Friday, May 10, 2019


White House calling:

Jack Swagger says he received a phone call from WWE HOF President of the USA, Donald Trump, ti wish him luck in his next MMA fight.

Jungle Boy talks granting his famous dad what turned out to be a last wish:

"I did some extra work on dad's last film. He's like, 'I want you to be in the same film, or like collection of footage that I'm in' ... and he was really adamant about it. I was like alright dad I'll do it. My dad was so excited about that. That really kind of reinvigorated him and re-energized him. Because he liked Riverdale, but it was work, it was like his job. He told me, 'This is like you getting to wrestle Chris Jericho.'"

WWE try to kill Lars story:

WWE had Lars Sullivan issue a statement on the controversy over his past social media posts...

"There is no excuse for the inappropriate remarks that I made years ago. They do not reflect my personal beliefs nor who I am today, and I apologize to anyone I offended."

His apology didn't impress Kalisto though...

"He just needs to get out of my way....I'm Latino....''

Champ going home:

Kofi Kingston is going to re-trace his roots. He will make a promotional trip to Ghana soon. WWE will record the trip for a film for the Network.

Elgin talks leaving Japan:

"It was more-so of just me wanting to be there and I kind of freed up my obligations because I just spent so much time in Japan and there was an offer there that I decided wasn't right for me. Because I decided that even though it was said otherwise in some media outlets, I felt it was time to move on and focus on my son. And looking at all the other options, like I previously mentioned, that I focus on wrestling and I watch a lot and I try to watch every company out there and stay focused on the talent that's out there, and- just the product as a whole within Impact was what I like about pro wrestling."

Mark Henry defends Kofi:

Mark Henry has responded to the torrent of hate Kofi Kingston has been facing since winning the WWE gold...

"Kofi is a guy that is World Champion, WWE Champion and he is throwing pancakes, he is dancing, and people think that somehow trivializes that he is damn good. Well, I'm here to tell you, he can throw pancakes, waffles, he can make some toast and put jelly on it. Whatever he wants to do. It does not diminish the fact that he is a dominant athlete, an intellectual stalwart and someone that you want to see what happens next. Kofi is an excellent champion and I always knew that was a possibility if he ever got the opportunity."

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