Saturday, June 30, 2012

Today's News


Maxine has confirmed her departure from WWE, and has also stated that she does not intend to continue her wrestling career...

“Im not going to another wrestling company that is not in my plans!!! I didnt ask for my release to go to another company.”

Her departure has pleased long term staffer Terry Anderson, she wrote...

“Yes yes yes …so happy a certain person will no longer be with WWE.”

TNA / Chikara:

TNA have approached respected indy promotion Chikara to link up in the view of strengthening their X Division.

Chyna Ban:

The former IC Champion has had her Twitter account terminated after she was giving personal information of the woman she accuses of stealing her dog to her followers.

Booker T hacked:

The Twitter account of Booker and E-Mail account of his wife Sharmell were hacked by racists yesterday, they changed his profile image to a Nazi swastika and posted a stream of racist abuse.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Today's News

WWE cuts Segment:

During the John Cena / Chris Jericho exchange, John Cena said Fudgin' followed by Y2J mocking him and Cena saying he can't say more because it is a PG show, the intent was to defend the PG Era using their poster boy, but the feeling is, that it looked and sounded childish.

Batista movie:

It appears that Batista's big announcement is not wrestling related after all, he has announced he will appear in the new Quentin Tarantino film, The Man With The Iron Fists.

WWE star quits:

Maxine has grown frustrated by the lack of a main event push and has walked from her WWE deal.


Last night Sonjay Dutt returned to join the X-Division.

2 Cold Scorpio was backstage.


The Hall Of Famer has been challenged for using the word ''Faggot'' on Twitter, she initially defended herself saying she had a gay cousin, but later claimed she had been hacked.


The former WWE Champion has failed to make it to the top of Mount Elberus due to adverse weather conditions.


Full Sail University has now opened the door to the general public for future events.

Kenny Dykstra apology:

After Victoria's defence of his claims against her yesterday, he has sincerely apologised via his Twitter...

“Never wanted Lisa to be involved obviously I was wrong 4 hinting towards her since she is the sweetest person ever. So for that im sorry.”

Undertaker Appearance:

The Undertaker will make his first appearance since WrestleMania on August 1st, with WWE developmental group FCW.


Next weeks Smackdown will include a Great American Bash Battle Royal.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Today's News

Shaggy's Wrestling News is 1:

Big news day today, but first... Today is the 1st birthday of Shaggy's Wrestling News, I only started it for a month to try it out, and here we are 1 year later... thanks to all 212 of you that have joined and supported the page, do you want to go for another year...???


The TNA star has signed a new deal.

Controversial Single:

Insane Clown Posse are set to release a single called Chris Benoit, they are currently shooting a video, where fans wearing Black hoodies and horror masks surge towards a ring, where the ICP are rapping.

John Cena:

Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of his WWE debut, the company posted an interview and feature on their website, which you can see on Shaggy's Wrestling Page.

WWE.Com are also marking the first anniversary of the CM Punk shoot interview on Raw, with stars past and present discussing it's importance.

Jobber turns the knife:

A former WWE preliminary talent Kris Katera, has backed up the claims of Kenny Dykstra regarding John Cena cheating on his wife, he claims that Cena and Jonathan Coachman were open and boastful of their behaviour in the back.

Kenny has offended former WWE star Victoria however, he revealed that she was another of John Cena's conquests, (Although he did not name her, he gave so much information that it was impossible not to know who he was referring to), she claims she dated him for a month in 2002 and was not his ''Road Wife'', which is the term Dykstra used.

WWE vs Newspaper:

WWE threatened to sue a journalist who has been scathing in his attacks on Linda McMahon's political ambitions if he did not stop publishing his thoughts, he refused and continued. In a surprising twist today, the newspaper that employs him has filed a complaint to the Elections Committee, about the WWE, claiming a public company should not be supporting a political candidate.

Goldberg vs Lesnar:

Bill Goldberg has approached Brock Lesnar personally is the hopes of a WrestleMania 20 rematch, chances are slim however, Brock is only due to work SummerSlam and WrestleMania and his opponents are already set in stone.

Vince McMahon:

The WWE Chairman has ordered commentators not to say the name of the town they are in, if he feels it is not big enough to host the WWE, Fort Wayne IN, and Columbia SC are recent victims of this embargo.

Reby Sky / Sunny feud:

Reby Sky has gotten extremely personal in her online feud with the Hall Of Famer, accusing her of performing sexual acts on wrestlers for drugs...

