Monday, June 11, 2012

Today's News

AJ's bad week:

“This week I got my 1st ticket, got bit by a spider, had to bring my dog to the ER, & got in my 1st car accident. I desperately need a hug,” she wrote. “I am seriously hoping I attain super powers from the spider bite. Kinda putting a lot of eggs in that basket.”

Christian at TNA PPV:

WWE and TNA have confirmed Christian's appearance at Slammiversary was a part of the Ric Flair deal, it is thought to be a one shot deal. 

Christian was announced as Christian Cage by Hulk Hogan, he entered to a mixed response, some chanting ''Welcome back'' others ''You sold out''. 

He talked about the changes in TNA since he left, but said the fans would never change, He then announced the Number 1 moment in TNA history, and left during the video package. Word in the back, says he did not want the gig, despite being friendly with people there (Video)...


Former WWE star Savannah has auditioned for a TV game show, called Take Me Out.

Superstars Workload:

Serious concerns have been expressed about WWE superstars workload, particularly that of John Cena and CM Punk, and that with Raw going 3 hours soon, the situation can only get worse, Insiders fear fatigue, will lead to injuries.

Alberto Del Rio:

Will almost certainly not be cleared in time to compete at No Way Out due to a serious concussion, suffered at the SmackDown taping's, WWE have 3 options to get a replacement, They could swap Kane out of the WWE strap match, they may have a beat the clock match on this weeks SmackDown, or a Battle Royal.

Possible Big Story (In relation to the above):

Vince McMahon is said to be getting ever more frustrated with Alberto Del Rio's regular injuries, and Triple H feels he cannot be relied on. He is being compared to Mr. Kennedy, who was released from WWE largely because he was also injury prone, could Alberto Del Rio follow?.

Rob Conway:

Won his first body building comp.


R-Truth's injury has now been confirmed by WWE.

Granny Diva:

Sable is to become a Grandmother.

McMahon wants rid of Vickie:

Vickie Guerrero, who has a lifetime deal with WWE, has hinted that she sometimes feels Vince McMahon is trying to get her to forfeit her contract, recalling some of the abuse she has been subjected to in the story lines, feeling that it can sometimes be too personal.

TNA Hall Of Fame:

If you missed the post last night Sting, was the first name inducted into the TNA Hall Of Fame.

Kenny on Cena / Orton:

Former WWE star Kenny Dykstra says John Cena does not want Randy Orton to be brought back, and is pushing for him to be fired, he, according to Dykstra, tried to get him fired when he was banned the first time.

Hurricane Heat:

Shane (Hurricane) Helms, has stated that he expects a lot of heat for doing a recent shoot interview, because he told the truth, which usually hurts more than lies, in his opinion.

Cody Rhodes:

Has taken offence to the latest WWE Poll which ranked his family at number 8.

Brock almost fired:

Triple H had to talk Vince out of a drastic move, in the wake of Brock Lesnar's UFC meeting, he wants the SummerSlam match to happen, (Which probably means he has booked himself to win).

Blast from the past:

Vader is in Hartford CT, the site of tonight's Raw, Maybe it's time, it's time, it's Vader Time???.

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