Friday, January 23, 2015

Today's News

Veteran plans 2015 retirement:

Goldust will retire from wrestling after WrestleMania 31. He has reportedly decided to wind his career down, and then return to working behind the curtain. Cody will continue to wrestle under the Stardust name, leading some to speculate that the long awaited brother vs brother match may be the final match of the legendary WWE gimmick, and of Dustin Runnels long career.

Goldust has denied the reports via Twitter.

Royal Rumble:

Dolph Ziggler and Ryback qualified for the Royal Rumble match on SmackDown, Erick Rowan did not, he failed to beat his former partner Luke Harper.

DDP talks Hall Of Fame:

Diamond Dallas Page has discussed his role in helping Jake The Snake Roberts and Scott Hall into the WWE Hall Of Fame...

"They were blackballed pretty much. The company—they tried… I think Jake went to 11 rehabs and Scott went to 12. The company paid for almost all of those. Not all of them. I think Scott said he paid for a few on his own, as well. He doesn't really like to take things from people. And then they both get sober in the same year, in the same house and then go into the Hall of Fame at the same time. It was my 58th birthday when they had the Hall of Fame last year. It was like the greatest birthday present ever."

LU star tries out:

Laredo Kid had a WWE trial at Raw this week.

Fan incident:

Triple H has revealed he was responsible for making the child cry on Raw this week...

"As we were sitting ringside, the young man was behind me and he was chanting my name, over and over. It was just me being in character. I said, with eye brows up, 'Hey, stop messing with me. I'm trying to do my job over here.'"

He went on...

"I broke out of character, and put my head to his and messed his hair up. I just said, 'Hey, buddy, it's OK. I'm just playing around."

It turned out the boy was not upset about John Cena getting beat up, he was trying to get Hunter's attention, and being rebuffed by his hero hit him in the feels. He says he forgave him though...

“They’re actually pretty nice not in their character”

Triple H gave the boy a HHH action figure to add to his 175 strong collection, gave him some merch, and allowed him to pose with the WWE Championship belt.

The boy's father said of the incident...

“For him to come out of character in front of all those people on live TV ... it’s a pretty bold statement of, in reality, he’s pretty cool. It’s a huge impression for an 8-year-old little boy that I can pretty much guarantee you he will never forget.”

Triple H said he is glad he did what he did...

“Putting a smile on his face, by far, was the best thing I did Monday”

WWE star in surgery:

Layla underwent surgery today, for an unspecified injury.

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