Thursday, February 5, 2015

Today's News

Shawn Michaels interview:

Shawn Michaels has discussed some of the controversial moments of his career...

On The Kliq...

"People's dislike for us was palpable. So it was our adamant decision to feed into that even more. There were times when the wrestling narrative -- the inside the business narrative -- seemed so silly, and we made a decision never to glad-hand and take the heat off ourselves. We found the decision to add heat on top of us and make it worse was pretty amusing, and that's what we always decided to do."

On Montreal...

"I don't think anyone would have swayed Bret's decision-making. But if Kevin and Scott were still there, and I still had my friends, it would have prevented the entire thing from getting as out of hand as it did. Bret and I were friends, but we were young and we made bad decisions. We couldn't see outside the wrestling business. It was the end-all, be-all. You were in that box constantly, so that's all you thought about. It affects your decision-making."

On WrestleMania 14, and Taker's threats to deal with him...

"Back then, Mark didn't like me. But at no time has he ever claimed that he said anything to the face of Shawn Michaels, and that's because he didn't. Mark went to everybody and told them, 'If this doesn't go down the way it should, I'm going to have a big problem and Shawn is going to have a big problem. I'll go over there and beat the heck out of him.' But he never had to say anything to me. My whole intention at WrestleMania XIV was to drop the belt to Steve, but I was going to make everybody sweat it out and make them think I wasn't. Obviously, I got that accomplished. That's extremely unprofessional, but that's exactly who I was and what I was doing."


Baron Corbin vs Bull Dempsey, No DQ, has been added to the next NXT special.

Tag champ Buddy Murphy has declared his pride at breaking new ground in WWE...

"This isn't just an accomplishment for me but for my home country. This title makes me the first Australian-born Superstar to ever hold a WWE championship."


Wade Barrett suffered a facial injury at this weeks TV's.

Hall Of Fame:

Lanny Poffo has confirmed in an interview that he will go to the Hall Of Fame ceremony to accept his brother, Randy Savage's induction, despite saying he would not do so in the past. He however says he will make a very brief statement of no more than five minutes, as he was disturbed by fan treatment of inductees in the past. He also promises one more ''Oh Yeah''.

UFC men to Mania?:

Chael Sonnen says WWE have invited him, and fellow cage fighter Wanderlei Silva to WrestleMania, to play a role in the show. That role is not currently confirmed, but it is rumoured WWE want to put them through some basic training, before having a special feature match between the two men, or a mixed wrestling / shoot fighting tag match at the show.

It should be noted that WWE are denying contacting either man.

Alum retired:

Raven says he considers himself retired, as he does not recognise the sport any more...

"I am kind of retired and I like it. You'll have to pay me a lot if you are going to get me off my couch. It's just not the same It's worse in my opinion. It's interesting there is probably a higher level of athleticism than there has ever been but it is much less interesting which is why wrestling is sports entertainment, not just a sport. The story telling isn't there."


TNA's viewing figures show they have a much older fan base than many other wrestling promotions. Their fan base peaks at the 40 - 50 year old demographic, with the average viewer being a 46 year old male.

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