Thursday, May 2, 2019


NXT star calls out Lesnar:

Matt Riddle says he plans to retire Brock Lesnar at next years Mania.

Titles vacated?:

Viking Raiders seemed to vacate their NXT^ Tag gold this weekend. After saying goodbye to the brand they laid down their gold and left the ring.

Booker T addresses Sasha's walkout:

"I am going to tell you right now Sasha Banks has had more life-changing moments than so many that have walked into this business. She is made and she can do anything she wants as far as this business goes from what she has gotten from this business. So, I don't understand it. I can just say that. I don't understand it. I don't understand a lot of this stuff that goes on these days. We are in a totally different world right now as far as the pro wrestling business goes. Hey man, for me, it was all about the money and taking care of my family and to create moments along the way and memories to be able to touch people and at the same time being able to change their lives."

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan has been cleared to return from his unspecified injury at MAnia, and will be written back in, in the coming days / weeks.

Vince steps in to Harper situation:

Vince McMahon has personally written to Luke Harper to inform him he will not be allowed to leave WWE, and will be expected to honour his contract, and the extra time WWE have added to cover his injuries during his current deal.

Rush wants to leave:

Lio Rush says WWE are not paying him his royalties for merch. and that he feels WWE are trying to force him out by squeezing him financially...

"My issue has never been with Bobby Lashley. Being with Bobby has helped the both of us out tremendously. It's given me speaking confidence I didn't know i had. I never was a promo guy on the indies. But being with Bobby made me a promo guy. My issue isn't with my on screen role. My issue is the fact that I haven't been on meet and greets with Bobby, haven't been getting paid for merchandise for us that has my catchphrases on them. I have been sent to live shows and TVs and forced to pay for my own rental for 5 days as well as hotel while not making enough money to do so. Walking around broke in the biggest sports entertainment industry that there is while having two kids and a wife to support."

Mark Henry weighed in, and told the star he should be more sensible with his money...

"If you can't pay for a rental car and you can't pay for a hotel with the money that you're making every week, you need to change the way you're spending. You can't blame that on the office. If you spent everything before you got it, that's your problem."

Lio has brought a ton of heat on himself, for varying reasons, including bringing his wife backstage and allowing her to change in the women's locker room, bringing a large group of friends backstage without permission, a group who then ganged up and verbally abused a female security member who asked them to leave. Telling a veteran, who offered advice, that he worked for Vince not for that star, and his advice was not wanted. Reporting that veteran for the conversation, leading to a bollocking for the vet from the office. This led to the roster banning Lio from the locker room for a time.

Despite all of this WWE offered him a 5 year contract extension, a contract offer he has reportedly refused to accept. He wanted double the $300,000 per year the company offered him.

Alum saves life:

Psicosis saved fellow former WCW star Danny Duggan from drowning after a horror crash they suffered in their car whilst driving through Canada. Their car flipped and landed in a body of water. Duggan was knocked unconscious and could not free himself,leading to the luchadore, who had severe cuts and bruises himself, to jump back in to pull him from the vehicle.

Nascar sign WWE star:

Charlotte will drive the pace car at the upcoming 60th anniversary race.

Why Brock retired:

Brock Lesnar reportedly asked for a flat fee for a return to UFC, and they were not willing to pay it.

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