Wednesday, May 15, 2019


WWE for sale?:

Vince McMahon was asked by a vusiness magazine in the States whether he would he ever sell WWE, his response...

"We're open for business"

Rock wraps twice:

The Rock finished filming his 'Jumanji' film this week, then went straight to 'Hobbs & Shaw' to film some extra scenes.

HOF'er joins AEW:

Earl Hebner, Impact HOF'er, has signed for AEW.


Daniel Bryan and Rowan will defend their gold vs Uso's at MITB. Despite the major talent in the match, however, the bout will be on the PPV warm up show.

PPV venue leaking like my gran's underwear:

Wells Fargo Center are at it again, revealing even more matches and stips for Extreme Rules, before the storylines are even started...

  • Triple Threat for the WWE Title: Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
  • Tables Match for the WWE Universal Title Seth Rollins vs Baron Corbin
  • 1-on-2 Handicap Match: Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon and Elias
  • Drew McIntyre vs. AJ Styles

Dillinger refused big raise to quit:

Tye Dillinger says WWE offered him a big money deal to stay with them, but he did not even wait for them to say the number. His mind was made up, and he demanded to be freed of his deal.

AEW find TV home:

TNT will air the nee AEW promotions programming in their domestic market.


Drew McIntyre and Cesaro have both denied Sheamus has retired. McIntyre, the Celtic Warrior's best friend says he does a lot, but that does not mean he is ready to stop, while Cesaro is adamant his team are merely taking a break.

He reportedly suffered a severe concussion in April, and some fear it may be a career ender, due to the WWE hardline on head trauma.

Lars Sullivan:

Titus O'Neil has revealed Vince McMahon has made Lars Sullivan apologise to each member of the WWE roster individually for his past social media shenanigans.

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