Friday, March 18, 2016

Today's News

Steph on TV:

Stephanie McMahon has taped an appearance on the Rachel Ray show.

Roman burns fan:

This is a little NSFW, so if you are sensitive to that kind of thing...

A fan attacked Roman Reigns on social media last night. He said he hated the WWE man, and would break all of his own fingers if Roman ever won the WWE title again. Roman replied with...

''Looks like your sex life is going to struggle.''

Eat outta Cena:

A Reddit user has discovered a Mexican burger bar named after John Cena. He entered to find meals named after a number of WWE stars past and present.

Joey Ryan talks WWE:

"They kept inviting me back so there was interest at some point. But it's not like how it is today where you have NXT and they're building that brand and they're using a lot of smaller guys. The times I was there they would pretty much tell me 'we're really not looking for guys your size right now but we like you and we'll invite you back next time.' They were land of the giants more at that time, now especially with NXT, they are evolving to have more cruiserweights. It's good for the guys coming in now and I'm happy going what I'm doing, I love Lucha Underground."

Y2J on TV:

Chris Jericho presented the weather for the Weather network yesterday.

Austin pops for NXT man:

Stone Cold says he is excited with the teased promotion of Enzo, Big Cass and Carmella. He particularly singled Cassady out for praise, saying he has what it takes to make a mark in WWE.

Cesaro returning soon:

WWE Europe are advertising Cesaro for the post WrestleMania European tour, and adverts in the Netherlands boast his return to the ring, after an injury lay off, will happen in their country.

New baby:

Davey Richards and Angelina Love of TNA gave birth to a baby boy today, their first child together.

TNA special:

TNA have taped a knockouts One Night Only, called 'Knockout Knockdown'.


Jade won the Knockouts title at the event.

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley will take Superstar Billy Graham's spot at WWE WrestleMania Axxess.

NXT snubbed:

WWE officials are angry that the NXT special was not included in a promotional ad for next months WrestleMania week festivities in Texas. The overlook is being taken as a deliberate snub by the office.

WrestleMania 32:

WrestleMania will be on air for seven hours, on the WWE Network. An extended two hour pre show, 4 hours for the main event, and an hour long post show fallout, recapping the nights events.

The kick off will also air on the USA network.

WWE kill YouTube show:

Tyler Breeze has been told to take down his personal YouTube channel, and the videos he had created for it will be re-uploaded to the WWE account. This is the same thing WWE did with the massively popular Zack Ryder show, and Ryder now openly says he regrets allowing WWE to take over the show, as they killed it.

UK special dropped:

WWE says the NXT UK special in September will not now be aired on the WWE Network, and will be a live event only.

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