Friday, June 22, 2012

Today's News

New First Lady?:

AJ has been compared to Miss Elizabeth in a recent online article, by ESPN, What do you think?, IMO there will only ever be one Liz. 

Chris Jericho:

Countdown (Day 2)... 

“2 years ago I went to see Iron Maiden with my 2 cousins and they played 2 Minutes To Midnight.”

Ghost Kofi:

The current WWE Tag Champ will appear on Fact or Faked on SyFy, next Tuesday.

Scott Steiner:

Scott is the latest former WWE star to be added to WWE.Com's alumni section.

No Way Out:

The most recent WWE show was not sold out, if fact with only 10,000 fans in attendance it was the lowest selling PPV, and the worst attended event in the arena's history.

Chris Benoit:

As we reach the 5th anniversary of the Benoit tragedy, Perry Saturn has shared his thoughts on one of wrestling's defining tragedies...

“All the time I’d been with Chris, I honestly don’t think I’ve seen him mad. I’m sure he’d been upset, but mad? I’ve been mad where they’ve had to grab me and calm me down mad. Eddie’s been so mad that I’ve seen Eddie throw a f****ing pool cue across a bar for just about no reason. I’ve seen Dean twice scream at somebody. I’ve never seen Chris do that. All those times I went out every night partying – because that’s what I did – and on occasion I was able to drag these guys out with me. Chris told me on day one – and it never changed – that he didn’t cheat on Nancy. Chris was a faithful husband and loving father. I have no idea what happened. I could never explain it and it blows my mind – the whole thing.”

Sunny to WWE:

The Hall Of Famer has decided to move to Connecticut, and says she will make a call to WWE to look for work in their Stamford HQ.

Christian Interview:

Christian has spoken about the retirement on his ''Brother'' Edge...

“Yeah, I was the first person he called after he got the news (about the injury). It was one of those things where I had to listen and be there for him,” Christian recalls. 

I could tell he was upset about it once it sunk in. I told him that if was writing the end to his story, this was the perfect way to finish it off, just winning the WrestleMania 27 world championship, the biggest show of the year. You can’t write a better ending than that.”

He also said he plans on having a long career, and has no plans on hanging up his boots any time soon.

Luke Gallows:

The former WWE star who wrestled as Festus and the Fake Kane, has had a try out for TNA under the name Isiaah Cane.


Canada will continue to air the show.

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