Thursday, June 7, 2012

Today's News

WWE title:

If you missed it last night, the new WWE title design was leaked online, (Pic).

Outsiders appearance:

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall will appear together at a wrestling convention this weekend.

Carlito vs Cena:

He has spoken of a real world fight he had with John Cena, whilst praising him for always wanting to get the best out of others around him.

WWE romance:

Edge and Beth Phoenix have confirmed that they are a couple.

Foley vs Rookie:

Insiders in WWE are trying to kill the Mick Foley, Dean Ambrose feud.

Austin's TNA link:

TNA star James Storm's entrance theme is the also to be used as the theme of Stone Cold Steve Austin's new reality TV show.

Lesnar Heat:

Huge heat on Brock Lesnar, he will not be mentioned on TV until the storylines say he needs to be, The SummerSlam match vs Triple H is Hunter's idea, and will go ahead, but Vince is livid with the UFC meeting, he had.

Kelly Kelly:

Possibly bad news for Kelly Kelly fans, WWE said they have given her time off because she needed to recharge her batteries, but she has instead posted contact details for personal appearances, changed her Twitter handle to her real name, and is looking to broaden her career away from the WWE. She may not be returning.

Angle to Mexico:

Kurt Angle has been asked to compete for AAA in Mexico.

Jarrett vs Carter:

Karen Jarrett has called out TNA boss Dixie Carter, because she is running the company into the ground.

Sting to WWE:

He has revealed he was ''Very close'' to signing for a WrestleMania match vs The Undertaker at WrestleMania 27, he said that after a telephone conversation with Vince McMahon, on a scale of 1-10 he was at 9 in terms of being ready to sign, and was surprised that they couldn't agree terms. He also said that right now, he plans to retire with TNA, then move into creative, but he is more motivated than ever to achieve his goals, which include facing the Dead Man at Mania, so he has not closed that door.

He ended the interview saying he does not want to be the first star inducted into TNA's Hall Of Fame, he feels Jeff Jarrett or AJ Styles are more deserving.

No shows:

Dolph Ziggler and R-Truth were not at the Raw show in Spain, despite Dolph saying he was flying to Spain on his Twitter, WWE had to reshuffle the deck, Mason Ryan took Dolph's match beating Michael McGillicutty, while Zack Ryder stepped into R-Truth's spot, teaming with Kofi for a defeat to Primo and Epico. No word on why they no showed.

Randy Orton:

More on Randy Orton, Vince McMahon is said to be torn on his future, wanting to keep a proven top star, but there is an ever growing, and ever more vocal group within his inner circle that are calling on him to cut his losses. Randy has hurt himself too, his ban will not end until July 27th, which means he will miss Raw 1000 which will be in his home town of St Louis, WWE also intend to keep him off the SummerSlam PPV as a further punishment, meaning he will miss two of WWE's top 5 pay days of 2012.

It is estimated he will lose $200,000 - $275,000 dollars because of this mistake.

Orton has made his first comments since the ban, a fan asked if he would return as a heel because of the ban, he replied with... 

“We can only pray.”

Another fan asked why he was banned, he replied with...

“When I’m able to tell you, I will. Until then, don’t believe everything you read!”

WWE restore relationship with distributor:

SilverVision are going to continue their working relationship with WWE (Yay!!!).

WWE vs Poffo:

WWE have ribbed Leaping Lanny Poffo, via the jobbers that Ryback squashed on Raw this week, reciting a poem akin to The Genius. This is because he refused WWE permission to induct his Brother Macho Man Randy Savage, and as a result Miss Elizabeth into this years Hall Of Fame (Video)...

Raw 1000:

WWE are planning to make Raw 1000 feel like a PPV, with an new school vs old school look, they have reached out to the usual Legends like Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Mean Gene Okerlund, Sgt. Slaughter, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Jimmy Hart and Dusty Rhodes, but are looking to use other stars we don’t always see on nostalgia shows. Sid has already hinted at being there, and I will totally Mark Out if Bobby Heenan is well enough to accept the appearance.

Big Summer Angle:

WWE have challenged their creative department to come up with a ''Knock your socks off'' story to carry them over the summer, because the product is stale and needs a shake up.

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