“The last shred of respect I tried to hold on to having for you (after discovering you literally sucked Sabu’s d*ck for somas) is gone.

Checked my facebook before bed & this is what I see from Sunny: “Not worried about your response” | Refreshes page over & over responding to fan-girls & posts multiple times |

Look, the internet can implode & tell me I have no right to my own opinion, but I’m not backing down from anything I’ve said. There aren’t “sides” here, but if there were, SOLELY based on what my issue with Sid was – which was no-showing / disappointing fans / not keeping his word on bookings – and you “hate” me because of what I said, you’re implying it’s OK to do those things, the reason being, because he’s a “legend”. Don’t be a mark. There are plenty of “legends” who are pieces of sh*t. Being a “legend” doesn’t make you a good person. Moreover, I don’t need to be 900 years old or employed by any particular company to be able to have/voice an opinion. And the bigger question is, WHO CARES what I have to say ? Ran out of people to pick on, Sunny ?

I stand by my friends through thick & thin but when they’ve done something undeniably wrong I’m not going to justify it when its criticized & that’s exactly what Sunny has done. You’re buddies. Good for you. But your “buddy” has been screwing over a whole lot of fans & promotors – You’re going to back THAT up ? The last shred of respect I tried to hold on to having for you (after discovering you literally sucked Sabu’s dick for somas) is gone.

If people dislike me for some other reason, then by all means, continue to rant on and on about it; You deserve the right to express your opinion as much as I do (although today, people seem to have forgotten I have a right to my own) … but if you’re going to hate me because I said people NO-SHOWING makes me sick then you’re just as bad as he is.”

Maria Kanellis:

The former WWE star has reacted furiously to being criticised for complaining about being groped by a fan yesterday...

“So since Marisa Tomei played a stripper and is scantily clad in a movie that gives you the right to grab her? I don’t think so. I am a performer and so is she. Your comments disgust me''.

The Rock:

Wrestler turned actor The Rock will not be able to compete at SummerSlam, he has confirmed, he will be shooting Fast and Furious 6, throughout the summer, but will be back on WWE TV before the end of 2012.

TNA News:

Abyss has been pulled from the AAA tour.

Jeff Jarrett is working on an Argentinian expansion of the company.

Ric Flair is under a no-compete clause.

Sting has been written out of the story lines, until Bound For Glory in October.

Year 2 starts tomorrow... Thanks again...


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today's News

Earl Hebner:

The iconic referee has lost it and gone on a massive Twitter rant...

“I might be a old man but I make more $ than you’ll ever make in life! You couldn’t pay my taxes”

“Canadians only wipe their butts with my shirt? That’s the only way they’ll clean their asses”

“I didn’t want a job at WCW Bret didn’t screw us I screwed him!”

“but I’m still making money and your the idiot who bought the ticket!”

“I’m the best there is the best there was and the best they’ll ever be”

“no ur momma sucks better than mine! That’s why she’s number one”

“brian won’t screw nobody unless I tell him too I am in control”

“the only way to shut u up obviously is to put a D*** in ur mouth”

“if you could make the money I make youd be a millionaire and get off food stamps ….. b—h”

(When asked which Knockout he’d like to screw) “I’ve screwed them all!… I am the master at screw jobs!!!”

WWE apology:

They apologised for a technical glitch at the start of Raw, when the first minute was replaced with a local feature on the USA network.


Her partner, indy wrestler Damien Darling, has been approached by WWE.


His appearance on Raw has started a Twitter battle, initially between Hall Of Famer Sunny and Reby Sky (GF of Matt Hardy), but Shannon Moore and Sid himself joined in.

Reby wrote...

“That piece of sh*t Sid no-shows almost EVERY show in the last yr but prances onto Raw. Please tell us again how much u LOVE ‘the business…Guess he managed not to ‘lose his wallet’ this time. Sad thing is, now that he got 10 more mins of fame he’ll get more bookings to NO-SHOW…*CK people like that. You f*ck with peoples’ time, money & professional integrity because you’re too much of a douche to keep your word…I’m all for hustlin, but BLACKMAILING promotors into giving you more $ after threatening not to show then STILL not showing after they do.”

Sunny Responded in defence of the former WWF Champion...

