Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Today's News

Hey, Happy 4th of July to all the American fans of Shaggy's Wrestling News...

SmackDown Cancelled:

Next weeks WWE TV taping of SmackDown will not occur, due to the American wildfires, instead they will shoot SmackDown at the same time as Raw. WWE have promised to make any money that is not claimed back by fans, plus $10,000 from them, available to the relief and emergency fund.

WWE returns:

Rey Mysterio and Mark Henry's returns may be held off until Raw 1000 in 3 weeks.

Bruno Sammartino / Hall Of Fame:

Another twist in the Bruno to Hall Of Fame story, his people have come out with another statement from the iconic grappler. He feels some have wrongly drawn the conclusion that Triple H offended him during their discussions over the HOF, his advisors say...

''It has come to our attention that someone has claimed that Bruno was unimpressed with Triple H. That is an absolutely false statement Bruno had no issue what so ever with Triple H. He liked Triple H and enjoyed their conversation but for reasons personal to Bruno he has decided not to accept the induction in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM IS THE REFUSAL A REFLECTION ON TRIPLE H or his presentation or conversations with Bruno.''

This leaves the door open to future induction once Vince McMahon is out of the way, and Triple H takes full control of WWE.

Highlights from a telephone interview he did with PWI Elite...

* Sammartino said Triple H was a gentleman, impressed him and they talked for a while. Triple H wanted to open communication because he was aware of the bad relationship between Vince and Bruno. Triple H figured Sammartino being inducted in the NY/NJ area would be good for the fans.

* Bruno mentioned that Triple H cited Madison Square Garden as a possible location for the ceremony.

* Bruno turned down the invite because he has issues with WWE and wouldn’t feel right going into the Hall. Sammartino said he appreciated everything Triple H and WWE offered but in good conscience, he could not do it.

* Bruno brought up WWE not having a physical building for their Hall of Fame and the fact that they have non-wrestlers inducted.

* Regarding a future relationship with WWE, Bruno said there is no interest and as long as Vince McMahon is in the company, he doesn’t think anything will happen between the two sides.

* Sammartino believes Triple H wants to do the right things for the business. Triple H told him that he respects the wrestling of yesteryear’s and was trying to move away from some of the more racier stuff we’ve seen.

WWE censored:

The theme of new tag team The Prime Time Playa's, included a line ''Shakin' like Parkinson's'', leading to offence to sufferers of the condition, so WWE has decided to mute the sound, during that lyric.

They also censored a match on their vintage channel, Finlay vs Psychosis, during the match Finlay (who was in a feud with Chris at the time) kept challenging, and calling out to Chris Benoit, they muted the sound and went so far as to digitally cover up his mouth, to hide what he was saying.

SmackDown news:

Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler qualified for the Money In The Bank match. 2 spots remain, Zack Ryder has hinted he will add himself next week.

Zack Ryder won the Battle Royal and will be GM next week.

Ryback has finally started to wrestle rostered stars, beating Curt Hawkins.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan And Sgt. Slaughter returned and won a 6 man tag, along with US Champ Santino Marella.

Lilian Garcia was due to sing, but the segment was cut due to time constraints.


WWE are set to release a DVD chronicling the life of the group.

Marky Mark and the shot in the crotch:

Marky Mark Wahlberg took his 3 year old son onto the set of his new movie to meet co-star The Rock, he wasn't impressed, The Rock offered a high 5, the kid nailed him in the 'nards.

TNA lawsuits:

The courts have extended the pre trial hearings vs WWE until July 13.

Their case against Scott Steiner will be heard on July 19.

ADR vs Fan:

The fan that Alberto Del Rio went after was actually a WWE cameraman.


The former Awesome Kong, who lost her baby earlier this year, is ready to come back, she has told WWE. Current female workers are openly critical of her absence from TV, feeling she could give the Women's division the push it needs.

Personal Note... She lost her baby, that is slightly more important than how much TV time the girls get... where's the humanity people...

Survivor Series:

The Undertaker is being written into the story lines for the Thanksgiving day show, it will be his first non WrestleMania match in 2 years.

SummerSlam SPOILERS!!!:

The hottest event of the Summer has had the 2 main events set in stone, one will be Triple H vs Brock Lesnar, the other is yet to be confirmed, they will be 7 matches on the show, including a blast from the past gimmick match, maybe another gimmick battle royal akin to WrestleMania 17.

Maxine's Departure stirs the pot:

After the departure of Maxine from WWE, other female stars are openly weighing up their options, many diva's feel underused and under appreciated and may follow Maxine, Maryse, Michelle McCool, Gail Kim, and The Bella Twins, out of the company. All those names decided to walk form their WWE deals of their own accord. WWE may have a problem in the near future, (Will they care???).


Chris Jericho's band will release their new single Sandpaper on Thursday, ahead of their new album Sin and Bones on August 14.

Raw 1000:

Rowdy Roddy Piper says WWE have not asked him to go, but Tatanka was asked in June he says, he is waiting on conformation.

Twitter feud:

Former WCW star Mark Madden has been attacking former spirit squad star Mike Mondo, in recent days, but it was dragging in Maria Kanellis and her past relationship with CM Punk that has gotten the wrestling dirt sheets interested, she is a wild cat, and gave him a (deserved?) keyboard kicking (Link).


The new permanent GM will be named on Raw 1000, and the name currently bouncing around the internet as the favourite is Double Hall Of Famer The Nature Boy Ric Flair.

Sin Cara:

After a 9 month injury lay off, WWE are set to release Sin Cara. AAA and CMLL have been sounded out by his advisiors on possible deals.

Husky Harris:

The son of IRS has confirmed his injury, A torn pectoral.


WWE have posted an update claiming Sheamus is injured and could be out of MITB (Kayfabe).

Tyson Kidd:

Word coming out of WWE is the MITB qualification is not a one off reward for his great matches, but will be the start of something big, for the Hart dungeon survivor.

Hulk Hogan Twitter Fail #3:

The immortal Hulkster should drop Tweeting as a pass time, he has now given away a TNA story line, replying to a fan's comment on Gutcheck loser Joey Ryan, who wrote he would not watch TNA any more unless they sign him up, Hulk said...

“Yo Chris can’t believe you haven’t figured it out yet,didn’t you see him on the show last week? HH”

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