Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today's News

WWE Releases:

WWE are having a clear out of developmental talent, I already told you of Eli Cottonwood's departure, add to that Jiro, Benicio Salazar, and Sonny Elliott.

Chris Jericho countdown... 10:

“Do you know the 10 commandments? My fave is ‘thou shall not covet.’ 10 is the best Pearl Jam album. Bret vs. Owen was the best match at WM10.”


Has now finished, it will be given a repackage and then brought back in a couple of weeks.


Has confessed to being a cheerleader for the Miami Heat before starting her WWE career.

Mark Henry:

Has given his first hint that he may not be able to return to the ring, in an online video interview (I would post the link, but it is not available in my country).

WWE / Twitter:

WWE have become a partner with Twitter, which will allow them access to new features, such as video and music.


New Reality / Drama series based on independent wrestlers in the US.

Hart vs Flair:

Bret Hart has accused Ric Flair of sabotaging matches they had together.

Olympian WWE stars:

WWE have approached the US Olympic team with the offer of tryouts to wrestlers that don't make it to London this summer. They are also scouting the body building world for talent. WWE feel the Indy scene is not providing enough talent with WWE potential.

Ryback vs Goldberg:

WWE are asking fans not to chant Goldberg during Ryback matches, Vince is a big fan of this character, expect him to get to the top.

Masters trial:

Jeff Jarrett got Chris Masters his trial with TNA, but he has no power over talent hiring and firing any more.

Ban ends:

Rey Mysterio's suspension is up in two weeks, but WWE are not advertising him for any events yet.

Kelly Kelly:

Has signed with an agent, who is looking for dramatic and reality shows for her, WWE have confirmed they have have not given her a contract release and are not happy with her taking outside appearances.


Is training his son to wrestle.

Randy Orton:

Claims to have taken a tainted testosterone supplement accidentally.

Johnny Ace:

John Laurinaitis has had his backstage roles cut to booking live shows, and talent payroll.

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