Saturday, July 21, 2012

Today's News

Hulk Hogan:

The Hulkster who is currently recovering from surgery, has taken to Twitter to warn fans that an indy promotion is falsely advertising him to appear in New York on September 22, he advised his followers that he would not be there.

Raw memories:

Trish Stratus who was the only woman to make the list of stars with most matches on Raw with 160, says the main event match vs Lita in 2004 is her number 1 memory from her time with WWE.

Booker T chose the very first WCW match on Raw vs Buff Bagwell as his number 1 memory.

Jeff Hardy:

Jeff says he hit rock bottom last year...

“I pretty much admitted I hit rock bottom, and I said that in front of the world. I think that was good for me. After that was over, I said to myself, ‘OK, now I can start; I have my second chance, and I can roll with this.’”

Linda McMahon:

Linda has released her income and tax returns as part of her Political bid, along with Vince they earned $30.6 million, and paid $4.7 million in Tax.

Double Raw 1000 SPOILER!!!:

After a policy of deny, deny, deny, for weeks, X-Pac just days before the big show, has revealed that they will be a full DX reunion on a radio show, HHH, Shawn, Dogg, and Pac are confirmed, but what chance of Billy, Chyna, and Tori attending?.

And on the same show LOD Animal spoilt the ending to the Heath Slater story, he says Heath will face Stone Cold Steve Austin at the show, So no Legends Battle Royal. 

He also said the show would be stacked, on the same plane to the show with him were DDP and Bret Hitman Hart.


Are creating a faction of former WWE talent, Aces And Eights, which currently comprises of Luke Gallows, D'Lo Brown, Wes Brisco and Mike Knox, Chris Masters and Domino could be added later and Jeff Jarrett is set to be revealed as the leader of the pack.

Backstage WWE Feud:

Dolph Ziggler is furious with Sin Cara after the Money In The Bank PPV, he feels he was stiff and botched a move which almost injured him, he plans on making an official complaint, However wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer has defended Sin Cara and put the blame on Dolph...

“Ziggler slipped halfway through the move when Sin Cara’s back was already bent far enough he could do nothing but fall. It’s only Sin Cara’s fault if he had ESP and would have known Ziggler was about to slip.”

Dolph also said in an interview that he is very vocal in the back...

“Either way, I’ve always found that I’ve kept at it. I’ve made myself vocal backstage. I stood up for what I believe in and if I thought something didn’t make sense, I said something about it. It’s not something you can just walk in and start doing. But if you’ve earned some respect from your peers, if you’ve earned it from a legend, you’re able to speak your mind if you see something that’s wrong. And I thought I need to be in a better position to help the WWE. I need to be in a higher spot on the card. I’m that good at my job and slowly but surely, one way or another, it’s a little slower that I would have liked but everything I’ve done is paying off right now.”


Nick Dinsmore who says he is deciding between a WWE and TNA contract offer, stood up for the WWE after they were criticised about his character earlier this week, he then went and worked a dark match for TNA as Dr. Nick Dinsmore vs Kazarian.

TNA TV dispute:

The dispute between Viacom and DirecTV has been sorted and TNA will air to DirecTV viewers again, however immediately after signing the deal DirecTV released a statement attacking Viacom...

''Thanks to your patience and support, DIRECTV today entered into a new long-term agreement with Viacom to immediately return all the channels you had previously enjoyed. Plus, as a result of our new deal, you will soon enjoy the freedom to see all your favorite Viacom shows on your computer, tablet or cell phone through our DIRECTV Everywhere platform. Although Viacom had regrettably tried to deny you access to drive a more expensive deal, our focus was always about giving you the absolute best experience at the most reasonable cost. More details on the agreement can be found on It includes long-term rights to provide Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, MTV, BET, Spike, CMT, TV Land and several others so Viacom cannot try to deny you access anytime again soon. Your patience during this unfortunate Viacom blackout has helped to serve notice to every media company that you and our other customers will not be bullied. Hopefully, thanks to your support and others’, we can together make these blackouts a thing of the past''.


TNA's ODB is the first lady to sign a new TNA deal since they announced they are changing the way they pay their talent.

Chris Jericho:

Says he will be the only person any one is talking about after Raw 1000.

Kurt Angle:

The Olympic Gold Medallist married his 25 year old girlfriend yesterday, congratulations.

I said three of the banned words, the Brand Police will get me 

RIP Dead Wrestlers:

Our Tribute page is 3 on Monday... A fan suggested I make a video to mark the event, so I made this quick YouTube ad...

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