Saturday, March 5, 2016

Today's News


TNA are asking potential financial backers to help grow their brand and product. They are promising 50 shows a year, and will also have some ''Semi'' live broadcasts, which will air the same day as it was taped, but will not be live.

WWE book title change for Indy league?:

Matt Riddle recently met with Triple H about joining up with NXT. He was told that he will get there soon. That may be later this month, as William Regal told him at Evolve's last show that he would need to win their title first. He has an opportunity to do so on March 19.


More details on the proposed GFW TV show have emerged. The show will be a reality show, with 13 episodes. Indie stars would audition, then compete on a weekly wrestling TV show, which would be judged by industry experts, one of whom is rumoured to be James E. Cornette, and a wrestler would be cut from the cast each week. The idea has met with a luke warm reaction from indie promotions, but there is a buzz from indie wrestlers, who like the idea of being involved.

A ''Major'' network is said to be in talks to host the show.

Shinsuke Nakamura:

Nakamura has signed a three year WWE deal.

WWE delay:

Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson will not now debut this month, as was planned. WWE feel it would be better to have them debut after Mania, so the impact of their appearance is not lost in the hype of the biggest show of the year.


Rhyno says Vince McMahon is very proud of his decision to move into politics, and that he, his company, and his family would help him however he needed it. He also said he is not backing Donald Trump for President, and that he is backing John Kasich.

Bruising weekend for WWE:

Charlotte (Suspected Broken Nose), Sheamus (Bust open), Emma (Stinger), and Tommasso Ciampa (Shoulder) were all injured on this weekends WWE live tour.

TE debut:

Sara Lee worked her first singles match over the weekend.

Hogan prepares:

Hulk Hogan's court case against Gawker starts on Monday.

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