Friday, May 24, 2019


New faction:

Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner have defected from NXT to the UK offshoot to join the champion of the brand, Walter. Alexander Wolfe will also join the group in the coming weeks.

Ashley anger:

The lawyer behind the concussion lawsuits has used the death of Ashley Massaro to further attack WWE, repeating the accusations that Ashley was raped by a US military doctor at a base in Kuwait, whilst on WWE duty. WWE have angrily responded to he callous timing of his latest onslaught...

''WWE is saddened by the death of Ashley Massaro, and we reiterate our condolences to her family. However, we regret that her attorney Konstantine Kyros, who filed multiple cases against WWE, lost all of them, and was sanctioned multiple times by the Court for repeated misconduct and false allegations, is using Ashley's death to further his malicious campaign against WWE by releasing an affidavit that she submitted to the Court and later apologized to WWE for being involved with, so we wish to make certain things crystal clear. At no time was Vince McMahon or the management of WWE ever informed by Ashley Massaro or anybody else that she had been sexually assaulted, drugged, raped or sodomized by a military doctor with a nurse standing guard while on a goodwill tour in 2007 to U.S. military bases in Kuwait. In fact, if she ever articulated such a claim to WWE, we would have reported it immediately to the Base Commander. At no time was there ever a meeting with Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn, John Laurinaitis or other company executives in which she told them of such a claim and was instructed to keep it quiet.''

Vacant titles:

William Regal has announced a multi team ladder match at the next NXT special will determine the next owners of their Tag gold.

Jericho recalls backstage falling out with McMahons:

"I'm doing my promo, typical heel stuff, everyone's booing. Some dude hits me in the eyeball - it hit me hard. It pissed me off. And I was like 'Alright, alright, you want to throw stuff at me? Everyone go ahead. Everyone start throwing stuff at me - come on. What do you got?'…There is a snowstorm of these glow sticks. There must have been one hundred. I remember being like a ninja, like Sugar Ray Leonard boxing them out of the way. After the show, I was told that Stephanie [McMahon] wants me fined and she wants me suspended. Well Stephanie's not my boss. I don't give a s--t what Stephanie wants - you can tell her that. I called Vince and cut a promo on his answering machine. 'I got heat out there. This is my job. This is what I'm here to do. At the end of the night, the babyface beat me. What's the problem? You're going to fine and suspend me for getting heat? Bring it on m-erf-er.' Vince just texted me back with a little smiley face saying 'calm down junior'. So the next day, at the Garden, he didn't even mention it… He said 'There's no problem".

KSA stay at homes:

Aleister Black has been told he can't go to Saudi Arabia because of one of his tattoo's religious conotation, he explained the meaning of it...

"I don't really talk about the meaning of my tattoos, but I will give you that one. The being on my back is Lilith, in some folklore she is the first woman to ever rebel against paradise. The reason she is there for equality, equality for every man and woman – which is the most important thing there is."

KO told WWE he is not going because his family do not want him to go, partly because of the ban on his best friend, Sami Zayn, not being allowed to travel there, and partly over worries over safety, given the controversial regime's track record.

JR blats WWE creative:

Jim Ross says the top people running WWE creative do not know pro wrestling...

"I've always had a little bit of creative freedom to express myself. Over time WWE kind of reeled that back in, I guess they had some of that research or it was due to personal philosophy, I don't have a clue, but most of them don't understand wrestling -- they are in administration there. They are great marketers, they've got some brilliant, brilliant people in WWE, no doubt about it, but I think some of the key decisions are being made without an inordinate amount of product knowledge, which is not going to make them happy to hear, but that's the way I look at it. Vince could do better by surrounding himself with a different kind of consultant or writer or creative people or whatever."


Johnny Gargano is dealing with a knee injury.

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