Tuesday, May 28, 2019


AJ goes home:

WWE have announced AJ Styles is benched with an unspecified injury. It is, perhaps, kayfabe, but that it is not confirmed.

Rey relinquishes:

WWE say Rey Mysterio will vacate the US title next week, due to injury.


Seth Rollins vs Baron Corbin is booked for the KSA trip, the Universal gold will be on the line.

AEW name checked on Raw:

Sami Zayn mentioned AEW during a promo on Raw this week, drawing a gasp of shock from the audience. They is mixed reports about it. Some say it was office authorised, but WWE have taken the comment out of repeated broadcasts of the segment, so, who knows?

Ryan refuses:

Joey Ryan has refused a contract offer from AEW.

SD tease:

  • Kofi Kingston to clash with Kevin Owens
  • Dolph Ziggler to appear on "The Kevin Owens Show"
  • Bayley goes one-on-one with Raw's Lacey Evans
  • How will Roman Reigns respond to Shane McMahon and his "insurance policy"?
  • Can R-Truth make it through another night as 24/7 Champion?

WWE / AEW conspiracy theories:

A couple of wild stories are making the rounds on the interweb, relating to a relationship, or an attempt for sabotage between the two.

One story suggests WWE has sent Dean Ambrose to AEW to kill them from the inside, sort of like a plant in their camp, the other, profligated by a top WWE / WCW creative writer, Vince Russo (Yes, him!), who feels WWE and AEW ''Are in bed together.'' He made the call because of Sami's reference to the promotion.

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