Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Today's News

Rhodes feud on?:

Dusty Rhodes will be on Raw next week, he says he will deal with the issues between his sons. Will this lead to the brother vs brother WrestleMania match, with dad as referee???.

WWE star censored:

Darren Young removed his comment about the current WWE tour to Abu Dhabi, seemingly at the request of the WWE office, as he tweeted that his freedom of speech had been taken away from him. He also said no-one in WWE supports him, and that he feels alone.

WWE responded with a press release, saying they left him behind for his own safety...

"WWE does not discriminate against individuals regardless of age, race, religion or sexual orientation, and we continue to proudly support Fred Rosser (aka WWE Superstar Darren Young) for being open about his sexuality. Unfortunately, WWE cannot change cultures and laws around the world, and thus we did not send Fred Rosser to the United Arab Emirates for our upcoming events for his own protection. WWE also fully supports Fred Rosser's right to express his views on personal social media accounts rather than WWE's corporate platforms."

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

This weeks show featured longer matches than normal, as so many stars are in Abu Dhabi for the tour, including one bout that went on for 45 minutes.

  • Bray Wyatt vs R-Truth.
  • Paige vs Summer Rae.
  • Adam Rose vs Fandango.
  • Tag Team Turmoil match.

Book that:

Dusty Rhodes gave Triple H a very special gift today, his booking diary for the 1986 Great American Bash.

Hall Of Fame leak:

Another planned Hall Of Famer has been named. Reports in Japan suggest Japanese icon Genichiro Tenryu will go into the Hall, possibly as early as this year. He plans to retire this year, after a great career, highlighted by three PPV appearances for WWE in the early 90's.


Tonight's NXT special will be aired on the Network as always, here is the card...

  • Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn (C), for the NXT Title.
  • Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte (C), Fatal 4-way for NXT Womens Title.
  • Sin Cara and Kalisto vs. Murphy and Blake (C), for the NXT Tag Titles.
  • Adrian Neville vs. Finn Balor, for a shot at the NXT Title.
  • Baron Corbin vs. Bull Dempsey, no DQ match.
  • Hideo Itami vs. Tyler Breeze


Diamond Dallas Page had his surgery early this morning.

Before he had the op, he discussed this years Royal Rumble...

"We stayed on this bus. Bubba [Ray Dudley] was losing his mind. He was stuck on this bus for seven hours. He said, 'It's like going to jail. I can't take this.' It was so worth it. For me, I never had the exit from wrestling I should have. Walking away, being on top. I had such a great run. I retired and then went to TNA to show I could still go. Though TNA is not WWE, so getting to come back two months from 59 and go out there and move in that ring and hitting the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere like I was doing it every night. People were like, 'Man, you didn't miss a beat.' I was more worried about going from the top rope to the floor because my knees can't take that kind of impact anymore. The way I got thrown out I caught myself and made it to the floor. I thought, 'Thank God! I blew the roof off, and it's over.'"

Zayn does not want Mania match:

Sami Zayn feels the NXT title should not be defended at WrestleMania...

"Part of NXT's appeal to me especially amongst people like yourself, like you're saying lifelong wrestling fans who are sort of like discovering NXT and being like 'Wait, this is the kind of wrestling I used to like' or 'I like this.' It's succinct. It's an hour-long, you've got some great wrestlers, and you've got great storytelling, and it's simple and it's gritty. While at the same time, it's so funny people forget it's PG, it's a PG product, but it's so real and gritty and people almost lose sight of that. The whole point I'm trying to get at is, it's sort of carved out its own little niche within this giant wrestling company that is the WWE. We've almost carved out our own underground following, it almost has a cult following, which is so strange to say because it's part of the world's biggest wrestling company. So, I think if you were to have an NXT World Championship Match at WrestleMania while obviously for me personally I would be a huge thrill, I don't think you can necessarily capture the magic of what NXT is and really harness it and put it on full display for the world to understand it, on such a grand scale like that. When you take the product out of its environment and throw it on a grand stage I think it would lose something there."

WWE interview:

Shawn Michaels has discussed the lost years of his career with WWE. He discusses getting clean, his non wrestling roles, how he spent his time away from WWE between 1998 and 2002, and much more.

TNA star saves life:

Davey Richards saved the life of a woman on a flight from the UK to America. Richards, a trained paramedic, volunteered his services after the flight crew requested help for a lady suffering heart problems. He has been commended by the airline, and made this statement...

