Saturday, January 10, 2015

Today's News

WWE man returns:

David Otunga will be back in a WWE ring for the first time since WrestleMania this weekend.

Hardy hurt:

Jeff Hardy took a horrible bump from the top of a cage at LockDown last night, and was reportedly unconscious for a time backstage.


Jim Ross says a number of current WWE stars are interested in making the switch to UFC / MMA.

Foley at TNA:

Two of Mick Foley's children, Noelle and Dewey, were in the crowd for TNA's Impact tapings this week.

JBL reveals WCW fears:

JBL revealed on Chris Jericho's podcast that Vince McMahon had 18 WWE rostered stars, including himself, hang out in the parking lot of the arena following the DX WCW invasion, fearing WCW retaliation...

"They told me, Ron (Simmons), The Harris Boys, (Ken) Shamrock, I think (Steve) Blackman to be out at the parking lot at the end. We had probably like 18 guys, including Ken Shamrock which is the only one you really needed all standing around while Vince left because we didn't know if WCW was going to come return the favor,"

TNA fume at numbers:

TNA are not happy that their viewing figures made it online, adding the figure quoted was incorrect. The correct figure is now reported to be 359,000.

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