Monday, February 16, 2015

Today's News

Sami Zayn:

Sami Zayn has discussed his hopes of being a positive Arabic role model...

"It's something that I've always wanted to do in terms of being an Arab presence in an Arab market as I don't think a lot of people have been able to do it in wrestling. Certainly in the WWE there has never been a positive Arab image so if I can contribute to that then I feel great about that. Not just for myself but the whole Arab market. I'm very proud that I can be myself. I'm not trying to be Arabic, I'm just being me and I happen to be Arabic. I think that might be refreshing to some people and it's a bit more realistic than these pantomime villains we've seen before. Hopefully I can change some people's perceptions being a down-to-earth human being that happens to be Arabic. Whether you're Arabic or Portuguese it doesn't really matter. A dude's a dude!."

Hart family feud:

Smith Hart has revealed the money WWE offered in the wake of his younger brother Owen's death. He claims Vince McMahon made a substantial financial compensation offer of $93 million, as well as purchasing the Hart family mansion and surrounding land, to create a lasting memorial, and an Owen Hart museum. He was on the side of accepting the money, and the terms, however, he says, Bret got into his father's ear and talked him out of accepting. Bret, Smith says, felt they could take Vince and WWE to the cleaners by going to court against them, which is what they eventually did. It did not work out, the courts awarded the family $2 million to be shared between all the members, and he says $30 million was awarded to Martha, to be shared equally between her and her two children (This has been disputed, $18 million is reportedly closer to the true figure).

He also complained that when the monies were shared between the 10 members of the family, and the legal costs were deducted, he received very little.

Personally this story makes my skin crawl, the dude lost his baby brother in an awful, tragic accident, and all he can think about is money?... All the money in the world wouldn't replace my baby brother, and did the WWE really need to pay compensation to the wider family?. Owen was a grown man, his brothers and sisters were not dependent on him financially, his wife and kids yes, can't understand why his siblings got a pay out, unless the family sued for wrongful death and made the decision to share it out themselves?... I don't know, messy situation, I just know money would not be on my mind if I lost my brother.


Eddie Edwards suffered a suspected broken ankle, or foot, at last nights TNA TV taping, he was taken from the ring to a local hospital for evaluation.

British singer Jessie J was a guest of TNA at the event.

JR returns to WWE:

Jim Ross spent nine hours this week working on WWE projects, for DVD and Network shows.

Raw tease:

  • How will The Authority deal with Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns … and Big Show?
  • Will Dusty Rhodes be able to get his sons through "hard times"?
  • How will Dean Ambrose strike back against Bad News Barrett?
  • Will Cena retaliate against Rusev?
  • What is Triple H's mindset after Sting's bizarre response?

Ric Flair will also be on the show, to talk about the Triple H vs Sting confrontation, WWE will have him talk about his storied history with Steve Borden to build up the feud, without having to use one of his dates up.

Cesaro hacked:

WWE star Cesaro's Twitter was hacked yesterday, tweets were made protesting the lack of push for the Swiss star, and the hacker wished cancer upon Vince McMahon for under using him.

Jericho jr:

Chris Jericho gave his children a taste of the WWE lifestyle last week, he took his son and twin daughters on the road with him.

Michaels on Punk:

Shawn Michaels has angrily slapped down reports that he and Triple H went out of their way to keep CM Punk down, he says he has never met the former WWE creative writer who made the claims, and that he never attended WWE tryouts, as they were held before Raw, and he was always preparing for the show. He did admit that Punk was tough to get along with, as he had a terrible attitude, but added that he was one of CM's biggest supporters.

Rumour killer:

WWE did not announce CM Punk had quit UFC, and will return to them tonight, on Instagram, someone made a picture on Photoshop, and tagged WWE in it.

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