Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Today's News


Has thanked fans and the WWE for the Raw appearance, expect more BTW, WWE are planning on bringing back stars from the past regularly to build up to Raw 1000...

“Wow what a fantastic night. I want to thank the @WWE from the bottom of my heart. I also want to thank all the fans for the love & Support. #stillgotit??? It’s time it’s time #itsvadertime”

Cena divorce:

John Cena may be regretting signing a Pre Nup, it is thought the document he signed 16 days before his marriage will determine what his soon to be ex wife gets as a settlement.


Triple H will call Brock Lesnar out at No Way Out, but Brock is not booked to appear.

TNA Hall Of Fame:

Sting's TNA Hall Of Fame Induction Video.


It will be announced on SmackDown that the loser of John Cena vs The Big Show at No Way Out will be fired, expect a Big Show win, so Cena can take time off to deal with his divorce and shake off some nagging injuries.


WWE have bit back strongly in response to the TNA Lawsuit through their lawyer, the letter he wrote...

“First, and as I advised you orally on the phone during our recent conference call, WWE has not solicited Ric Flair to leave TNA and enter into a contract with WWE. WWE has made no offer to Flair and has no intention of doing so.

Second, as I also advised you, WWE has not solicited any other current TNA talent to repudiate their contracts and enter into a contract with WWE. WWE has no interest in current TNA talent.”

Wittenstein, who worked in the TNA talent relations department left the company and joined WWE in a similar role. He attempted to pass on a database of TNA contract details, but according to WWE they got rid of him right away and informed TNA.

Despite what is said in the letter to TNA, WWE do want Ric Flair back, they are working to have him appear at Raw 1000.''

Matt Morgan:

Interesting note on TNA star Matt Morgan, a fan asked him on Twitter when he was going back to WWE, he replied with... “TICK TOCK..”


Has recalled how he once made The Undertaker laugh during a match, but he wouldn't say what he said.

Randy Orton:

The strongest hint yet on Randy Orton's future will concern his fans, Officials from within Vince McMahon's close circle say Vince is hot with Randy for his ''Don't care attitude'' in response to the ban, they say he is bitter and arrogant in the back, has lost his passion since being dropped from the title story's, and has shown no motivation to get back to the top. Vince also complains about him being injury prone, and the financial hit they are taking due to his contract, is a major factor, his only chance to stay will be to renegotiate his contract... it's not looking good.

WWE have confirmed that the plans for Randy were to have a summer series vs first Chris Jericho, then Dolph Ziggler leading into SummerSlam where he was to turn heel and challenge Sheamus for the World title. That will almost certainly now not happen.

Evan Bourne:

Has started his physical therapy after his auto wreck.

Regal's future:

William Regal says he has a lot to think about after a meeting with Vince McMahon.

Vince McMahon:

Vince McMahon ad-libbed the spot with the scooter on Raw.

WWE.Com say Vince suffered a concussion on Raw.

Vince McMahon ribbed John Laurinaitis this week, reminding him of when he signed the wrong one legged wrestler, Vince wanted Zach Gowen, instead Johnny Ace signed a 37 year old, and had no idea who Zach was when he turned up to start with WWE.


WWE say Alberto Del Rio got his concussion from a chop by The Great Khali, that is not true, he got it when Sheamus hit his head off the WWE logo.

WWE good deed:

WWE have sent a gift package to an 11 year old boy named Kenny Allen, after he was mauled by a pitbull, suffering nasty injuries.

Cody goal:

Cody Rhodes says he wants to be the first dual IC and World champion since The Ultimate Warrior in 1990.


An interesting note from Dave Meltzer suggests that WWE stars are reluctant to face Ryback, it was thought he was facing jobbers each week to make him look like a monster, it appears the rostered stars have concerns over his ring style.

Martha is back:

Despite having numerous lawsuits thrown out by the courts, Martha Hart is back with another, this time claiming that...

* Owen’s name would have reverted back to his usage and his usage alone in his passing, so WWE doesn’t have the right to use his legal name to use, market and promote that name in their materials and DVD releases.

* That WWE released 8 DVD’s and other items without proper payments to Owen’s estate per his booking contract with Titan Sports, which required royalty payments continue after his death, per the original written contract that Owen signed.

* That WWE used original intellectual property including family photos, without permission from the estate.

* That the Owen Hart Foundation has been hurt through its unwanted association with WWE through their usage of Owen.

Mountain challenge:

JBL is on his way to Russia, to start his 7 summits challenge.

Roster concerns:

WWE are stepping up their scouting, to beef up a thin roster.

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