Sunday, July 29, 2012

Today's News

Mick Foley to Hall Of Fame?:

Mick Foley, says on Twitter...

“If/when I’m fortunate enough to be inducted into the @WWE HOF, it will be difficult to pick between Terry Funk and @JRsBBQ ; the Funker was my mentor and a great friend, but JR was almost solely responsible for bringing me into WWE.”

Jim Ross said he would be honoured too.


Jim Ross has announced that Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mike Tyson will appear at SummerSlam.

Kenny Dykstra:

Has aired his views on the Cena divorce...

“If I knew I wasn’t going to win in court, I would settle too. His only option. Keeps him a babyface without the world knowing he cheated,” he wrote. “He and his lawyer knew if it went to court then his name gets dragged through mud. Settle an walk away. #smartchoice.”

Rob Van Dam:

Says Ryback asked his permission to use the same designer, to custom create his ring gear, RVD says he was happy to, and was flattered that he was of a fan.

The Great Khali:

The Brain surgeon, that performed his recent medical procedure has launched a thinly veiled dig at Khali's employers, WWE...

''The signs of Singh’s acromegaly are instantly obvious, raising the questions, of whether and for how long WWE knew about it, and whether treatment was put off because Singh’s surging growth hormone levels were helping him become one of the most formidable wrestlers in the nation.''

Charlie Sheen:

The actor has all but confirmed he will compete at SummerSlam vs Daniel Bryan...

“There’s gonna have to be a lot of money on that one, but yeah, if it’s the right look at that moment, sure, why not?”

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