Saturday, March 12, 2016

Today's News

Austin Aries reveals why he signed with WWE:

"Frankly, it's the only thing I haven't done in my career. I've accomplished every goal I've set out to. I've traveled the world, I've competed in just about every promotion there is. The last mountain to climb was the one that resides in the WWE Universe. I'm excited to get that opportunity. The NXT brand is as hot as any brand in wrestling, and I'm excited to be a part of it."

He also revealed a back up plan for his recent WWE debut. He asked Bayley to come out and save him, by giving him a hug, if the crowd did not know who he was. 

WWE Alum fails drugs test:

Ken Shamrock and MMA great Kimbo Slice failed drugs tests at the last Bellator show. Both men were involved in controversy at the card before this news, after Ken suffered a low blow to cost him a fight, and Kimbo's opponent was almost killed during their fight. They have both been handed 90 day bans, as a matter of course, but face an increase in that ban when they go before the officials.

This will cost Shamrock a match vs fellow WWE old boy Dan The Beast Severn. WCW old boy Tank Abbott has been given that fight in his stead.

Fan petition:

Wrestling fans in Colombus, Ohio have launched a petition to get a statue of Macho Man Randy Savage installed in the town. Savage was born in the area.

Last WrestleMania:

Kane has confessed that this years Mania might be his last, but added that as long as he is healthy and having fun he will stick around.

He went on to discuss his legacy...

"I would like to be remembered as the guy who worked hard every night and set an example for the other guys in the locker room, and girls in the locker room. This is what a WWE superstar is supposed to do, this is how they're supposed to act, this is how they're supposed to treat the job, this is how they're supposed to treat the WWE universe. More so than anything, I think that's how I'd like to be remembered."

JR debut nixed:

Jim Ross was set to call his first boxing match tonight, but the event has been called off.

Unlikely star reason for fall out:

Triple H and Vince McMahon's tensions are reportedly not over the return of Shane McMahon, but are really because of the main roster treatment of... Tyler Breeze. HHH is angry that one of NXT's finest has been treated so badly since stepping up, and is worried that big names coming in, and going through, NXT will be reluctant to make the move, which flies in the face of what he hopes to achieve with NXT, and for the future of WWE.


Charlotte vs Natalya for the Diva's title has been added to tonight's Network special.


Aliyah was hurt on Friday night, and had to be helped to the back, after taking a moonsalt badly. She was ''Knocked loopy.''

John Cena:

WWE are giving copies of John Cena's new book, which will be released next month, away early. To enter their competition visit their social media sites.

NXT man fails to make cut:

WWE announced that Adrian Jaoude would represent Brazil at this summers Olympics. They did not however mention that he would have to go through national qualifiers first. He did so this week, but failed to make it through the selection procedure.

New Japan cup:

Tetsuya Naito won the New Japan cup this morning. WWE Alum Camacho debuted at the event.

Gangrel talks WWE issues over his ring name:

"They messed up when they put that name on me and it was copyright written with White Wolf. So they had to lease the name from them for five years. So when the lease was up, I was up. Mentioning the Raw 15th Anniversary when I went back to do that it sparked a big thing where White Wolf had sold the name to somebody else and they tried to sue WWE for five million dollars for the 15th Anniversary show. When it all went to court it turned out when the judge hit the gavel he said that the guy who has been wrestling as Gangrel for the last fifth-teen years, he's Gangrel. There are so many different licenses that WWE won't touch the name Gangrel or mention it. You will see in the WWE Encyclopedia they changed the name to David Heath. Anytime they mention doing something it takes two weeks of lawyers to run things through. That's why you won't see me doing Legends contracts. I don't know how THQ got me in that game a few years back and maybe because they knew they were going out of business and they were going bankrupt anyway that they didn't care because the company was folding. It was like their one off "FU" to everybody."


Jerry Lawler wrestled, and beat, X-Pac in an NBA game's half time show in Memphis this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Lawler and X-Pax only got five or six minutes to wrestle, but the Memphis crowd was definitely into it! Scott Hall and Jerry Lawler were (kayfabe) arguing back and forth throughout the game. Lance Russell and Dave Brown (Memphis Announce Team) were there, Jimmy Hart, Koko B. Ware, and Bill Dundee. You can tell that some of the crowd didn't care, but there were many who did!
