Sunday, January 11, 2015

Today's News

AJ kills rumour:

AJ Lee says she is rehabbing an injury to her neck, that she has had since SummerSlam, and is NOT pregnant with CM Punk's baby. She is due back with WWE on the night before the Royal Rumble.

Foley quits the internet:

Mick Foley is taking an extended break from social media, due to his struggles with headaches, worsened by computer use, he says he will not be using his accounts until after the Royal Rumble, and will instead spend time with his children.

Jericho is back:

Chris Jericho made a surprise, earlier than planned return to the WWE live tour last night.

Legendary team reunites:

Harlem Heat will team up for Booker T's next ROW show.

WWE Network:

WWE are adding past series of Tough Enough to their Network. Series 1-3 (2001 - 2003), where stars like Maven, Nidia, John Morrison, Miss Jackie, Shaniqua and Chris Nowinski started their careers, will be the first added.

Jeff Hardy:

Jeff Hardy is not hurt. His bump from the top of the cage was done to write him out of the stories for a few weeks while TNA come over to the UK for a tour. Hardy is not allowed into the UK, due to his criminal convictions.

Matt will work the tour in his place.

Mo interview:

On almost getting fired after a few weeks on the roster...

"Vince said, 'Well… Aw hell, I'm just going to say it: They guys you work with around here are a bunch of pussies… They're all afraid of you guys. You guys come in, you don't say much to anybody about anything and everybody's afraid to get into the ring with you because they don't know nothing about you''.

He went on to say he, Mabel and Oscar held a meeting with the roster, where they shared their personal stories, and cleared the air with the boys.

He also said some of the top names were not fans of them, including Savage, Diesel and Taker, who was not happy with the amount of injuries they inflicted on others, including him...

"The straw that broke the camel's back was at the Royal Rumble '96. If you go back and look at it, nelson gives Henry Godwinn a splash kinda close to the ropes. When I came back to the dressing room… Nelson and The Undertaker were nose to nose, about to get into fisticuffs because Nelson apparently didn't keep his weight off of Godwinn. He was in the back spitting up blood or something."

He then discussed the incident that cost him his WWE career...

"The Kliq was strong. Case in point: Shawn Michaels assaults me, I tell him, 'Don't ever put your hands on me again or I'll beat your f------g ass," and I get pulled off TV for nine months."

He said Michaels attacked him as punishment for Mabel going off the road sick, whilst working a house show loop vs HBK. He went on to say he considered suicide during his time out in the cold, he grew so despondent, but Davey Boy Smith, and Randy Savage helped him turn things around, and clue him in to backstage politics.

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