Friday, July 20, 2012

Today's News

Abraham Washington:

Current WWE manager AW has fiercely defended his mic work, after getting criticised online, he says he is single handedly trying to bring back the WWE attitude Era, and his mic work is the first step to doing so... (Good Luck with that... PG Era!!!).

Ted DiBiase:

The Million Dollar Kid, is hosting a charity golf tournament to help pay for an 11 year old child to get a Heart transplant.

Maria Kanellis:

Former WWE star Maria says she will return, if they bring back the Women's title and give her a run vs AJ.

Mark Henry:

The World's Strongest Man may miss Raw 1000, he is on a flight to Ireland right now to do a WWE promotional tour.

WWE Social Media dictatorship:

After buying shares in Tout!, WWE have been ''Extremely Aggressive'' in advising their talent to join the Social Media platform, They even held a meeting post this weeks TV tapings, showing the talent how to use the site.

They have also linked up with Shazam.

Linda McMahon:

Is facing more criticism in her bid for political office, it has emerged that she has spent more than $8,000,000 on her bid, more than all of her rivals added together.

Superstars edited:

WWE had to cut the Cody Rhodes vs Tyson Kidd match from superstars this week, because the fans were chanting for Cody as if he were a babyface.


WWE are unhappy with NBC, because they have announced they will air their new show Stars Earn Stripes (Which features WWE star Eve Torres) at 8 on Mondays, the same time as the new Raw start.

PG Era = Whiners?:

A source within WWE say that WWE have booked ''Many past and mid card stars'' for Raw 1000, and that the current locker room have described it as ''Overkill''.


It is said that Kharma is under a 90 no compete clause after being released by WWE, still no word from WWE though... (Work?).

WWE Olympian scout mission:

Gerald Brisco has led a team of WWE scouts to the US Olympic trials, to scout for new talent, Gerry was so impressed with a Bob Sled racer, that he was interested in bringing him to FCW for trials, but despite declaring being a life long wrestling fan, he wants to go to the 2014 winter games.


The July 31 edition of the show is selling tickets so slowly that the arena in Indiana is has reclassified the prices, a $35 ticket, will now get you a $45 dollar seat and so on.

The show also marks the night Randy Orton would be free to return to the ring after his drugs ban, but WWE are planning on keeping him benched until after SummerSlam.


John Cena is about to become the first man to fail to successfully cash in his Money In The Bank contract, a leak in WWE creative says CM Punk will retain his title on Monday's landmark Raw, leading to a SummerSlam rematch between the two.

The Rock:

The Rock says he would like to wrestle one or two matches this year / early next, he wants to win his 10th WWE championship reign at WrestleMania 29.

WWE censors Twitter:

Cranky Vince, the popular parody Twitter account of WWE CEO Vince McMahon has been shut down by the social media site, WWE had been calling on Twitter to act, they had up until now refused, but it appears that WWE have finally gotten their way.

Mick Foley:

Did Mick Foley turn down the Hall Of Fame?, he has said in an interview that their was a time that when the question was asked he would only have done it for his children, but now if he were to get the call, he would do it no questions asked.

Jerry Lawler Fail:

The King has recalled Macho Man Randy Savage leaving WWE (Wrongly)...

“I’ll never forget we were about an hour away from going on the air live, and at that time WCW went on the air an hour before us. I remember Vince was looking around, ‘We need to find Randy. We’re going to go over what we’re going to have on the show.’ Suddenly somebody came in and said, ‘Vince, you need to turn on your TV,’ and he looked, and there was Macho Man Randy Savage, walking onto WCW. He left, jumped ship, without telling anyone''.

It went down differently Vince announced on Raw that WWF and Savage had failed to agree a deal on a new contract, months before Savage turned up in WCW.

He also said DX invading WCW was the reason WWF won the Monday night wars, and that the Road Dogg was the man who invented his catchphrase ''Puppies''.

The Miz:

Has donated all his winnings from a fantasy football league victory to charity...

“Obviously, I work for a living, I’m a WWE Superstar for a living, but winning this gave a bunch of Make-a-Wish participants happy because I donated the money I won last year to that charity.”

Paul Heyman:

The originator of extreme is furious that WWE have lost the ECW TradeMark and has attacked the new owners of the name...

“Letters don’t mean anything. WWE’s #ECW wasn’t ECW. Any1 can buy letters. Big deal. ECW was based on ORIGINAL IDEAS! It’s called “having an imagination.” Obviously, trying to be a duplicate ripoff of the past is not “new” or “original” nor “game changing.” #ECW was a product of its time. When I wrote @WWE #Smackdown in 2002/03, I didn’t try to duplicate ECW. You move on with the times, people. #ECW One Night Stand was supposed to be a ONE NIGHT STAND. Not a way to re-marry your ex. If someone wants to take a try at re-doing #ECW, knock yourself out. Go for it. Maybe ur investment is smarter doing something NEW!!!”

He also said he will be at Raw 1000 with Brock Lesnar.

Chavo Guerrero:

The legendary Guerrero family member and former WWE / WCW man has signed for TNA and will debut next week.

Matt Morgan:

The former TNA man has dropped his former employers name from his Twitter handle, he also said he was heading ''North'', this is wrestling jargon for WWE.


Tatanka has literally just confirmed, he is also going to Raw 1000, in a tweet to Zack Ryder...

''Cant wait to see you at #RAW1000 #fb''

Zack Replied

''Thx Broski!''

Gail Kim:

Her recent wedding to TV chef Robert Irvine is to be featured in a reality TV show.

Kurt Angle:

Is to team up with his rival Jeff Jarrett and will be managed by his ex wife Karen in Mexico for AAA, he has announced.

He also asked Snooki to attend his wedding but she refused, Angle is said to have helped train her for her WrestleMania match.

TNA Hall Of Fame:

The first TNA induction Ceremony will be on October 13.

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