“WOW! Just read something about Reby Sky, who is only known for being Matt Hardy’s girlfriend going off about my good friend Sid Vicious…Like she has room to talk? Who is she? NO ONE! And she was completely disrespectful to the locker room at a show I was on with her… OOOHH just WAIT til I see her*t’s gonna fly! One thing I’ve always stood by, you always show respect for those who have seniority in this business.. she’s too dumb and ignorant to know that…I was raised Old-school by the right people, and she deserves an Old school ass whipping…. she disrespected me and the entire locker room on the show I was on with Matt… I’ll never say I was on a show with HER. Matt and I have been friends for years….I’m surprised she hasn’t learned a little bit…Regardless if he no-shows or not, someone like her has no right to disrespect someone like him! Sid likes to play his softball…everyone knows it.”

Shannon Moore, chimed in...

“Sid is great. He worked with 3 Count in WCW and worked hard. If you have been in the biz for 3 min your opinion don’t fn count. Thanks Sid!!, Why do people that have done nothing in the biz want to trash legends. Karma is a bitch.Shut up if you trying to actually make it !, @WWEHOFerSunny You proved your point and made a big impact for the chicks.They have no clue what being a Pro is.”

Reby Sky, then wrote to Sunny on her Facebook...

“So the fact that I don’t agree with how someone conducts themselves professionally gives another a right to threaten me ? Everyone has a “Sunny story”, but no one can ever say I’m anything but professional & respectful to everyone I’ve ever worked with / beside … unless they’re mad. YOU MAD ?

In any case, I believe I owe you a thank you, Sunny, as I was recently offered a movie role that was written for you – but since you were too unreliable – was passed on to me. Perhaps if you weren’t more concerned with doing things that landed you in H*zelden that would have never happened, but I guess reliability isn’t a priority for you. Or Sid.

It’s a small world, and if you’re that anxious to see me again I’m sure there are plenty out there who would be more than happy to arrange that. If you can manage to show up, that is.”

Sid then thanked Sunny for her support...

“Reby Sky can say whatever she wants. I don’t mind. Since when has her opinion on me mattered?I’m not going argue or stoop to her level.Sorry”

“@WWEHOFerSunny Do not worry about her. Not worth out time. Thank you though. Thank you and I understand. Doesn’t matter what people say though. I loved being on RAW. Bottom line.”

Maria Kanellis:

She wrote on Twitter that she was working for the best company in the world (Ring Of Honour) and did not want to go back to WWE, but when she was told WWE.Com were featuring her she thanked them, and said she deserved the spotlight.

She also wrote about being groped at the recent ROH event, by a guy in the front row...

“Thank you New York for coming to see Mike Bennett and myself. But the guy in the front row that grabbed my bum, I will have you thrown out next time. You are a pervert!!”

The former WWE Diva continued, “I am not to be touched, ever, by a fan weather I am working or not. It’s gross. I am not a toy. You pay to watch, so watch. Don’t touch. The only person that can touch is Mike Bennett. From now on you will get thrown out. thank you…”

Vickie Guerrero:

Vickie spent the day yesterday at the El Paso Children's Hospital, she donated WWE collectables, and was featured on the local news.


The former WWE Champion has declared himself fit and well, after his worrying Tweet yesterday... “all is good frostbite is fine and hypoxia symptoms left when I got off mountain.”

Taka Michinoku:

Kota Ibushi did an EVIL (See what I did there,  prank on the former Kaientai man, he took some nude photo's in the locker room after a show, then posted them onto the internet,

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

4 qualifying matches were held to get into the Money In The Bank match, the results were

* Damien Sandow bt Zack Ryder

* Tyson Kidd bt Jack Swagger (Good to see a great worker getting a chance).

* Santino Marella and Christian bt Cody Rhodes and David Otunga

* Tensai bt Justin Gabriel

It will also be announced that Teddy Long will be next weeks GM.


Rena Lesnar has denied having a Twitter and the account has now been terminated.

Randy Orton:

Towards the end of his Twitter Q and A yesterday a fan asked him why his Punt Kick was banned but Zack Ryder's Broski Boot wasn't, he replied with... 

''That was a good question''.

Dean Ambrose:

Now that Triple H has killed the Mick Foley feud, the creative team are working on a new debut story line, he will be on the Raw brand.


WWE's website has launched a Hall Of Shame, the first four inductees are...

* John Laurinaitis

* The Miz

* Michael Cole

* Batista.


The announcement he teased during the WrestleMania weekend is coming this week.

