Friday, March 25, 2016

Today's News

Hall Of Fame:

The reason WWE changed inductors for the Freebirds has been revealed. Michael Hayes asked for New Day to do the honours, as he is a big fan of the trio.

The Dudley Boyz will induct Jacqueline.

We're getting close:

WWE's production team have started building the set for WrestleMania 32 today.

Flair's at NBA:

Ric and Charlotte Flair were guests of honour at a New York Knicks game yesterday.


Tyler Breeze has booked the seventh of 20 spots in the Andre The Giant tribute battle royal. It will be his first taste of WrestleMania action.

WWE on TV:

WWE are going to be swamping TV with their talent this week, to promote next weekends WrestleMania, including an appearance on Conan last night by Sheamus.


Sting is continuing to downplay stories of his impending retirement announcement, and says he is very proud of his two WWE PPV level matches, despite the results going against him both times...

"Just fantastic. Awesome. Incredible. It was WrestleMania and Triple H. And a lot of fans, if I understand what you're trying to say here, sort of feel 'Are you kind of disappointed that you lost two times?' No, I'm not. I look back and say 'Wow, great opponent in Triple H. Biggest stage and platform of them all.' You know, wrestling fans remember me wrestling there. I don't think they're walking away thinking it sucked because I should have won. Maybe for a minute. But more so they'll remember that I was at WrestleMania. And then to have a world title match against Seth? Wow. I've been world champion many times, so it didn't bother me."

He also says he has no regrets about leaving his WWE debut so late, and continues to state his ambition to have a retirement match vs The Undertaker.

New champion:

El Texano Jr. has won the AAA title. The belt has been vacant since Alberto Del Rio walked out of his deal to re-join WWE late last year.

New NXT signings:

WWE have signed Australian tag team The Mighty Don't Kneel.

WrestleMania relegation:

The Dudley Boyz vs The Uso's has been dropped onto the pre show. The Uso's must be wondering if they will ever get onto the card proper, as this seems to happen to them every year. Dudleys too, they have since returning talked about their WrestleMania return, but they will be jerking the curtain on the pre show.

Rock the White House:

The Rock has expressed interest in one day running for the presidency of the United States of America.

Funaki to WWE:

Funaki will be doing Japanese commentary for the WWE Network special NXT Dallas.

WWE try to buy legendary name:

Sources in Japan have confirmed WWE tried to buy the name and logo of the Bullet Club, but apparently failed.

WWE wedding:

John Laurinaitis has married the mother of the Bella Twins.

The Danielson's:

Daniel Bryan is reportedly still on strong, and good terms with WWE, but is dealing with a health issue that will keep him away from the road for a while, however, not such positive news from his partner. Retirement must run in the family. Brie Bella has confirmed to WWE that she will retire on Raw on the night after WrestleMania. She was finalising the end of her career last week, and this was the reason she was away from TV.

Young Bucks want to change wrestling:

The Young Bucks say they want wrestlers of the future not to believe WWE is the be all and end all, and that a successful career can be had, without a spell with WWE on the CV...


"You don't need to make it with WWE to be a successful wrestler. We're trying to change that perception and prove otherwise. The last few years, we've done better financially than a lot of guys in the WWE. No one knows that, but it's possible to make a living without them. It takes a lot of hustle, but it's possible."


"Could we handle the WWE? We don't know. It's never been a real enough thing for me to even to know. Maybe one day will come and then I'll know how I feel about it. But if they want to make money, then the WWE is missing out by not having us. We are a proven draw without the WWE machine behind us."

WWE debut:

Money In The Bank will eminate from the brand new T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas in June.

AJ styles debut:

AJ Styles will make his Madison Square Garden debut tonight.

Diva returning:

Nikki Bella will be on Raw next week. She may be coming back to take the last spot on team Brie for WrestleMania, as it will be her sisters last match, but she will have to sit on the apron, as she is still rehabbing her neck injury.


A naked picture of former WCW champ Vader was posted to Twitter today. He blamed his now former girlfriend.


Sunny's court case has been delayed again, and will now be heard in May.

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