Sunday, February 8, 2015

Today's News

Bella Twins:

Brie and Nikki Bella have today credited the work John Cena and Daniel Bryan have done with them, for their rise to the top of the women's division.

Legends on King:

Diamond Dallas Page, Jake The Snake Roberts and Scott Hall have been interviewed by Larry King about the DDP produced documentary on the life of WWE Hall Of Famer Jake The Snake.

Landmark for Jericho:

Chris Jericho has proudly announced his podcast has broken through the 50 million download barrier, currently standing at 53 million.

WWE man at awards show:

David Otunga accompanies his wife Jennifer Hudson to the Grammy's this weekend.

Wrestlers in movies:

Tommy Dreamer and Kevin Nash have filmed their scenes for ''Blue Line'', and RVD is currently in Florida, taping a shark movie.


Hideo Itami vs Tyler Breeze has been added to the next NXT special.

WWE star big in New York:

Titus O'Neill is currently the star of a New York City billboard. He is featured on an ad for a US government fatherhood campaign.

Live returns:

Randy Orton and Bo Dallas returned to the road for this weekends live tour.

Legend to MMA:

Glory have made an approach, via Twitter, to WWE and WCW legend Goldberg. They hope he will agree to fight for them. Goldberg said if they gave him plenty of time to prepare, he would be open to the idea of signing up.

TNA star wins major title:

Santana Garrett won the NWA Women's Championship this week.

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