Thursday, May 30, 2019


AEW for the young:

AEW owner, Tony Khan, says his promotion are targeting their product at the young adult wrestling fan...

"When you see a guy reading off a teleprompter or a mental teleprompter, just trying to recite a script or trying to look up in the air when you forget a line. It is hard to suspend disbelief when the wrestler doesn't believe in the real-life situation that is unfolding. So like I said, I am not surprised that we are drawing young viewers; it was part of the plan going in."

Alum addresses arrest:

Terri Runnels was arrested this week for carrying a loaded gun into an airport. She has commented on the situation, and revealed how it happened...

"Evidently, it's everywhere that I took a loaded handgun into the Tampa International Airport. And I literally—when I go to see my mom, I pack my gun because she has armadillos that ruin her garden and other critters that go after her chickens. I usually take my gun when I go to see her. I was with her for about a week and a half, and helping her out. I got home and was literally, I think I got eight hours sleep in three days. And then I got up this morning, Wednesday the 29th, I think it was 4 am when I got up to make this early flight to go to Allentown for the show, for the benefit, for Sam. And literally it did not even cross my mind that my gun was in my Vera Bradley tote that I always take on the plane with me. It was the most—God, I've never in trouble in my life and it scared the hell out of me. It was a simple mistake, dear God, it was just horrible. If you're a praying soul, pray, because it still scares me. I don't even know what to say because I'm going to start crying, so, I'm going to shut up. But I at least wanted you guys to know what mistake I had made and what happened. I think some places are reporting as if I had intended to do something terrible. I simply forgot that it was in that bag."

Fans draw heat om ECIII:

Dean Ambrose says bad WWE booking, causing fans to rebel, is the reason ECIII is being buried in the WWE mid-card...

"They put me against EC3, debuting from NXT. Great talent, great friend of mine. Excited to work with him. They have EC3 come in as a babyface, defeat me in two minutes. ... The crowd does not like this, because it's transparent what's happening and this is not a, this is not good for EC3, because now he's gonna get the backlash. So it was an unfair position for him to be put in. We get to that weekend, I'm working with EC3 on house shows, now I'm the biggest babyface on the show. I'm a heel, I'm thumbing him in the eye, I'm making fun of the town, it doesn't matter, they're violently rejecting him as the babyface and they're cheering the hell out of me. It's got nothing to do with him, it's like anti-WWE."

Old boy joins AEW:

Judas Devlin, ex of NXT, whose career was cut short by a seemingly insurmountable back and neck injury has signed for AEW as Luchasaurus, completing a remarkable turn around in his in ring career.

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