Thursday, January 15, 2015

Today's News

WrestleMania day:

WWE are looking to open the doors for WrestleMania 32 in Dallas at 1.30pm. They want to kill off the chances of any indy groups using Mania being in town to ''Piggy back'' off their show, and feel letting fans into the arena hours before the event would distract them from attending other local shows on Mania day.

Network boost for Canada:

WWE will start to air the WWE Network on Bell in Canada. Canadian fans were inundating WWE to spread the reach of the channel, and from today a deal between current hosts Rogers, and their rival channel, will allow a much larger audience to access the content on the WWE Network.

World champion returning?:

TNA officials are talking with, and are hopeful of, convincing Bully Ray to return to TNA.


Awesome Kong is suffering from a very bad back, after her TNA return.

Hall Of Famer returning to TV:

Jim Ross is said to be in talks to become a regular announcer for Lucha Underground (Although he denies contact), he would join Matt Striker and Vampiro.

LU are also looking into setting up a reality web series following their early days, and their talent.

Mania match leaked:

John Cena vs Rusev is planned for WrestleMania 31. An original story arc leaked recently had the Russian cost Cena his WWE title hopes at the Royal Rumble, building to the Mania match, with Rollins now added to the Rumble bout, that may not now happen, but the Cena / Rusev feud is still in place for the post Rumble live tour, meaning the match is at least still under consideration.

PPV returning?:

WWE have re-applied for the TM of Bragging Rights.

Hogan talks Savage - HOF:

''I can't tell you what an honor it is to induct MACHO MAN Randy Savage into the #WWEHOF. Long time coming, well deserved brother''

SummerSlam change:

WWE are looking for a new venue for this years SummerSlam. The original plans to go to the Izod Center are looking doomed, as the owners have canceled all future events, as they look at demolishing the structure. They are expected to be given permission to raize the building at some point today, and would want it taken down by the end of March. Another venue has been given all scheduled events set to take place in Izod, but judging by a comment from WWE, they are not happy with the Prudential Center, and promise to find a home that would provide an equal, or even better experience for fans attending this years Summer spectacular.

They did not get their way, it has now being announced that the building, which is losing money hand over fist, will close for two years, but permission to demolish was not granted.

Alum free of charges:

Kevin Nash has had his assault charges vs his son dropped today.

Nash said of the news that he does not expect WWE to bring him back for Raw next week...

''The WWE had no other action than the suspension that was placed apon me. Just difficult to always be guilty until proven innocent.''

Shawn Michaels is urging WWE to re-book him.

Why PPV was dropped:

Stephanie McMahon says Elimination Chamber was no longer viable, due to the changes of sports arenas in America...

''Elimination Chamber was dropped mostly due to the logistics of hanging the Chamber, which weighs more than 10 tons. Many arenas now feature large scoreboards above where the ring would be and were facing issues with being able to hang the Chamber in some buildings.''

Angle to UK:

TNA have announced Kurt Angle will be on his way to the UK, for their tour.

WWE / NWA star in surgery:

Rob Conway is recovering from a surgery today, he did not specify what his injury was.

Show returns:

Tough Enough is coming back on the USA Network, it was announced today.

Rosa fearful:

Rosa Mendes says she is very concerned about what she will see on Total Diva's, as the cameras were always running. She also said she hopes for a mixed tag team match with Fandango at WrestleMania 31.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan says he got the clearance to return to WWE on the day he appeared on Raw announcing his return. He also defended making the announcement ahead of time, and not returning as a surprise on the night of the Royal Rumble...

"Had I just come out during the Royal Rumble, I don't know if it would be as impactful. To me it's more impactful to give fans something to look forward to. If it happened at the Royal Rumble and that night, it would have been great. Though I like the idea of building toward something, so I'm happy with the way we've done it."

TNA return to Germany:

TNA have secured a deal to return to TV in Germany, with DMax.

Goldberg on one more match:

"I could still do it... I'm probably in the best shape of my life right now…I made the statement that I would never consider wrestling over the age of 40 when I was over 40 years old. Here I am two clicks away from the big one (50). Having children changes your outlook 100 percent of your life. If it came to fruition, I would seriously consider it. With that said, it's not going to stop my heart that I didn't attain that by any stretch of the imagination."

No Mania for Alum:

Chris Jericho has declared himself unavailable for WrestleMania 31.

Slater cleared:

Good news for Nash today, and also for Heath Slater, charges leveled against him have been dropped, as the statute of limitations on the alleged 2011 assault had expired.

Jobbers named:

The Ascension's victims on Raw were Bu Ku Dao & Socorro, and on Main Event John Skyler & Purple Haze took the beating.

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