Friday, February 13, 2015

Today's News

Damien Sandow talks WWE status:

"I saw that period as a great time in my career. If you look at the talent roster, microphone time is very precious. I don't think I'll be doing this for the rest of my career, but I have a live mic in the ring. It's not competing for the WWE Title, but as a performer it's memorable. It builds stock. If I didn't have that, I wouldn't have what I do now. I was dressing up as a geographically relevant person (each week). The Miz thing was supposed to be a one time thing. That led to two weeks, then three weeks. I had built some trust and (wanted to) see how far I could push this".

WWE alum makes return:

Rhyno was back in a WWE ring last night. He worked the NXT tapings, scoring a victory, and received a huge pop from the Full Sail crowd. Brian Kendrick also wrestled for an episode to air later this month.

TNA have responded to Rhyno's WWE return by moving him to their alumni page, Homicide has also been moved over.

Also on NXT, Mick Foley's children were in the crowd, but despite taking them to and from the event, dad did not go inside the building.

CM Punk:

CM Punk will be interviewed about leaving WWE, and joining UFC, on local TV in Milwaukee tonight.


Rob Van Dam has wrapped filming his new movie.

Emotional return:

Alex Riley received such a warm reception for a match last night that he began to cry, as the match was coming to an end.

Shawn Michaels on training Bryan:

"It was him, (Brian) Kendrick and Lance Cade. You could see that (they) would be three guys that were willing to pay the price and wait and starve. I remember telling (Bryan) and Kendrick that (Lance) is bigger, he's going to get the first look. Eventually talent makes its way to the top. They were there all the time. They came hungry and stayed hungry." 

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