Thursday, February 12, 2015

Today's News


Kevin Owens and Sasha Banks won their respective gender titles at the NXT special last night, and Finn Balor earned a shot at Owens newly won belt.

WWE searching:

WWE are on the look out for a 6 foot+ bi-lingual hispanic star, who already has the physique they like, as they will fast track the wrestler to the main roster.

Hall Of Famer working on new signing:

Gerald Brisco is arranging meetings for the WrestleMania weekend, between UFC star Chael Sonnen, and Kevin Dunn. The plan is for him to join the announce team, but he would likely be put through wrestling training, so they have the option to put him in the ring now and again.

Stinger ringer:

The man that portrayed Sting on Raw this week was indy star Cody Hawk.


Bray Wyatt suffered a bust nose this week, but has not missed any ring time.

WWE Network:

WWE have announced they now have 1.4 million subscribers, and will extend the Network to the Middle East and Africa, as well as giving Canadian fans, who subscribe via Rogers, a free trial of the channel.

JR's new venture:

Jim Ross is in talks to call the Daytona 500 motor race.


TNA are in talks with AAA, hoping to secure a new talent exchange deal.

WWE business:

Blackrock, an investment firm have bought 1,789,853 WWE shares, making them WWE's second largest external shareholder, behind Morgan Stanley.

Sami Zayn:

Sami Zayn is now in Abu Dhabi, for the Middle East tour.


Batista is rumoured to be involved in a new Highlander movie.

He also appears in some behind the scenes footage of the new James Bond movie, currently shooting in Austria.

Worst PPV ever:

WWE TLC suffered the worst buy rate in WWE history, beating December To Dismember from 2006, with 39,000 buyers.

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