've read a ton now) the patient usually only feels symptoms in the legs and that's only 1% of the time. And mine is my left arm, shoulder, hand etc. So we are all perplexed. The soonest I could get an appointment was 9/11 @ 7:30am but I'm gonna be there at 7 because this really blows. I'm in constant pain and have muscle spasms in my left shoulder, shoulder blade and bicep. My left thumb is still numb. I get sharp pains in my wrist and fingers. My neck is stiff just like it was after my surgery 2 1/2 years ago. I've been just trying to stay positive and push through until my appointment so I can find out what is going on. I love my new job @yogaworks_atlanta and I've been able to work, but sometimes it kills and then sometimes I have more feeling and there's less pain and it's not too terribly bad. It's weird. So I hope that explains my silence. Just been playing the waiting game. Literally counting down the days. Knowledge is power. I hope it's something that can be fixed easily so I can start taking some yoga classes on my days off and build back strength."


Bram and Royce Isaacs won the NWA Tag titles at an ROH show this weekend.

Sabu talks why WWECW failed:

"The first few months were fine because it went the way I thought it was where they would let us run with the ball like with the One Night Stand PPV. But it was half WWE and half us and they forced it that way like Randy Orton was on our show and I like Randy Orton, but they brought us in and said we trust you guys. But then when we did the big show we'd bring in these WWE guys so even if we did good, we would not get credit for it."

AEW apologise for controversial Cody chant:

Cody Rhodes has been receiving huge heat for chanting ''Puto'' at his rivals after a AAA match this weekend. The word has homophobic connotations. AEW today released a statement on the matter...

''Cody joined his teammates at AAA TripleMania for what he understood to be their post-match tradition in Mexico and was unaware of any negative connotations. Certainly the last thing Cody would want to do is to hurt or offend anyone, anywhere.''

Saturday, September 7, 2019

NXT still feeding big 2, HHH hands off UK?, Heat on NXT star, ODB loses business, and more...

NXT not getting wish:

Any hope NXT fans had of keeping their talent, now they have their own show, has been shot down. Raw and SmackDown will still have their pick of NXT's brightest stars, it was confirmed today.

HHH hands off UK?:

NXT UK's champion, Walter, says his dealings with HHH have been minimal since signing for the company this time last year...

"Oh yeah, they did make me feel wanted, I can't deny that. But, my conversations with Triple H have been very little so far, actually. We had a conversation when I started, but in between not much. That was really it, I'm not really a small talk guy. I don't talk to people unless I have something worth talking about or reasoning behind it. I've worked a little more with Shawn Michaels which is very helpful. Obviously, he's a very experienced guy and he's been very successful in his career. Actually, I think people often think with wrestling, the things that make the difference are major changes, but it's the very smallest of details that make a very big difference. Those people – like William Regal – they all have those little tricks in their back pocket. So it's a very good environment to be in."

He also confirmed, even an offer of a main roster spot, would not get him to move to America...

"I would go on the main roster at some point but I wouldn't move to America. Moving to America is not for me. American lifestyle is not for me. No, I couldn't imagine that. When it comes to that, I stay where I am. But, I am able to get on an airplane!"

Briscoe back:

Mark Briscoe has been cleared to return from his recent knee injury.

WWE fundraising:

WWE have launched a social media fundraiser for victims of a recent hurricane in Florida.

Angle adopts:

Kurt Angle and his wife are in Bulgaria to finalise the adoption of a new son from the country.

Heat on Riddle:

Matt Riddle's heat has gone public on social media, after he called out an unnamed NXT star for not giving him a ride to work yesterday. Tommaso Ciampa responded that the locker room would police his outburst themselves, with or without, office approval.

One Destroyed Business:

ODB's food truck burned down yesterday.

Clash Of The Champions:

Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross will put their Women's Tag gold on the line vs Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville at Clash.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Rousey gone from WWE?, Renee traded, Roman talks fake cancer battle, Kacy update, and more...