Shawn Michaels:

During a Twitter Q and A he says Dolph Ziggler is his favourite worker.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today's News

Jerry Lawler Match:

The King has announced he will wrestle Michael Cole at tonight's SmackDown tapings.

Layla confession:

The current Diva's Champion has corrected misinformation on the internet and has owned up to turning 35 yesterday.

New WWE Show:

WWE Main Event, a 1 hour recap show will debut on October 3, on Ion.

Kenny Dykstra:

In what has to been seen as a scathing attack on John Cena, the former Spirit Squad member has revealed the overwhelming support he has gotten from fellow workers, and controversially, current WWE staffers, for his outspoken remarks on the company's top man. Most strongly from Shad Gaspard who accuses Cena of ruining a promising career. He tweeted...

“Kenn Doane is a great guy and worker who was held back. Some of the best guys get s–tted on for no good reason.”

Celebrity Announced For Raw 1000:

Charlie Sheen is Winning (See what I did there,  the honour of appearing at WWE's landmark episode, he will be tweeting the events of the show, but may not be used on air, due to his controversial behaviour.

Great American Bash:

The Smackdown Live events next weekend will be themed as the iconic former PPV (Probably to celebrate the upcoming 4th of July celebrations).


John Cena announced he will compete in his first Money In The Bank Match (Jericho and Kane were also confirmed), Brock will return next week, Brodus Clay lost his unbeaten streak, Chris Jericho and Psycho Sid returned, they both commented via their Twitters...

Sid wrote...

“Thank you for the huge pop on #RAW! Much respect to all of my fans! 

#MasterAndRulerOfTheWorld … Off for now. Love being backstage at #RAW. Tweet you tomorrow. Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE!”

Chris Jericho noted...

“Awesome to be back on Raw! Great time working @JohnCena and the crowd was amazing! #byebyesuspension”

Sid's return (Video)...

Kelly Kelly:

Despite being advertised to appear last night, she instead has gone on vacation with her boyfriend.

Ric Flair:

The double WWE Hall Of Famer was assaulted by his wife Jacqueline last night, the Police were called but he did not press charges, and neither were arrested or taken to hospital.

SPOILER!!! (Possible):

WWE want to bring in a former champion every week to compete on Raw as they build up to Raw 1000, they failed last week, although Rowdy Roddy Piper and Wendi Richter appeared, they did not compete, but they may have gotten a big one for next week, Bill Goldberg wrote on his Twitter earlier...

''Big news coming soon so stay tuned……''

Brock Lesnar:

WWE have started to advertise the former Champion for Raw 1000, although he has not confirmed yet, he will be at the final Raw before SummerSlam on August 13 and will appear next week, but it has not been confirmed that he will be at the show, maybe a VT promo.


Rena Lesnar has joined Twitter @Realsable.

Lilian Garcia:

The long term WWE Ring announcer, was given the mic on Raw for the first time since her WWE return last night.

Legend / Hall Of Famer to FCW:

Wild Samoan Afa was guest trainer at the WWE developmental league over the weekend.

New General Manager:

WWE have announced the permanent new GM will be announced during Raw 1000.

CM Punk:

The WWE champion will attend the Ohio Comic Con on September 29.

JBL Mountain Climb:

The former Champion has had a tough start to his charity challenge...

“Got hypoxia and was fighting frostbite, still made it to 1,000 feet of summit then huge storm pushed us off mountain. Lucky to be alive.”

Randy Orton:

The banned superstar has hosted a Twitter Q&A...

Highlights include

* He is refreshed, but ready to return

* He is undergoing strength training

* The Punt Kick will remain banned

* He hinted at smoking Marijuana as the cause of his ban

* He denied knowledge of Kenny Dykstra's claims re John Cena trying to get him fired.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Today's News

New school:

Tommy Dreamer has started a new wrestling school, called House Of Hardcore, in his home town of Poughkeepsie, New York.

Morgan to WWE:

Matt Morgan has had a meeting with WWE in their Stamford CT, Headquarters, he says it was positive, expect his return after the TNA lawsuit goes away.

Raw preview:

WWE have posted this teaser for tonight's show...

* Chris Jericho‘s return and how he will adjust to the changed WWE landscape since he left

* Has Kane captured the heart of AJ Lee?

* More on Titus O’Neil and Darren Young’s road to the WWE Tag Team Titles

* Will Heath Slater offend another WWE Legend?

