Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today's News

Raw 1000:

Sycho Sid is the first former WWE star to accept WWE's invitation to appear at the 1,000th Raw. He says he has accepted a big offer.

Ted DiBiase:

Wants to turn face upon his WWE return, and says he does not like the wealthy bratty kid character, or being given the Million Dollar title, he wants to make his own way, not follow what his Father did so well before him.

Matt Morgan:

TNA are advertising Matt Morgan to appear at upcoming shows, so WWE will have to wait a little longer to get their man.

Drugs testing:

WWE have started to take drugs violations more seriously, in the first 4 years (2007 - July 2011) since the implementation of the Wellness Programme in the wake of the Chris Benoit incident, only 1 suspension was given out, to Rey Mysterio, in the year since they have handed out 10 suspensions to 9 different performers...

* Andy Leavine (Who has since been released)
* Darren Young
* Evan Bourne (Twice)
* Heath Slater
* Mike Chioda
* R-Truth
* Randy Orton
* Rey Mysterio (Separate from the previous ban)
* Sin Cara

Earl Hebner:

Has spoken about being fired by WWE for the first time, he says the story that he was stealing merch was a lie, and that...

''Johnny (Laurinaitis) had a hard-on for my brother. He wanted to fire my brother. I owned a shirt shop in St. Louis. Whatever we had in the shop was legal. It was the same merchandise that WWE bought''.

He also mentioned that WWE are regularly approaching him and his son Brian wanting them to return, but he says he never will, he also says he wants retire in 2013, but may go on for 1 more year, if TNA need him too.

Earl ended by revealing his most popular T-Shirt design, a shirt with the words ''Damn right I did'' on the front, It become popular because he wears it under his ref shirt and when fans shout ''You screwed Bret, he opens the shirt to reveal the slogan.

Chavo Sr vs Konnan:

Really nasty Twitter war going on at the minute between Chavo Guerrero Sr. and Konnan.

Chavo started it accusing Konnan of being on steroids, Konnan was initially respectful in response, but the back and forth degenerated into Chavo accusing Konnan of being Gay, and saying he probably had Aids, and Konnan recalling Chavo's drug abuse, then Chavo called him out for a shoot fight.


After the lowest Raw viewer figures rating ever last week, WWE followed up with the lowest SmackDown rating of the year, 1.7 Million.


WWE plan on making Ryback their version of Goldberg. Kirby Mack who has wrestled for TNA and ROH was one of his latest victims on Raw this week.

Ahmed Johnson:

Former IC champ Ahmed Johnson has made his first public appearance since retiring from wrestling, at a convention, fans say he was barely recognisable, as he has put on a lot of weight, he has earned a degree in criminology from Huston-Tilltoson University in Texas, in his time away.

Rob Conway:

Former WWE star Rob Conway, will enter the BodyBuilding world this weekend.

Possibly Huge Story:

Randy Orton was summoned to WWE HQ on Friday for a meeting with Vince McMahon, Triple H, and Kevin Dunn about his drugs ban, the meeting degenerated into an extremely hostile atmosphere because he was told that he would be dropped into the mid card roster when he returns, as WWE could not risk putting him at the top of the card in case he failed a third test, which would result in automatic termination of his contract. Some high level office members have publicly called on Vince to sack him as a cost cutting measure, because he has a 10 year contract (Longest on the entire roster), and they can't justify that level of pay or length for a mid carder. The decision on his future will be made before his ban ends, watch this space.

Ric Flair:

Is talking to WWE, he will become the manager of Dolph Ziggler when he is signed, a few issues remain, some are concerned about his age, his habit on going off script, and the TNA lawsuit may cause some issues, but he should be back in the coming months.

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