Rousey removed:

WWE have removed Ronda Rousey from their active roster, and dropped her to the Alum page.

Big  E. applauds WWE inclusion:

"I think that it's incredible, and I think it's also reflective of what you see in media as a whole now, more representation across lines, not just in our industry but elsewhere. And I think the problem is a lot of times people bristle at the mere mention of race or representation or feminism or whatever minority group there is that's trying to have a voice in media, people don't even want to have that discussion. But I think for Kofi to be the first African-born champion I think is such an incredible feat. And also Becky Lynch and Ronda and Charlotte being able to close WrestleMania, to have the women close the biggest show of the year, is also pretty incredible. So I think it's a discussion that we just need to be open to. And I guess I don't really consider myself one for politics but I just think having this discourse and being able to talk about these things and being open to these things I think is big, so I'm glad we're doing a better job with that in our industry and I hope we continue to grow."

Renee traded?:

Renee Young is expected to be moved to SmackDown in time for the shows move to Fox in October.

WWE support campaign:

Paige and the Bella's are joining an awareness campaign to warn young girls about the dangers of over sharing on social media. Paige talked about the effect her leaked sex tape had on her. She said she needed hours of therapy and suffered hair loss, an eating issue and permanent emotional scars.

Roman addresses fake cancer believers:

Roman Reigns has spoken to a UK charity about the belief of some fans, that his cancer battle was an elaborate storyline by WWE. You can read his interview on the online publication of the charities monthly newsletter, here.

Should Kacy stay, or should she go:

Ricochet has addressed his lady love's (Kacy Catanzarro) WWE status. He denied she is injured, but did concede she may not wrestle again...

"I don't know. She's very family-oriented and she wants kids, so she doesn't know if being on the road so much is for her. For me, I'm already too deep—I'm on the road all the time. She loves wrestling and she loves it here, and she's so good at it, so it's a very tough decision for her."

WWE cancel shows:

WWE have axed a live for Kentucky, scheduled for October, and this weekends show in Canada, due to severe weather in the area.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Champ reunited with gold, Major creative shakeup in WWE, Flair vs Lynch, Linda backs HOF'er, and more...

Carmella ill:

Carmella has revealed that she has had to slow down her WWE career in the past month, because she had a health scare over the summer. She did not detail what it was, but says the time away has given her the opportunity to reflect and to enjoy what she has more.

Impact audition:

Scarlett Bordeaux had an in in-ring tryout for WWE, at their PC today.

Champ reunited with his gold:

Chris Jericho was given the AEW title back today, after it had been recovered by police. His first defense of the gold will be vs Cody Rhodes, at the next AEW PPV.

WWE shake up creative:

Ryan Ward has been turfed out of his role as SmackDown's lead writer. Ed Koskey will swap from the red version of the role, with 205's Jonathan Baeckstrom getting the huge promotion to lead the red team's creative output. Chad Barbash has taken his old role with the cruisers.

Some issues leading to this are, the botching of the Roman Reigns / Erick Rowan stories and Michael Hayes finding members of the blue team asleep after Vince demanded they re-write a recent episode from scratch on the day.

Ric Flair addresses lawsuit vs WWE:

And revealed his daughter is furious with him...

