Friday, January 2, 2015

Today's News


NXT is moving to Wednesday nights on the WWE Network, from January 14.

15 to watch in 2015:

WWE have named the 15 stars who they believe will have the biggest impact this year...

  1. Dolph Ziggler.
  2. Kevin Owens.
  3. Roman Reigns.
  4. Finn Balor.
  5. Charlotte.
  6. Renee Young.
  7. Sting.
  8. Bad News Barrett.
  9. The Vaudevillains.
  10. Luke Harper.
  11. Wesley Blake & Buddy Murphy.
  12. Tyson Kidd.
  13. Enzo Amore.
  14. Alexa Bliss.
  15. Damien Mizdow.

TNA signings:

TNA have re-signed Jessie Godderz. ECIII, Madison Rayne and Mr. Anderson have also agreed to new deals.

Angle to WWE:

Although having no interest in using Kurt Angle as a wrestler, leading to him returning to TNA, WWE have told Angle they would like to use him, after he retires from the ring, to help guide the futures of new talent at the PC, as a coach.

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