Sunday, May 19, 2019


Neville withdraws from AEW PPV:

Neville made a comment after an indie match over the weekend, which has now come to be confirmed. He said he would not be turning up to AEW's PPV event later this month, to fans attending the show he was competing at. AEW today confirmed this, pulling his match vs Adam Page from the card.

He is reportedly unwilling to lose the planned match, due to pressure from Dragon Gate, for whom he is their champion. They want him to continue to appear invincible.

Mania celeb confirms Brawl For All was punishment for Gunn:

Butterbean says Bart Gunn winning Brawl For All, against the wishes of the office, was punished by the Mania match they had against each other...

"It was pretty bad for Bart. Bart actually wanted to get out of wrestling and go into boxing and he had made Vince mad because of the whole Brawl For All thing. Vince wanted him to throw one, he wouldn't do it, so I was his punishment."

Top star asks for release:

Scarlett Bordeaux reportedly asked Impact to let her go last week.

PPV tonight:

Tonight is WWE Money In The Bank.

Dasha Fuentes says Roman Reigns interview led to her WWE firing:

"My manager at the time told me I was being released. I don't want to name too many names, but my manager called me—and that was another thing, they called me on a Tuesday and I was told 'After the events that occurred on Monday Night Raw, we are taking you off TV and you're not going to WrestleMania. I literally went back and I watched the interview and there a tiny little blip that happened but it was live, it was with Roman and I figured it was a pretty good interview and I could see the growth and consistency that was happening from week to week. So I was like 'Series of events?' and I was just taken aback. I figured I would relax and not freak out about this, maybe they're going to send me back to NXT because a lot of people don't know that I ring announced for NXT and that's my passion, I love ring announcing. I was told I'd get a call the next week and told what was going on. Well, the following Monday after WrestleMania I got a call that lasted literally like a minute and a half and they said 'We're letting you go' and I was like 'Well, thanks for 5 years.' and that's it."

New baby almost cost WWE an announcer:

JoJo's mother says her daughter suffered serious complications during her giving birth to her and Bray Wyatt's son, and that she was fighting for the lives of both herself and her child during the traumatic birth. She went on to praise Bray, who never left her side for a second throughout the drama.

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