"I'm glad that I'm having this opportunity to clear the air. When I first saw this thing go down in August 2018, I thought, 'Cool, 'The Man' - my gimmick - versus my daughter, Charlotte.' Okay, that's the day it started, right after SummerSlam. I thought, cool. I said, 'I'm going to make some money; it's my trademark and they have it to use.' I've been saying it since 1981. So I got my worded statement, I sent WWE's lawyer a text and the lawyer, who just has no respect for me whatsoever which is something I'm not going to deal with much longer, he said, 'You're wrong. It's not even close.' I said, 'It's not even close?' So, boom, I sent him another text, he didn't respond. So I had my lawyer call him and he blew off my lawyer. This is all in 2018 or in January of '19. I told Hunter, 'Hunter, I'm going to file.' I mean, the reason they don't have the trademark, it's my understanding that it's because it's too close to mine... I told Hunter, 'Hey, if push comes to shove, I'm going to file for it.' I mean, I get it, but here's the deal: I love Becky Lynch, and no one has supported the women's division more than me as an outsider. As a matter of fact, I told the guys that I would have texted Becky last night and Sasha, but I'm sure Becky - I don't know what the WWE's spin has been to her. They stole it last night. It's funny, my daughter is so mad at me because I filed, not even understanding that it's not Becky. I have no beef with Becky. But here's the deal: when I almost died two years ago, one person stayed by me the whole time for 31 days in ICU, 12 days while I was dying on a respirator, and I'm going to take care of her and her family, and my family that has taken care of me, no matter what. I don't care what the WWE thinks of me personally; I know they love me, but obviously they have lost respect for me. If I don't win, and even if I won, Becky can have it all day long. I'm glad! But I want the company to pay me for it because I'm going to take care of my family. I am going to be 'The Man', and if I don't get it, you know what my tombstone will say? 'He died trying to be The Man'."

WWE cancel tryouts:

WWE cancelled their PC tryout this week, due to the threat of a hurricane in Florida.

Shawn Spears talks motivation for getting out of WWE:

"I take great pride in being able to work with anybody. Whether it be a brand-new talent, whether it be someone who has been in wrestling for four or five years, or even 15 to 20, I take pride in being able to cover the spectrum when it comes down to match preparation and execution. But that can also pigeonhole you, and I was pigeonholed for quite a long time. On one hand, I was very reliable when WWE needed something done. I was there and I got it done, but at the same time I couldn't break through the glass ceiling that seemed to be placed over my head. Now, that has changed. I have taken my career into my own hands, been given an opportunity to be on a worldwide platform with no restrictions. Now, this is all on me. Now there's no more "Oh, well, maybe you are being held back or it's not him it's creative." I want all that out of the way, I want everything to fall on my shoulders now. Regardless of what happens, when I'm seventy years old, I can look back and say that I did this the way I wanted to, on my terms, and I gave it everything I got."

PC newcomers:

King Cuerno and former Mexican footabller Edgar Lopez have signed for WWE.

Killer Kross vs Impact:

Killer Kross has now hired an attorney to deal with his contract dispute vs Impact.

Linda backs HOF'er:

Linda McMahon has donated over $350,000 to Donald Trump's rer-election campaign.

Kacy not gone yet:

Reports Kacy Catanzarro is leaving NXT due to a back injury earlier in the week, have not yet come to fruition, she is still to hand in her notice, and is still contracted.

Noah star to Impact:

Naomichi Marufuji is coming to Bound For Glory.

WWE on TV:

Byron Saxton has appeared on 'Dr. Phil' to support a friend.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Stolen belt found, KOTR, Impact facing lawsuit, New champs, and more...

AEW stolen belt:

Some sites are reporting that AEW have a second World title belt, others, that they will not have their championship, when they debut on TV.

Whichever story is true, it was made moot, by the police in Tallahassee, who have found the belt. It was left at the side of a road. Chris Jericho has received some heat in relation to the belt going bye-bye. He did not report the belt missing, to police or company, for two hours.

There have been no arrests, as yet, but investigations continue.

King Of The Ring:

Elias and Chad Gable have progressed to the semi final round of this years KOTR.

Clash Of The Champions:

Roman vs Rowan is booked for the next WWE PPV. Lince Dorado has joined the Cruiserweight title match.

Impact to be sued by rostered star:

Impact are bracing themselves for a lawsuit from Killer Kross. The issue goes back to Slammiversary, when the promotion wanted him to blade, he refused, and the company had to frantically source fake blood for his match vs Eddie Edwards. Since then the company have been refusing to book him, and he is growing frustrated. He wants to be compensated for his wasted time.

New champs:

Bo Dallas, Drake Maverick and R-Truth won the 24/7 gold last night.

