Friday, June 15, 2012

Today's News exclusive:

Santino Marella has challenged Ricardo Rodriguez to a tuxedo match at No Way Out.

Bad award:

Hulk Hogan has been named the worst celebrity Dad by ABC.


Jesse Ventura has revealed he has not spoken to Vince McMahon since 2010, because The Body refused to support Linda's first bid to get into politics.

Matt Morgan:

Has confirmed he intends to leave TNA when he has completed his dates.

Vince McMahon:

Doesn't care about consistency in the storylines according to a member of the creative team.


Chris Sabin injured his knee during a match last night, his TNA contract is up soon and he wanted to follow his friend Alex Shelley to WWE, this will be a huge setback to his career plans.

Police vs WWE:

CM Punk has recounted a story of police harassment he and Kofi Kingston encountered recently...

“The cops pulled us over, the cops ask me all kinds of questions, I know where this is headed… it’s happened to me a dozen times,” Punk recalled. “The cop says, ‘Coffee (referring to Kofi Kingston), do you mind stepping out of the car?’… I said, ‘Kofi, you do not have to get out of the car.’ Kofi is a little bit naive, I have a little bit more ‘city miles’ on myself, as I like to say. Kofi’s like, ‘what’s the big deal?’

Kofi gets out of the car, I watch in the rear-view mirror as the man immediately starts ‘cuffing Kofi… So now other squads are pulling up, it’s ridiculous. Four other squad cars, two state troopers; six cop cars on the side of the road [and] they’re all trying to get me out of the car… (I said) ‘I can hear you fine from in here.’

(Officer says) ‘For the last time, do you want to tell us if there’s something in the car?’ I was like, ‘dude, there’s nothing in the car.’ (Officer replies) ‘Well, can we search it?’ (Punk replied) ‘I would rather you didn’t, we have places to be,’ this is turning ridiculous.

So I get out of the car, they start ‘cuffing me… I’ve been in trouble a few times in my life, Kofi hasn’t, so as they’re trying to maneuver me around the car, I’m like, ‘no, I wanna stand right in front of the camera, where the camera’s at.’ I know things… there are all like borderline kick yokel cops, we’re in Missouri for Christs-sake.

They put Kofi in one squad car, the finally put me in another squad car and we watch as they dismantle our rental car to the point where they’re putting rubber gloves on and they’re going through jugs or protein and they’re just spilling it out on the highway.

I’m in a cop car by myself and I’m starting to get nervous because there’s now two canine cars, so there’s now eight squad cars for two phony pro wrestlers. All it takes is one of these cop to plant something ridiculous… it sounds crazy, but trust me, it does happen…

They come back around and they’re like, ‘we’re going to ask you one more time, is there anything in the car?’ That when I just had it. I’m like, ‘let me out of the car, let me out of the car.’ They let me out of the car, I walk out in front of the camera and if you thought the promo I cut on RAW in July in Vegas was bad, I let these guys have it. And Kofi was just like, ‘sir, let’s just go.

That’s just one story, and it’s certainly not isolated. It happens to us frequently.”

Dykstra vs Cena:

Kenny Dykstra said John Cena, who was always friendly with him during his WWE run would not talk or shake his hands when he returned for a dark match, late last year, and he hasn't been asked back since.

Chris Jericho countdown... 9:

(He is clearly running out of ideas)...

“Number 9. Number 9. Number 9. Number 9. Number 9. Number 9. Number 9. Number 9. Number 9…..”

WWE heat:

Vince McMahon and Michael Cole have both been extremely criticised for the mocking of Jim Ross's facial paralysis on Raw, Vince impersonated him, and Michael Cole said in response to a quip by Josh Matthews...

“Actually, there is nothing wrong with my mouth, unlike J.R.’s.”

New baby:

Candice Michelle will give birth in October (Pic to follow).

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