* What Will Paul Heyman have to say about Triple H punching him last week?

They are also advertising, the return of the injured R-Truth and Kelly Kelly.


Former TNA star Betsy Ruth has been forced to retire, she must undergo ovary removal surgery.

Hart recovery:

Bret Hart has marked the 10th anniversary of his stroke...

“10 years ago today at this very hour, death came calling and returned home empty handed. Thank you God for letting me continue my journey.”

Hart has since recovered much of his mobility and is in good health, although he suffers from an emotional imbalance.

Eric Young:

Rumours are circulating that he has left TNA, some say he quit, others that he has been released, he has denied the rumours saying that his schedule was changed at the last minute.

Randy Orton:

WWE are hot with Orton for his Tweets since he has been out, they feel he is not taking the gravity of his ban seriously, sources close to him say he will be pushed straight to the top when he returns because the roster is too thin and they need him.


Kharma is ready to return, but WWE are having a tough time creating a story line for her. They want her to be face, because people will be automatically sympathetic after the loss of her child, and want her to have a feud with Beth Phoenix, but want to draw it out, so need a story line reason to bring her in, and the ready made rivalry with the Bella's can't be used, because they have now gone.

Rey Mysterio:

His drugs ban is now up, and he will be brought back at next weeks TV tapings, he will be pushed to the top right away.

Guerrero Jr.

Shaul Guerrero, Daughter of Eddie and Vickie has broken the record as the longest reigning FCW Ladies champion, she was rewarded by being given a run with the main roster, as a ring announcer, over the weekend's live events.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Today's News

Hogan Twitter Fail #2:

For the second time Hulk Hogan has re-tweeted a negative comment, this time...

My friend ! Been loving #TNA the past 2 months BUT the ending segment on Impact with A.J and Dixie was just BRUTAL. #HH4Life

John Cena:

He has announced after drastically changing his schedule to grant his 300th wish, that he wants to grant 1000 wishes, for the charity The Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Chris Jericho:

Y2J has marked the end of his suspension with... “…Zero. BREAK THE WALLS DOWN! Monday on #Raw”

CM Punk:

Klout Magazine has ranked the current WWE Champion 8th on the most influential athletes list.

Writer / Vince fight:

Former WWE writer Alex Greenfield has revealed how he almost got into a fist fight with the boss, because he wouldn't listen to his creative ideas, the interview.

Scott Hall:

Kevin Nash has apologized to fans at the NWA fan fest after Hall no showed the event, claiming he missed 2 separate flights.

Hall Of Fame:

Demolition Ax will be inducted into the NWA Hall Of Fame in Georgia tonight.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Today's News


The former WWE star who admitted to being sexually abused as a child for the first time last summer whilst talking to Mick Foley in an interview for his blog, and to support his charity RAIN, has now come out publicly about his suffering, after he found out the guy that abused him is still preying on children, he has vowed to ''Get him''.

Mark Henry:

The world's strongest man is currently dieting, and is not happy about it.

Marine 3:

The latest instalment in the WWE movie franchise has wrapped filming, it's star, The Miz will be back on Raw soon.


The Big Show will be the first name announced to compete in the Raw Money In The Bank Match tonight.

Chris Jericho:

Countdown (Day 1)...

“One man, one goal One mission One heart, one soul Just one solution One flash of light One God, one vision One flesh, one bone…”

It is thought when (If) he returns next week, he will do so as a face.

Chyna Rant:

Chyna has launched into another Twitter rant, this time accusing a friend of stealing her dog.

Beth Phoenix:

The former Diva's Champion wants to become the first woman to challenge for the World Title.

Maria Menounos:

The TV star wants to return to the WWE, to wrestle Beth Phoenix again.

WWE.Com Feature:

WWE's latest list, count's down WWE's most ridiculous title reigns.

Ghost Stories:

Rowdy Roddy Piper has been told during an appearance on a supernatural TV show, that his former rival Adorable Adrian Adonis is looking after him from beyond the grave.

Ryback Finisher:

Ryback has named his winning move Shell Shocked.


It has been leaked that John Cena will challenge CM Punk for the WWE title at the Summer Spectacular.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Today's News

New First Lady?:

AJ has been compared to Miss Elizabeth in a recent online article, by ESPN, What do you think?, IMO there will only ever be one Liz. 

Chris Jericho:

Countdown (Day 2)... 

