Sunday, March 20, 2016

Today's News

WWE / Evolve cross promotion show:

The new WWE cruiserweight Network show will be taped at Evolve, the indie league that WWE have been associating themselves with in recent months.

TNA notes:

TNA cancelled one of their TV tapings last night at short notice, but they still have enough footage in the can to carry them through until they air their recently taped knockouts PPV on April 22. The promotion are also bringing back their show 'Spin Cycle.'

TNA rocked by double loss:

Bobby Roode and Eric Young ended contract negotiations and quit TNA with immediate effect after last nights tapings. This may be why they had to drop one of the episodes. Both men signed for TNA on the same day in 2004, and have now left on the same day twelve years later.


Both men went into last nights recordings with TNA championships, but TNA decided to change that before they departed. Bram beat Eric Young to take the King Of The Mountain, and Abyss and Crazzy Steve beat Beer Money to become the new Tag champs.

TNA released a statement boasting the array of talent they still have, as they conceded losing their former World title holders, but wished them well in their futures.

Hogan vs Gawker:

Gawker have been told that even if they file an appeal they will likely have to pay a bond of $50 million. Their claims that they could not survive the loss of the court case vs Hulk Hogan have been challenged, as they earn $45 million per annum, and have a net worth of $250 million, but the company are said to be considering filing for bankruptcy. Even if they were successful in the attempt to do so, Hogan would still be able to claim whatever monies they have at the time of filing, which could still be a significant amount. Gawker's lawyers may make an offer to Hulk, to try to salvage their business, but it is unlikely that Hogan would be charitable with them, after the damage done to his life and career over this issue.

Jim Ross attempts to end lengthy feud:

Buff Bagwell has again attacked Jim Ross over his too brief WWE career in 2001, Ross is tired of the constant negativity from him, and released this comment, hoping to draw a line under it...

"Getting inquiries about a recent Mark Bagwell interview about his less than positive experience in WWE and regarding me releasing him from his WWE contract in Atlanta before a broadcast. I had a job that was challenging especially when it concerned distributing less than positive news. I had to be the 'bad cop' in this matter and was simply following orders and doing my job. I did not and do not today hold any negative feelings toward Mark. I learned long ago that it wasn't healthy for me to bring negative experiences forward. I wish Mark all the best and I am sincere in that statement."

TNA injury:

TNA's problems may have been further worsened last night. One of their top stars, Matt Hardy, was apparently injured and carried out on a stretcher by event paramedics, after a brawl with his brother Jeff. It may be kayfabe, no official word as yet.

Zayn bids farewell:

Sami Zayn worked the NXT live tour for the last time this weekend, he thanked NXT fans and said goodbye last night. The roster then spilled out to carry him around the ring, as a mark of honour.

Del Rio takes siesta:

Alberto Del Rio has been given the weekend off by WWE.


Naomi has asked for a change in her entrance for WrestleMania. She wants the lights turning down so the colour of her shoes stands out more.

Brain storm:

Lance Storm is the latest star to pledge his brain to the Chris Nowinski foundation.

Jarrett talks HOF:

Last years TNA Hall Of Famer has discussed the chances of making it a TNA / WWE double...

"That is up to one man. You can't predict a man's mind. I'll leave that up to the wrestling fans to discuss and debate and everything that goes with it."

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