Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today's News

Firstly our troller found this page last night, and I was told today that you couldn't get on here, I found that I couldn't either, but we are back now... 

Sorry about that Guys n Gals...

Raw 1000:

I won't go into massive detail on the show last night, because I did my first live twitter commentary over on the sister page, a couple of big announcements / events did happen that if you missed the show, you may want to know about.

* AJ is the new General Manager

* The Rock will get a title shot at the WWE champion at 2013's Royal Rumble

* They were teasing a Daniel Bryan vs Charlie Sheen match a SummerSlam (Facepalm)

* CM Punk has begun a heel turn.

Stars have talked about the arena feeling like a WrestleMania night.


Former WCW champion, has clarified to his followers on Twitter, that WWE did not ask him to appear at, or on, Raw last night.


Also said she was not asked to go, but did offer the WWE her congratulations on their landmark.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

A lot of fans and stars have expressed their disappointment at the lack of an appearance by the Hall Of Famer, they showed a video package of him vs Vince instead.

Bret Hart:

Smith Hart, Bret's Brother was not happy with the way they used his Hall Of Fame inducted Brother last night, he said...

“Another waste of a legend. I would have much preferred Bret referee than ring announce. Especially given his history with both men.”


Didn't attend Raw last night, but will be at Tommy Dreamer's House Of Hardcore on October 6 in New York.

The Wedding:

No word on how late the change happened, but the original plan was for a congregation of stars sitting in the back and shown on the big screen, they had to scale back due to time constraints.

WWE controversy:

3 pieces of Criticism have been levelled at WWE...

* The most expensive ticket at last weeks Raw was $208, this week $1,108.

* Kelly Kelly was in the arena, but was not allowed to appear on TV.

* Stone Cold Steve Austin was seen in St. Louis but did not attend Raw, no word on why from WWE or SCSA, but it is rumoured the movie he is making, did not allow him the time off to attend, because he was...

''Not a big enough star, to take a day off''.

The movie is filming in California, so the sightings were either wrong or that is a failed excuse.

Charlie Haas / Miss Jackie:

Congratulations to the former WWE stars, who have become parents again, Charles D. Haas III was born at 11:18pm.

Cody Rhodes:

Has declared his mission to bring respect back to the Intercontinental title a success...

“The Hitman talking fondly of the IC Title. This year alone it’s been defended on WrestleMania and now #RAW1000 …mission accomplished.”

WWE 13:

The annual WWE video game's roster will be announce at SummerSlam fan axxess, THQ have also announced a new feature, they are asking fans to send a picture of themselves and their hometown, to create a unique custom front cover of the game.


Dragons Gate held a farewell ceremony last night for the British Wrestler who has signed for WWE developmental, he is looking for a home in Tampa, Florida.

Big TNA News:

3 stars are gone or will go within a month, according to an insider...

Bubba Ray Dudley and D'Von Dudley are into the last 5 weeks of their deals and are showing no interest in signing a new deal, and Velvet Sky is said to be one of the ladies who asked for her release after TNA's plans to change their pay structure were revealed, the other is rumoured to be Mickie James, it is thought Sky is done with TNA completely.

WWE defend Punk:

After the Airport incident yesterday, WWE have released a statement defending Punk's behaviour...

“You have to return the rental car, take the shuttle, get through security, check in, find the gate, and until the second you are on the plane, there are going to be people along the way you say, ‘excuse me’, grab you for a photo, stop you from eating your bagel, want to talk to you, sometimes want to be mad at you for what happened on TV, want you to sign a stack of photos, pose for 25 pictures, etc. It’s part of the job, sure, and who’s going to turn down a little kid?’ ‘when it’s the same fan you see every time you are in whatever city, you start to realize who’s there for Ebay sales and who’s there because they have nothing else in their life. When it’s a choice of five minutes to sip some coffee or a fan saying, “Sign this” as a demand, and trust me, there are demands like that every day, you want to rip up the photo and toss it back at them for being rude, but then what will happen is that 10 seconds of cell phone footage ends up on TMZ and you are the person yelled at by the company. I’ve seen on Twitter where I was an a***ole to fans, but the reality was I was rushing to get home to catch a redeye flight to see my family and sorry, I’m not going to spent a night overnight when I can be there when my family wakes up. If that means I am a jerk, then, well, sorry.”

Stone Cold update:

From BrokenSkullRanch.com 

''The reason I did not attend RAW 1,000 was because I underwent a major knee surgery on my left knee on July 2, 2012. Dr. Neal ElAttrache of the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Angeles, CA performed the surgery.

The surgery was a complete success. I am currently three weeks post op. I began physical therapy a few days ago. I had a world class surgeon and a great medical team working on me. I am now working with a top notch PT team. I am still on crutches and will probably lose the crutches in another week. Then I will be in a custom knee brace much like the braces I wore in the ring for 9-12 weeks.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN IS A 100% ASS KICKING MACHINE. There was no way I was going to limp down the ramp on crutches for RAW 1,000. It was time to get my knee fixed. The decision to no-show RAW 1,000 was made by me and no one else. I have always taken pride in making my shots and have never faked an injury or illness. Pro Wrestling is a tough game and it was time to pay the piper for some of the damage I incurred in the ring. No gripes. No complaints''.

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