Saturday, May 4, 2019


ROH buy FOX:

ROH's owners have bought FOX Sports from Disney.


Chris Jericho will challenge for the IWGP World title at Dominion.

Alum to Impact:

Great Muta will make a one night only appearance for Impact next month.

Old boy in music vid:

Enzo Amore stars in the new video by All That Remains.

Konnan talks WWE racism:

''WWE just did a lot of stuff with minorities that was very demeaning and stereotypical and they've always been behind the curve at that. For a while, you just saw Latinos portrayed in one way, especially in WWE where there were coming out in lawnmowers or whatever the case may be. They kind of flipped the script when Alberto Del Rio came out, he was kind of an aristocrat. You never really see a Latino in that position. I think they're more inclusive than before, wrestling as a whole, but they've still got a long way to go."

New champs:

Shane McMahon will crown new blue Tag champs next week on SD.

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