Monday, June 4, 2012

Today's News

Billy Corgan:

Has announced a backstage reality show, on his wrestling promotion Resistance Pro.

New WWE title:

CM Punk says the debut of the new WWE Championship belt is getting closer.

Kayla Armstrong:

WWE Referee Scott Armstrong's daughter Kayla, has started her FCW career.

Ted DiBiase:

Says he will be back within a month.

Ric Flair:

Is in Greenville SC Tonight, the site of Raw... Hmmm. He has apparently quit TNA, maybe he is there to talk about his WWE return, maybe the deal is done and he will return on TV, maybe it is just a coincidence, Who Knows.

Bella Twins:

The Bella's have started working Indy shows.

DX reunion:

Shawn Michaels is keeping tight lipped on the DX reunion, he was asked on Twitter if Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, X-Pac and Chyna would be there, he replied saying he does not know what is planned, he was just asked to go.

Saturn to FCW:

Bill DeMott has brought Perry Saturn back into the WWE, as an assistant coach at FCW.

Rock wants...:

The Rock was asked on Twitter, who he would loved to have faced in a match, he replied... 

“Would’ve loved to have wrestled Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage. I idolized his in ring work & mic skills. What charisma..

Goldust to TNA:

Goldust has hinted that he is talking to TNA, but will not make a decision until after his wedding.


Chris Jericho and Fozzy are on the way to the UK via Canada for their appearance at Download this Saturday.

Lilian Garcia:

Lilian Garcia missed SmackDown last week because she was at home with her Father, who has been given the all clear from Cancer, after what Lilian described as a rough few months.

Raw 1000:

WWE are approaching as many as 30 former wrestlers from the past, to appear at the Raw 1,000 episode.

Sabin to quit TNA:

Chris Sabin has hinted he may follow his tag partner Alex Shelley out of TNA, when his deal ends in August, however his Girlfriend Velvet Sky has denied it via her Twitter account.

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