Thursday, February 19, 2015

Today's News

New book:

WWE Hall Of Famer Pat Patterson has started working on his biography.

Hall Of Fame:

Michael Hayes, who along with the original Fabulous Freebirds will be inducted into the Pro Wrestling Hall Of Fame this year, also expects WWE Hall Of Fame induction, next year, and he wants your input. He wants fans opinions on whether WWE should include Jimmy Garvin in the induction, as they do on their alumni page, or if they should enshrine only the three originals, himself, Terry Gordy, and Buddy Roberts.

Controversial NXT star to be debuted:

Zahra Schreiber, the other woman in the Seth Rollins sex scandal, is to be paired with Baron Corbin, on NXT TV.

TNA scandal:

TNA star Davey Richards' girlfriend has furiously scalded her partner, after she found out he is also dating fellow TNA star Angelina Love.


Eddie Edwards has suffered a broken heel, he faces a lengthy recovery, which could potentially have an impact on his personal life, as he is to get married soon.

Chyna lied

X-Pac says Chyna invented her accusations of domestic abuse at the hands of Triple H. She once told him the same story, but later admitted it was untrue. He also recited a number of other fabrications she told him, such as her being raped during her college years, and false accusations she made against him, since they parted.


Kid Kash has announced he will retire at the end of 2015, after one more tour of the world.

Hall Of Famer sells ring:

Andullah The Butcher has again put his WWE Hall Of Fame ring up for sale, he needs funds to deal with his health issues.

Legend rips Vince:

Bobby Fulton has attacked Vince McMahon today...

"Vince sure is ripped. He's a master of ripping people off, like all the wrestlers like me from the territory days. He stole our likeness, who we are, and our intellectual property of our matches. WWE has admitted they don't have any of our signed releases most don't get a dime for DVD's sold in major stores world wide and online or The WWE Network. Come on Vince really man up pay up. Scott Ammon said you paid a lot for libraries of video from World Class, Mid South, UWF and other regions. Please share this and let WWE know its time to pay up!. If you buy an album from the 70s or 80s the artist and song writers are still paid. Even though the work was done decades ago. Same with movies and TV shows. So why not pay the wrestlers of my era for the DVDs of our work that are being sold in major retail stores world wide? A select few are being paid. Why not all of us? If they feel we are important enough to be on those DVDs and The Network then we should be important enough to have a fair share for everyone. I'm not bitter. I had a great career. Not all of us ended up like Randy The Ram even though they try to make you think that. I have been successful in other business ventures. I like many others have had life after wrestling. We are only asking for it to be fair across the board. If wrestler A is being paid for videos of matches against wrestler B. Should not wrestler B also be paid? Fair is Fair."

WWE sued by dead stars wife:

Cassandra Frazier, Viscera's widow,  has joined the lawsuit against WWE, from former stars. She claims Nelson's concussions were the primary cause of his death...

''He passed away due to the effect of concussions and other injuries from his WWE career. Nelson suffered symptoms of concussions, sub-concussions, CTE, disfiguring scar tissue, head trauma, confusion, disorientation, short-term memory loss, difficulty performing basic tasks, severe migraines and sever depression, along with other serious complications."

She has cited 9 criteria she wants reparations for, they are negligence, negligent misrepresentation, intentional misrepresentation, fraudulent concealment, vicarious liability, fraud by omission or failure to warn, punitive damages, wrongful death and loss of consortium by herself.

WWE have released a statement in response...

"WWE has not been served with a lawsuit by Cassandra Frazier. If served, we will vigorously contest this lawsuit brought by the same lawyers who have been soliciting people to sue WWE without merit."

WWE star to present Oscar:

The Rock will award an Oscar at this weekends ceremony. The category he will award has not yet been decided.

Vince McMahon interview:

On favourite WrestleMania moment...

“WrestleMania III in front of what was the largest indoor attendance record- 93,000 people at the Silverdome in suburban Detroit. When Hulk Hogan slammed Andre the Giant. I think that’s been the biggest moment thus far.”

On beating the WrestleMania attendance record...

“I think there’s a good opportunity with an announcement we’ll make soon.”

On WWE's future, after he dies...

“Our future from a corporate standpoint is extremely strong because we have so many talented executives, and they all bring different strengths to the table. Steph and Paul (Triple H) will certainly have significant roles going forward. I think when I kick, the organization is going to change, and I think for the better, because there’s no one person who can do all that I can do because of my background. There’s no one individual who’s going to take my place.”

On his all time favourite star...

“That would be Undertaker because of his loyalty, his longevity, and his extraordinary commitment to his character. We have lots of fun creating fun. [Superstars] try to crack each other up from time to time, and we all have tried to get Undertaker to break character, and we can’t do it. He is such a professional and an extraordinary human being behind the character. He’s committed to his craft and has worked through his injuries.”


Rhyno is sticking around it seems. He has been added to the NXT roster on the WWE site. Solomon Crowe has also been profiled.

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