Friday, February 27, 2015

Today's News

ECW star slams WWE man as racist:

Angel Medina says of Zeb Colter...

"I can't say we don't get along; I just don't like the motherf—er. I heard he got hurt when he was on Raw. F—k him. I hope he broke his back. I hope he can't walk.... He's a racist piece of sh-t and I'll tell him to his face. The next time I see him, I don't care if it's Tennessee, the Hall of Fame, or at his own funeral, I'm going to punch him in his f—ing mouth and stomp a mud hole in his a$$. He knows if he sees me, he's going to sh-t a brick. He knows I'm not hiding it on the Internet. I'm not hiding it on radio talk shows. So he's hearing this and he's listening in right there in Tennessee, drinking his f—ing moonshine… spitting it out… 'Oh sh-t! he's coming to get me, son!.'"

WWE countdown:

WWE have spent today visiting the Google, Twitter and Facebook HQ's, as part of their 31 to 31 WrestleMania countdown.

Rey Mysterio:

WWE have confirmed Rey Mysterio is no longer a WWE talent. His contract expires at the end of this month. Konnan is working on his first dates externally of WWE, with the first likely being the AAA show on March 15.

WrestleMania 31:

Bad News Barrett will defend the Intercontinental Championship in a multi man ladder match at WrestleMania, his opponents are to be confirmed, but will likely include Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose and R-Truth.

Two new names have been announced for the Battle Royal...
  • Fandango
  • Adam Rose

Ring Of Honor:

Samoa Joe will be guest of honour at the 13th anniversary show for ROH this weekend. TNA have confessed to low roster morale in the wake of his TNA departure.

WWE man crashes TV show:

Seth Rollins made an appearance on Jon Stewart's Daily Show, Stewart will return the favour on Raw next week...

New Alumnus:

After making an appearance on NXT TV this week, WWE have given The Brian Kendrick an official WWE Alumni profile.

They have also listed a number of other former stars they would like to see come in to work with the NXT talent...

  1. Chris Masters
  2. Tajiri
  3. Shelton Benjamin
  4. Victoria
  5. Jason Albert (Tensai)
  6. Carlito
  7. Michelle McCool
  8. John Morrison

Mr. Kennedy talks why his WWE career fell off the rails:

"Another one of the things that frustrated me was everything that brought me to the dance in the first place, I was told to stop doing all that stuff. 'Do it this way, don't do it that way. What you're doing is wrong.' I did it on Smackdown for a couple years. Taker, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Bob Holly, Chris Benoit, Kane, Booker T, all those guys loved working with me and had no problems working with me. I went over to RAW and suddenly I don't know how to work or wrestle or do my thing. I was told don't do it this way, do it that way. That to me was frustrating because all I wanted to do was entertain."

Jericho praises Benoit:

Chris Jericho has explained that Chris Benoit is a big feature of his new book...

"It was chosen by me personally. There was no real push back from the book company. It was all me. I had to put a little bit of a forward in there because Chris (Benoit) is talked about so much in the book in a favorable way. I had to put a little something in.''

WWE botch Mania announcement:

WWE confirmed The Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt with a match promo that was accidentally posted to their YouTube channel today, briefly, as soon as the mistake was noticed it was taken down.

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