Saturday, January 17, 2015

Today's News

WWE report numbers:

WWE have announced a 10% increase in their viewing figures for SmackDown, after changing nights this week.

Tough Enough:

Bill DeMott has confirmed his participation on the new series of Tough Enough.

Bobby Lashley:

Despite injury costing him his next MMA bout, Bobby Lashley will still travel to the UK for the upcoming TNA tour.

Royal Rumble:

WWE have named the theme song of this years Royal Rumble PPV as "Gonna Be a Fight Tonight" by Danko Jones.... here it is...

When work costs:

Jerry Lawler recently filmed an ad for a car company, and ended up buying his partner a new Mustang from the Tennessee dealership.


Low Ki is now the X Division champion, and Feast Or Fired is coming back.

WWE old boy in movie:

Shad Gaspard has a cameo in the new Will Ferrell movie Get Hard, they do not get along on screen, and end up fighting.

Jim Ross predicts PPV:

Here is the Hall Of Famer's prediction for the Royal Rumble, and WrestleMania...

"I've waffled on the winner of the Rumble match itself several times, perhaps I should have been a professional politician, but my latest 'gut feeling' is that Daniel Bryan takes home the WM31 main event spot. Could it be Bryan vs. Rollins or even Lesnar at WM31?"

Paige reacts to fellow star having crush on her:

She says of Rosa Mendes, and the reveal, which will be on Total Diva's...

"I didn't find out until that very moment. You'll have to see what the reaction is and how it goes… She's a fantastic woman."

Ziggler punished:

Dolph Ziggler did not lose the IC Title to sell his fired storyline, he was actually punished for arranging a comedy booking externally of WWE, without office approval. This coming from a backstage leak.

WWE women:

WWE have featured their top 10 powerful women, including Kharma and Chyna...

Nash responds:

Kevin Nash says he is looking forward to seeing friends on Raw next week, but may be in trouble again, after spoiling that Dolph Ziggler will also return to Raw next week, in a tweet.

Jericho on theme song:

Chris Jericho says he will never change his theme song...

"I've had the same song since 1999 and that will never change. I love the attitude of it. When I first came to the WWE, I sat down with the music department. Introducing yourself, you need to always pick something that is indicative of what you are as a performer and you have to be really, really careful."

WWE grabbing indy talent:

Biff Busick of CZW and Heather Lynn have reportedly joined up with WWE. Busick's signing has infuriated Gabe Sapolsky, who is usually very proud of WWE taking interest in his talent, but did not want to lose this one.

WWE / Flintstones:

Here is the official trailer for the WWE - Flintstones cross over movie...


Solomon Crowe is expected to finally make his debut at the next NXT special.

Legend at live:

Animal was sitting in the crowd at the St. Louis show last night.

Brodus Clay talks WWE career:

"You know, I think you have to go from one start off, getting fired obviously was a blemish, a negative thing, but only being unemployed for about 15 minutes was pretty cool, so I take that as a success. Anytime you go through a change and you can continue to do what you love to do and do it on your own terms, and I've been able to pick and choose what I want to do and become a fan of wrestling again and realize I do what I do because I enjoy it, not necessarily for a paycheck, but get to earn a paycheck. With having the new network, with IMPACT and Destination America, it's an awesome opportunity and it reminds me of back in the day, no one knew too much about CNN when it first started and look at what it became today, being on the forefront on something new and exciting is always a great opportunity, it's a chance to shine and do your thing."

Hogan talks Warrior:

Hulk Hogan says his comments during the lawsuit over the Warrior smear DVD cost him his friendship with Warrior, but he is very glad he disobeyed WWE's request to leave him alone at Mania last year...

"Halfway through the day I got bored. Me and Nick jumped on a golf cart and rode by a guy in a suit, and it was Warrior. I can't run but I kind of trotted up. I thought there was going to be a confrontation, but made it clear I wanted to reconcile the friendship. I just want to start over, I want to apologize. If we could be friends that would be incredible. And that darn WWE camera rolled around, and I didn't know they had a camera on me the whole time. I'm so glad I stopped that golf cart, but Warrior was hesitant to accept the apology. Thank God I got to talk to him".

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