“2 years ago I went to see Iron Maiden with my 2 cousins and they played 2 Minutes To Midnight.”

Ghost Kofi:

The current WWE Tag Champ will appear on Fact or Faked on SyFy, next Tuesday.

Scott Steiner:

Scott is the latest former WWE star to be added to WWE.Com's alumni section.

No Way Out:

The most recent WWE show was not sold out, if fact with only 10,000 fans in attendance it was the lowest selling PPV, and the worst attended event in the arena's history.

Chris Benoit:

As we reach the 5th anniversary of the Benoit tragedy, Perry Saturn has shared his thoughts on one of wrestling's defining tragedies...

“All the time I’d been with Chris, I honestly don’t think I’ve seen him mad. I’m sure he’d been upset, but mad? I’ve been mad where they’ve had to grab me and calm me down mad. Eddie’s been so mad that I’ve seen Eddie throw a f****ing pool cue across a bar for just about no reason. I’ve seen Dean twice scream at somebody. I’ve never seen Chris do that. All those times I went out every night partying – because that’s what I did – and on occasion I was able to drag these guys out with me. Chris told me on day one – and it never changed – that he didn’t cheat on Nancy. Chris was a faithful husband and loving father. I have no idea what happened. I could never explain it and it blows my mind – the whole thing.”

Sunny to WWE:

The Hall Of Famer has decided to move to Connecticut, and says she will make a call to WWE to look for work in their Stamford HQ.

Christian Interview:

Christian has spoken about the retirement on his ''Brother'' Edge...

“Yeah, I was the first person he called after he got the news (about the injury). It was one of those things where I had to listen and be there for him,” Christian recalls. 

I could tell he was upset about it once it sunk in. I told him that if was writing the end to his story, this was the perfect way to finish it off, just winning the WrestleMania 27 world championship, the biggest show of the year. You can’t write a better ending than that.”

He also said he plans on having a long career, and has no plans on hanging up his boots any time soon.

Luke Gallows:

The former WWE star who wrestled as Festus and the Fake Kane, has had a try out for TNA under the name Isiaah Cane.


Canada will continue to air the show.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Today's News

TNA file new lawsuit:

They have decided to take Scott Steiner to court for breach of contract, he apparently signed a deal which stopped him from making unscripted public comments without office approval. They have however been told that they would not get very far, firstly due to the fact he is no longer employed by TNA, so is not bound by that contract, and also because freedom of speech is a basic human right, and even though he is revealing embarrassing stories, he is not breaking laws.

Chris Benoit:

Scotty Riggs has defended Chris Benoit in a recent interview, claiming WWE hypocrisy in the blackballing of his friend, despite the fact they hired Razor Ramon after he killed a man in 1983. The full interview is on R.I.P Dead Wrestlers.

Canadian Walk Of Fame:

Bret Hart has not been added to this years Canadian Walk Of Fame after all, his Father Stu was removed from the list of 2012 inductees also.

50 Greatest Finishers:

WWE are set to release a new DVD celebrating the 50 best moves in their history, the full list in reverse order is...

