Thursday, June 28, 2012

Today's News

Shaggy's Wrestling News is 1:

Big news day today, but first... Today is the 1st birthday of Shaggy's Wrestling News, I only started it for a month to try it out, and here we are 1 year later... thanks to all 212 of you that have joined and supported the page, do you want to go for another year...???


The TNA star has signed a new deal.

Controversial Single:

Insane Clown Posse are set to release a single called Chris Benoit, they are currently shooting a video, where fans wearing Black hoodies and horror masks surge towards a ring, where the ICP are rapping.

John Cena:

Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of his WWE debut, the company posted an interview and feature on their website, which you can see on Shaggy's Wrestling Page.

WWE.Com are also marking the first anniversary of the CM Punk shoot interview on Raw, with stars past and present discussing it's importance.

Jobber turns the knife:

A former WWE preliminary talent Kris Katera, has backed up the claims of Kenny Dykstra regarding John Cena cheating on his wife, he claims that Cena and Jonathan Coachman were open and boastful of their behaviour in the back.

Kenny has offended former WWE star Victoria however, he revealed that she was another of John Cena's conquests, (Although he did not name her, he gave so much information that it was impossible not to know who he was referring to), she claims she dated him for a month in 2002 and was not his ''Road Wife'', which is the term Dykstra used.

WWE vs Newspaper:

WWE threatened to sue a journalist who has been scathing in his attacks on Linda McMahon's political ambitions if he did not stop publishing his thoughts, he refused and continued. In a surprising twist today, the newspaper that employs him has filed a complaint to the Elections Committee, about the WWE, claiming a public company should not be supporting a political candidate.

Goldberg vs Lesnar:

Bill Goldberg has approached Brock Lesnar personally is the hopes of a WrestleMania 20 rematch, chances are slim however, Brock is only due to work SummerSlam and WrestleMania and his opponents are already set in stone.

Vince McMahon:

The WWE Chairman has ordered commentators not to say the name of the town they are in, if he feels it is not big enough to host the WWE, Fort Wayne IN, and Columbia SC are recent victims of this embargo.

Reby Sky / Sunny feud:

Reby Sky has gotten extremely personal in her online feud with the Hall Of Famer, accusing her of performing sexual acts on wrestlers for drugs...

“The last shred of respect I tried to hold on to having for you (after discovering you literally sucked Sabu’s d*ck for somas) is gone.

Checked my facebook before bed & this is what I see from Sunny: “Not worried about your response” | Refreshes page over & over responding to fan-girls & posts multiple times |

Look, the internet can implode & tell me I have no right to my own opinion, but I’m not backing down from anything I’ve said. There aren’t “sides” here, but if there were, SOLELY based on what my issue with Sid was – which was no-showing / disappointing fans / not keeping his word on bookings – and you “hate” me because of what I said, you’re implying it’s OK to do those things, the reason being, because he’s a “legend”. Don’t be a mark. There are plenty of “legends” who are pieces of sh*t. Being a “legend” doesn’t make you a good person. Moreover, I don’t need to be 900 years old or employed by any particular company to be able to have/voice an opinion. And the bigger question is, WHO CARES what I have to say ? Ran out of people to pick on, Sunny ?

I stand by my friends through thick & thin but when they’ve done something undeniably wrong I’m not going to justify it when its criticized & that’s exactly what Sunny has done. You’re buddies. Good for you. But your “buddy” has been screwing over a whole lot of fans & promotors – You’re going to back THAT up ? The last shred of respect I tried to hold on to having for you (after discovering you literally sucked Sabu’s dick for somas) is gone.

If people dislike me for some other reason, then by all means, continue to rant on and on about it; You deserve the right to express your opinion as much as I do (although today, people seem to have forgotten I have a right to my own) … but if you’re going to hate me because I said people NO-SHOWING makes me sick then you’re just as bad as he is.”

Maria Kanellis:

The former WWE star has reacted furiously to being criticised for complaining about being groped by a fan yesterday...

“So since Marisa Tomei played a stripper and is scantily clad in a movie that gives you the right to grab her? I don’t think so. I am a performer and so is she. Your comments disgust me''.

The Rock:

Wrestler turned actor The Rock will not be able to compete at SummerSlam, he has confirmed, he will be shooting Fast and Furious 6, throughout the summer, but will be back on WWE TV before the end of 2012.

TNA News:

Abyss has been pulled from the AAA tour.

Jeff Jarrett is working on an Argentinian expansion of the company.

Ric Flair is under a no-compete clause.

Sting has been written out of the story lines, until Bound For Glory in October.

Year 2 starts tomorrow... Thanks again...


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