Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Today's News

Samoa Joe:

TNA have confirmed Samoa Joe has left. They say they mutually decided not to renew his contract, which had expired. The two sides had been negotiating, but TNA made it clear to Joe that they could not afford to pay him the same rate he was on before, as they were hoping to invest in TNA's future, they then allowed Joe to make the decision, and Joe chose to move on, but is said to have maintained a friendly relationship with officials, leaving the door open for a return in the future. Many members of the TNA locker room are not happy with the decision, Kurt Angle, Mike Tenay, Josh Matthews, Tazz and Magnus are just some of the names that have come out critically over TNA losing one of the promotions locker room leaders.

Triple H is said to be monitoring the situation, as he would like to bring Joe in to work with the NXT roster.

WWE promotions:

Lucha Dragons and Bull Dempsey were given a shot at WWE main roster promotion last night, at the Main Event taping.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Daniel Bryan vs The Miz.
  • Kane vs Ryback.
  • Bad News Barrett vs R-Truth.
  • The Ascension vs New Day.
  • Luke Harper vs Roman Reigns.
  • Big Show vs Erick Rowan.
  • Cameron vs Paige.
  • Jimmy Uso vs Tyson Kidd.
  • Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins.

Victoria and former TNA star Jessy Sorenson were in the crowd.

Fast Lane:

It is on, Goldust vs Stardust, brother vs brother, will be announced on SmackDown, for Fast Lane.

Coming out of SmackDown, here is the final card for the event...

  • #1 Contender's Match - Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns.
  • WWE United States Title Match - John Cena vs. Rusev.
  • WWE Intercontinental Title Match - Dean Ambrose vs. Bad News Barrett.
  • WWE Tag Team Title Match - Cesaro and Tyson Kidd vs. The Usos.
  • WWE Divas Title Match - Paige vs. Nikki Bella.
  • Stardust vs. Goldust.
  • Sting and Triple H meet face-to-face in the ring.
  • Kickoff Pre-show - MizTV with Paul Heyman.

Lesnar staying:

Jim Ross says his WWE sources tell him Brock Lesnar is leaning toward staying with WWE, as he feels his long term health would be better protected in WWE, than in MMA. He is said to be particularly concerned about concussions.

New stable:

WWE have TradeMarked the name ''Redneck Reppin' Company'' and a logo, seemingly linked to the term, today. This will likely be a new stable coming to WWE TV, although no timetable is yet in place.


WWE are planning on releasing the NXT Network specials on DVD, possibly as one collection, but more likely as staggered individual releases.

WWE / Football Mania match:

Wade Barrett was so angry with footballer Wayne Rooney diving to win a penalty against his team Preston North End in the FA Cup this weekend that he challenged him on Twitter, Rooney said he would get Steve Austin, to help him better the Brit, and Wade said he liked that idea, and that he would take Preston veteran player Kevin Davies as his partner, and Rooney could team with the HOF'er, and they would meet at WrestleMania 31 to deal with their issues.

Kevin Davies said he would start training for the match, Steve Austin was less enthusiastic, only mocking Rooney's hair transplant, not talking about the match.

If that happens I am quitting... everything... Just saying....

Diva at The Oscars:

Eva Marie will represent WWE at the Oscars this weekend. WWE worry the show will affect their viewership for Fast Lane, which will be airing at the same time.

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