50. JBL – Clothesline

49. Vader – Vader Bomb

48. Dusty Rhodes – Bionic Elbow

47. Million Dollar Man – Million Dollar Dream

46. Kerry Von Erich – Iron Claw

45. Ravishing Rick Rude – Rude Awakening

44. Lex Luger – Torture Rack

43. Dudley Boyz – 3-D

42. Bam Bam Bigelow – Moonsault

41. DDP – Diamond Cutter

40. Mankind – Mandible Claw / Socko

39. Honky Tonk Man – Shake Rattle and Roll

38. Yokozuna – Bonzai Drop

37. Flash Funk – 450 Splash

36. Sting – Scorpion Lock

35. Lita – Moonsault

34. Kevin Nash – Jack-knife

33. Jerry The King Lawler – Piledriver

32. RVD – Five-Star Frog Splash

31. Big Show – Chokeslam

30. CM Punk – GTS

29. Brock Lesnar – F-5

28. Bob Backlund – Chicken Wing

27. Batista – Batista Bomb

26. Mr. Perfect – Perfect Plex

25. Kurt Angle – Ankle Lock

24. Chris Jericho – Lion Tamer / Walls of Jericho

23. Edge – Spear

22. Iron Sheik – Camel Clutch

21. John Cena – Attitude Adjustment

20. Scott Hall – Razors Edge

19. Goldberg – Jackhammer

18. Rey Mysterio – 6-1-9

17. Road Warriors – Doomsday Device

16. Bruno Sammartino – Bearhug

15. Sgt. Slaughter – Cobra Clutch

14. Jeff Hardy – Swanton Bomb

13. Eddie Guerrero – Frog Splash

12. Macho Man Randy Savage – Elbow off Top Rope

11. Randy Orton – RKO

10. Bret Hitman Hart – Sharpshooter

9. Jimmy Superfly Snuka – Superfly Splash

8. Nature Boy Ric Flair – Figure Four Leg Lock

7. Hulk Hogan – Leg Drop

6. Shawn Michaels – Sweet Chin Music

5. Jake The Snake Roberts – DDT

4. The Rock – Rock Bottom / Peoples Elbow

3. Triple H – Pedigree

2. Undertaker – Tombstone Piledriver

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin – Stunner

Kenny Dykstra:

The former Spirit Squad member is back with another attack on John Cena, talking about wanting Randy Orton fired...

“It was the same night when Cena tried toughening up Carlito (which was absolutely stupid of Cena) he was pretty much bullying him because we all know if Carlito hit Cena and hurt him he would be fired plain and simple. But regardless once John calmed down I asked him what that was all about he ranted and other crap saying people need to hold their own weight around here and some how he got to Randy being suspended saying he is trying for Randy’s release to send a message to everyone that they can all be fired just as easily. As for now I don’t know if John is trying for Randy’s release or not but if I had to guess I would say he is due to the fact that he told me he was before. This assumption could be wrong however John telling me in the past he did want Randy fired is true”.

He also revealed how WWE try to kill relationships forming between superstars, by separating them and putting them onto different shows, they did this recently with Eden Stiles who was (And still is) dating Cody Rhodes, so she quit the company rather have the pressure of separation hurting their courtship.

Vader Time:

The 57 year old legend praised Heath Slater in the back after his Raw return last week, he is also keen to return for one more run, but his knees are shot (He looked good to go to me), he is currently busy training his son Jake White (FCW's Jake Carter).

Goodbye Y2J?:

Chris Jericho has said he intends to pursue his music career full time, as he has achieved all he wants to in wrestling...

“I’ve done everything I could possibly do in wrestling. It’s been great, but now Fozzy is kind of growing to be at the level where I am in wrestling, and Fozzy is what I wanna do. Wrestling will always be there, and if I decide to go back, it’s great. But after all these years of hard work with the band, to get some of this momentum behind us is a very rare thing.”

Countdown (Day 3)...

“Get up on your feet Put your hands together Sing along with 3 Count We’ll party up forever…”

Name a Tag Team:

Justin Gabriel has asked his followers on Twitter to name his tag team pairing with Tyson Kidd.


John Cena granted his 300th wish for the charity The Make-A-Wish Foundation before Raw this week, when he met up with a 7 year old boy.

Vince McMahon Criticised:

The Creative Coalition who paired up with WWE to create the anti-bullying campaign Be-A Star, has condemned Vince McMahon as a hypocrite after his mocking of Jim Ross's facial paralysis on Raw last week.

John Laurinaitis:

Johnny Ace has had another of his backstage responsibilities removed from him, he is no longer in charge of putting together live shows, Michael Hayes will have the privilege from here on out.

New FCW Champion:

IRS's son Bo Rotunda is the new standard bearer in WWE's developmental group after a double title switch saw former champ Seth Rollins lose to Rick Victor and he then lose it right away to Bo.


The former Heavyweight Champion will start his 7 peaks mountain climbing challenge today in Russia, good luck to him.


After being fired by WWE earlier this year, Dustin Rhodes has refused the opportunity to be at Raw 1000 as his eponymous character.

McMahon's net worth:

Linda McMahon's political bid has meant she has released her and her husband's financial figures. If Linda McMahon is elected to the United States Senate, she could be the wealthiest member, earning alone a cool $90 Million. Her husband Vince is worth $350 million. Despite this they both recently took out loans of between $5 million and $25 million from Morgan Stanley to build their investment profiles.

Sabin surgery:

Chris Sabin will be benched for 6 to 9 months after he undergoes knee surgery on his torn ACL later today, just months after returning from an 11 month lay off with the same injury on the other knee.