WWE ad:

WWE are asking fans to submit videos via social media, using the hashtag ''SpeakWWE'' and their favourites will be collated into an ad for the company.

KO explains why he missed SD:

Kevin Owens says he missed his flight to SmackDown this week because he did not want to leave his family alone and in the path of a hurricane. He tried to get a flight, after he knew the danger had passed, but it was too late.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

I deserve HOF, KOTR controversy, Heel turn, AEW title stolen, and more...

Shamrock deserves HOF:

Ken Shamrock says he should be in the WWE HOF, because he changed the game...

"You know, there is a lot of speculation, and I have my own thoughts too. But all they are are thoughts and speculation because no one has come out and made a statement... They've been asked, but nobody's [responded]. I'd like to think that someday, I'll get in. Hopefully sooner than later. I think I did enough. If you look at being a Hall of Famer, it is about changing the way people have to do things when you're in the ring. You look at it now - you know, nobody ever tapped out. It was a verbal, 'I give up!' There were a handful of submission holds. Now, it is in every single match, people are doing different kinds of submissions with ankles, arms, and chokes, and different things. In my time there, I changed the landscape of professional wrestling. To me, I should be the first one... If they are going to induct someone that is a cross-over from MMA to pro wrestling, I should be the first one that goes in."

King Of The Ring:

Baron Corbin is in the final 4 of KOTR. The other Raw qualifier wass up in the air after a confused result of Samoa Joe vs Ricochet, before it was decided that both men would advance into a triple threat semi final.

Fug your hugs:

Bayley turned heel on Raw last night.

Clash Of The Champions:

Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks for the red Women's is official.

Sheamus hopes to return:

"If they (WWE) ever let me back in there. The funny thing is, when I was with Cesaro, which was one of the funnest times of my career, tagging with Cesaro and with The Bar, it's funny in tag team wrestling, you go in there 100 miles an hour, 'alright, fella, you get in there! I need to get a breath!' and he'll tag himself in. And, of course, Tony would never run out of breath, it would just be me, so I would have to tag myself back in. But yeah, it'd be interesting to see. I'd love to find out how much better my wind is ring-wise."

SD teaser:

  • Ali clashes with Elias in King of the Ring quarterfinal action
  • Chad Gable battles Andrade in King of the Ring Quarterfinal showdown
  • Will Roman Reigns apologize to Daniel Bryan?
  • Will Kofi Kingston be out for payback after Orton's vicious attack?
  • What will be the fallout of Bayley's shocking attack on Becky Lynch?

HHH talks Wednesday night wars:

"Yeah, look... to me it's not... I don't know. People can say what they want, how they want. I don't approach it as, 'Well, this is a competitive thing,' or it's anything else to me, it's... we just put on our shows. I'm going to put on our shows when we need to put them on, in the best places we need to put them, in the right timeslots for them, and with the best talent that I can find in the world, and that we have, and we already have them, I'm confident in that. When I look across the board at NXT in general, and at NXT in the UK here, we put on show after show of the highest caliber. Not one match or two matches, the entire shows. For me it's not competitive against anyone or anything, I just want to put on the best show possible for fans of NXT, for the fans here in Cardiff tonight, for the fans around the world, that's all this is. You know, it's funny because a few years ago we were doing this and doing the same kind of thing, and wowing people, and there wasn't competitors out there, and I guess we were just doing it for competitive reasons, to compete with ourselves."

WWE get Batista new gig:

Batista is a playable character on Gears Of War 5, thanks to WWE, who campaigned to get him the spot.

Knockout on the run:

Rhaka Kahn is on this weeks 10 most wanted fugitives list in El Paso, Texas. No word on what her alleged crimes are.

AEW World title belt stolen:

Chris Jericho's World title belt has been stolen in Florida. The incident happened while he was eating at a steak house. The exact details are confused, but it seems Jericho inadvertently collected the wrong luggage from the airport, so sent his limo driver back to pick his correct bags up, but when he got there, there was one less bag than they should have been, the one with the gold.