Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Today's News

Ken Shamrock:

Ken Shamrock tested positive for Methadone and the steroid Nandrolone at a recent MMA event.

Marathon Mania:

WWE have told their broadcasters of WrestleMania that they should schedule a 5-20 minute over-run into the running time of the event.

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton will make a rare appearance on WWE duty next month. He is going to Dubai for a three day comic con.

WrestleMania 32:

Natalya, Alicia Fox, Brie Bella & Paige vs Tamina Snuka, Naomi, Lana & A Mystery Partner has been added to the card, as has an Intercontinental Championship ladder match. Kevin Owens will defend vs Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Stardust, Zack Ryder, Sin Cara and Sami Zayn.

Zack Ryder is the beneficiary of Neville's ill fortune. He is taking the spot that was penciled in for the Geordie, who is out of Mania with injury. I am absolutely thrilled for Zack. His WWE career thus far has been an excersize in frustration, despite being (During one period in particular) hugely over with fans. His too rare appearances on the big shows, have been too brief, 30 seconds in the Rumble, or battle royal, or lost in multi man matches, but finally the opportunity he has been waiting for has emerged... go get 'em Zack.

Kane and Big Show have joined the pre show battle royal.

Terry Funk was the second hardcore legend to donate an iconic weapon to Dean Ambrose. He recalled his infamous Chainsaw Charlie days on Raw last night, before giving the weapon that earned him the monicker in 1998 to Ambrose, for him to use vs Brock Lesnar.

Vince McMahon announced that The Undertaker's career is on the line vs Shane McMahon. Should Shane do the seemingly impossible to win, 'Taker would never be allowed to wrestle at WrestleMania again.

Raw tribute:

WWE aired a tribute for a young woman at the start of Raw last night. Mary Stewart was the daughter of a long time WWE cameraman, and recently died aged just 22. She had fallen from a cliff during a run, and after being lowered into a rescue boat was killed when the boat, carrying her and six firemen, capsized. The rescue workers were able to swim to safety, but she was already badly hurt, and could not save herself. A coroner stated she died of blunt force injuries, meaning the fall was likely the ultimate cause of her death, despite the boat incident

Hall Of Fame:

Stan Hansen's HOF induction video...

Vader has been named as his inductor.

Post show breakdown:

Luke Harper suffered a serious knee injury and Braun Strowman was assaulted by a fan during the post Raw dark match last night. Braun was taking a moment to rest near the barrier when a fan in the front row grabbed him by the back of the head and delivered an uppercut, Braun pointed the guy out and had him removed by security. Harper's leg buckled under him very early in the match, and he sat outside the ring, on the floor, in clear pain. He was helped to the back by Wyatt and Braun at the close of the bout.

TNA talent fear for future:

The walkouts of Bobby Roode and Eric Young left a vacuum at the past TNA tapings. Many talent are said to have expressed concern for the future direction of the promotion, and morale was at an all time low.

Young to WWE:

Eric Young has admitted WWE NXT is a possible direction for him, as he followed Bobby Roode in explaining why he left TNA...

"For me, it's twelve years and, sometimes, it's time to move on. I'm not saying it's because I wasn't fulfilled with what I was doing there or the people I was working with. It just became time. I'm not a 'dirt' guy or 'drag people through the mud'. TNA's been my home for twelve years. They allowed me to make a pretty good living in professional wrestling for twelve years and I wish them all the luck. Things don't end because they're good. People don't get divorced because they're having an amazing love life and still love each other and things are great. Things end because they're not the way they're supposed to be. Things weren't the way they're supposed to be for me in my opinion, so it was time for me to step away and do something else. What that's going to be, I don't have any idea. It's terrifying and exciting and there's lots of stuff up in the air with wrestling. There's some big stuff kind of in the works for television stuff for me right now that I can't talk about contractually. It's terrifying - I'm 36 years old and I'm unemployed for the first time in my life. It's pretty crazy."

Charlotte works sick:

Charlotte worked this weeks TV's despite being ill with flu.

WWE change creative direction:

WWE are looking to hire creative writers on short term contracts of no more than five months.  They want people with a proven track record in films and TV, who can write wrestling angles that cover drama, soap style storylines, sitcom humour, and action.


Sting has revealed to WWE that he hoped to wrestle The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32 this year, and that he would have announced his retirement after the match. He admitted disappointment that injury has cost him that, but said he would be satisfied with his career if the match did not now happen, as he had achieved so much. He did though say that fans should always expect the unexpected, and that he would never say never about a future match.

He also said the WWE HOF induction is a pretty good second prize.

WWE Alum to TV:

Eve Torres is to appear in 'Supergirl.'

Hogan on TV:

Hulk Hogan will be on 'The View' this week, to talk about his recent court case victory.


X-Pac was backstage at Raw last night.

A fan dressed as Paul Bearer got social media buzzing with his ''Bring back Titus'' sign.

Tribute pulled:

WWE have shelved their Daniel Bryan tribute. The celebration set for March 25 has been cancelled due to a ''Scheduling conflict.'' There may be something to this, as Bryan has been pulled from all his upcoming dates, including the post Mania UK tour, bar Mania Axxess on April 3.

WWE would only say they have given Daniel some time off, in a terse one line statement.

WWE awarded:

WWE's Connor's Cure charity was awarded a 'Shorty' last night.

JBL foe dies:

Former mayor of Toronto, Canada Rob Ford, has died aged 46. He and JBL had an on screen spat during his colourful, and controversial mayorship, which ended in 2014.

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