"I feel it's my personal duty to put good in the world. Whether inspiring people to chase their dreams and keep fighting as one half of the Wolves or helping people in their time of need. I want to be there to help and lead by example."

Former star makes serious allegations against WWE exec:

Chyna today accused Triple H of assaulting her during the closing days of their relationship...

"So I think Hunter's plan was to get me to leave the relationship first and then that way he can start dating Stephanie and like everything would be cool. So I would ask Hunter time and time again, I figured it was better just to address the problem and ask him honestly and I would have to believe his answer, so we got into a heated argument, we were not getting along, I told him 'I know something's going on. Don't tell me something's not going on.' He swiped my hand, I swiped his hand, he hit me. I went back like Jerry Springer and then I was like OK that's the deal breaker for me, the relationship is now over, so now I have to leave. After that, I know that he was crying and I know that he felt bad that he hit me, and my first initial reaction was to get up, and like I don't know, I was just in shock and it felt like a Jerry Springer moment, it was very surreal, and I just couldn't believe that he hit me. But he knows that like I don't stand for physical violence, albeit we'll get to that after with Sean [Waltman], so I knew at that point I had to leave, but I needed some sort of closure so when he was gone I started looking all over the house, and I looked into his, long story short, I looked into his briefcase and I found a love letter from Stephanie that had [been] dated a year back, so the whole time they were doing the storyline basically they were together."

Triple H has released a statement denying the authenticity of her claims...

"The false statements and reckless allegations made by Joan Laurer (aka Chyna) on a recent podcast about a physical dispute are a complete fabrication. While Joan has had significant struggles in life, this does not justify making such claims."

This comes in the wake of Triple H firmly closing the door on Hall Of Fame induction for Chyna, during a recent interview.

WWE sex scandal:

WWE have reportedly decided to take action against Seth Rollins after all. They are furious with the vast amount of mainstream media attention yesterdays controversy has garnered, and feel they have to show they are taking action.

This comes from the WWE leaker, who also says it was Seth himself that accidentally posted the naked picture of his NXT star friend, which was spotted by his now former fiance, who responded by posting the explicit nudes of him as revenge.

In another twist, Rollins partner in the photos is also engaged, to a musician.

Triple H fought against any punishment for Seth, but Vince has demanded he be fined, although the company have denied that. 

He may also lose his planned WWE title reign. The long term plan was for him to hold the case until June, and then win the title, but this new backstage report suggests those plans have been shelved, and he will now not get hold of the belt ''Any time soon''.

In another move to counter any future embarrassment, WWE have instructed their talent to remove any risque material from their mobile devices.

Cena vs Marky Mark:

John Cena appears in a new movie trailer, he responds to a fan comment in a movie theater. The fan says he looks like Marky Mark Wahlberg, to which Cena says...

"Mark Wahlberg is like 150 pounds. I look like Mark Wahlberg ate Mark Wahlberg!"

Natalya Neidhart remembers Owen Hart, talks HOF induction:

Nattie Neidhart says she hopes her dad is inducted with his long time partner Bret Hart, and then discussed her uncle's chances of going in...

"It's not hard for me to talk about Owen. Owen is a very special topic because he wasn't just your ordinary person. He really went above and beyond, going out of his way to touch peoples lives. When he had a day or two off at home he'd visit children's hospitals, people never knew that. There wasn't Instagram or Twitter or anything that he could post on and it wasn't even something WWE set up. One day I do think that the WWE will have Owen in the Hall of Fame, and when they do it's going to be big and its going to be really, really special. I hear all sorts of people saying, including my cousins Georgia and Harry, their dad is the British Bulldog, they are always like, 'we want our dad to get in the Hall of Fame', with the WWE they do have a rhyme and a reason for the things they do. The WWE isn't going anywhere, it's going to be around for a long, long, long time. When they pick people to go into the Hall of Fame its a very selective process. I think you're going to see both Owen Hart and the British Bulldog in the Hall of Fame, but its going to be at the right time. I know that when both of them do eventually get inducted it will be really special, we can celebrate as a family. I have complete faith that they will both get in there."

WWE star nominated:

Scott Stanford has been nominated for an Emmy, in the news anchor category, for his work in New York, the show he hosts has a further two nods, meaning he could win three awards.

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