Friday, February 20, 2015

Today's News

WWE man suing CM Punk:

WWE senior doctor Chris Amann has filed a two million dollar lawsuit against CM Punk and Colt Cabana. He wants compensation for the claims of negligence made against him by CM on Colt's podcast, and punitive damages for the reputational damage done by the interview. He is suing Colt for allowing him to falsely depict him on his show. The doctor has denied all CM Punk's claims of mis-treatment (The staph infection, and the concussions), he says Punk reported no such issue to him, and concussions were and are always dealt with in the strictest way, due to the heightened concussion awareness WWE now operate under (In the wake of Chris Benoit's death).

UK star makes mainstream news:

Grado, of the recent British Bootcamp, started a Twitter campaign yesterday to ask for Madonna's permission to use her single ''Like A Prayer'' on TNA TV, he has been using the song as his theme for a number of years, but was unable to when he appeared for TNA, he wants to, and hopes the singer will grant him permission.

Fast Lane:

A new match has been added to this Sunday's show...

  • Big Show, Kane & Seth Rollins vs Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan & Ryback.

Also good news for fans in the UK, Sky have decided to put the show on their basic channels, not the Box Office pay to view channel, as they originally planned.

Batista lands movie:

Batista will play Kurgan in Highlander.

DDP reveals further health issues:

Diamond Dallas Page says he contracted a staph infection in his throat, after his recent surgery, but is getting back to full fitness now.

Foley on Samoa Joe to WWE:

Mick Foley says he would love to see Samoa Joe in WWE. He also revealed Triple H has been a fan of Joe for more than 10 years, repeating a 2004 conversation he had with Triple H, where HHH popped for Joe as a "Hell of a worker".

ROH refuse to bow to WWE:

Ring Of Honor say they will not cancel shows in Texas during WrestleMania 32 week. WWE like to wipe out all other wrestling related events from the area they are in for Mania week, and usually win, due to the power of the juggernaut, but a senior ROH official today said they would not cancel their planned events in the area for next years show...

"We'll be fine. We'll be in Fort Worth or Dallas [in 2016]. That's not going to become a problem, and if it becomes a problem then we'll deal with it. Everything they do I respect. They're in business just like I'm in business and they're there to protect their franchise like I'm there to protect my franchise. I have no fault with that. They can't put everything out of business. They made it a little less convenient for the fans that are going into WrestleMania weekend, but like I said, it hasn't stopped us from selling out that show. Look, I'm purposely there when they are there because they bring in a ton of fans and they bring in a lot of international fans. "WrestleMania is our Super Bowl and if I can be near it, I'm going to be near it."

Mick Foley talks Noelle to wrestling:

"My take is that I arm her with the best information possible so she can make the best choices for her. The best way to ensure there isn't any family friction is you can't force her to do anything. I want her to be wary of the dangers, but if she interested, I'll support any decision she makes."

WrestleMania production note:

Should The Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt happen at WrestleMania 31, the bout would have to be very late into the show. The entrances of the two men would be affected by the natural light in the area if they put the match on too early, due to the start time of the PPV going live, and the open air arena.

Hall Of Fame:

Wade Barrett has joined the calls to induct Davey Boy Smith into the WWE Hall Of Fame...

"In my opinion he should have been in there years ago. The Dynamite Kid, is another one I'd like to see [them] get in there. I think it's probably getting closer and closer, there's only so many years they can go past without putting him in there. He was an incredible talent. I think he should have been a world champion, he definitely had all the potential in the world."

She's not ready:

Paige says WWE are rushing Charlotte onto the main roster, and it is not a good idea...

"She's good. She's still new, so I feel like at one point people want to see her, but they're kind of rushing it. I think she could do with some more time, but I still think Sasha Banks is the one that I personally want to come up and who I think is completely ready and the full package, boxed up and ready to go. I feel like she'd be absolutely perfect up here. Charlotte is good, but (needs) some more time."

Jake wants Mania retirement:

Jake The Snake says he wants his last match to be against Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 32 next year. He also says he will ask Vince McMahon personally for the go ahead for the bout.

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