Raw Plan Changed:

WWE's plan to bring in a main event talent from the past to wrestle each week in the lead up to Raw 1000 has been dropped already.

Ex Star Wants WWE Return:

Lauren C. Mayhew, who since leaving WWE in 2009 started a music and TV presenting career, and also has landed a role in the TV show Dexter, has asked her Twitter followers to ask WWE to rehire her.

Brock Lesnar:

WWE have asked their star to be at Raw 1000, he has not yet responded.

Super Diva:

AJ Lee has been to Marvel Headquarters for an interview.

Randy Orton:

Despite his future with WWE still not sorted, Randy is making demands, he is frustrated with his role as a Face, feeling he works better heel, and he also wants his Punt Kick back.

He should have thought of that before he almost caved Cody's skull in.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Today's News

Heath Slater:

Former WWE star Carlito has advised him to save his money, predicting he will soon be fired.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock will next appear on WWE TV on August 13.

WWE star on Reality show:

Eve Torres has taken part in a show named Stars Earn Stripes during her time off TV, she underwent military training to earn prizes for the US armed forces. She will be back on Raw next week.

Mean Gene Okerlund interview:

The Hall Of Famer has criticised Ric Flair for leaving WWE in the hopes of drawing out his wrestling career. He also revealed that Ric wanted to follow Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard to WWE in 1988, that Macho Man suffered a stroke during their feud in 1992, and that Flair was due to face Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 8 that year, but the two guys ego's stopped the match from happening.

Cena's divorce:

John Cena's estranged wife has promised to dish the dirt, she is convinced he cheated on her, and she is determined to find out with who.

Chris Jericho:

As predicted WWE have confirmed that Y2J is booked for a SummerSlam story line, but has no dates advertised post the hottest event of the Summer.

Countdown (Day 4)...

“The Beatles were the Fab 4. I like them better than the Fantastic 4, the 4 Horsemen, the 4 Tops and 4 Non Blondes…”

Rey Mysterio:

His 60 day drugs ban ends on Monday, but WWE have not booked him for any events as of yet.

John Lauriniatis: (From WWE.Com).

Despite being fired by Vince McMahon, the WWE board of directors have decided that he must fulfil his contractual obligations, and will wrestle with Big Show vs John Cena on next weeks Raw.

WWE recycle entrance music:

Either Jim Johnston is losing his MoJo or WWE are too tight to create new themes, current Diva's Champion Layla is using the 2009 - 2010 theme for former star Tiffany as her ring music.

Randy Orton:

He will work a dark World Heavyweight title match on August 28 (if they decide to keep him on).

After announcing 4 dates for Orton just yesterday, WWE have pulled one of the July dates today.

WWE vs Twitter:

WWE have gotten two Twitter accounts closed, one mocking their creative product immediately returned under a slightly different name, the other is more controversial, it was called CrankyVince and mocked the boss, but also revealed inside news and gossip, so it is thought to owned be a current employee, which breaches Twitter's T&C's, but the social media site has refused to reveal the name, due to confidentiality. WWE believe it is an insider because the account revealed the next potentially huge story.

Alberto Del Rio:

The former WWE Champion threatened to quit the WWE last week after being left furious that WWE insiders questioned the severity of his concussion after he missed No Way Out but worked Raw the very next night, he is also frustrated with his position on the roster. He has no issues with money, and could return to Mexico where he is kin to the great Dos Caras, and could also earn extra bank, by being an ex-WWE star.

The above Twitter account claimed that he was pulled from the PPV, because of this spat, not because of an injury.


Vickie Guerrero will announce on this weeks SmackDown that she will be next weeks GM and Great Khali will be her assistant.

Cena / Orton feud:

A WWE source has claimed that the hatred between the two came about because John Cena tried to become a hard A-Doub in the back, trying to ''Coach'' the younger and newer roster members as The Undertaker and JBL did in the past, Randy Orton did not appreciate Cena's behaviour and stood up to him, feeling that his friendship with Triple H would protect him from any repercussions. 

Cena didn't like having his Alpha male status challenged.

WWE 13 (Video):

Footage of Mike Tyson from the new instalment of the franchise.

WWE Try Out:

Amazing Red impressed in his trial before No Way Out and will be hired for the new Cruiserweight show.

Foley / Ambrose feud:

Mick Foley says he has cleared the air with WWE developmental star Dean Ambrose, so it looks as though Triple H got his wish and killed the story.