Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today's News

R.I.P Dead Wrestlers:

Is back up...

I am sorry that I took the page down, I shoudn't have, but I did it because I wanted to protect the page from attack, and reporting to Facebook, it is back now and hopefully will stay...

Velvet Sky:

TNA have removed her profile from their website, it seems this is the conformation she is the first to leave because of the new pay structure.

As I reported yesterday Bruce (Brother Love) Prichard is furious that stars are refusing to work with the office on the new deals, and is restructuring talent contracts, and is all but telling talent, that they either ''Take it or leave it''. This could be a big test of how loyal some of their talent really are to the company, I am sure WWE are watching the situation.


The indy group that took advantage of the ECW TradeMark been allowed to expire by WWE, have been told they cannot use the name for a wrestling promotion, because WWE still own the ECW library and fans may confuse the new promotion with WWE's product. It is not known if they will now attempt to sell the TM back to WWE, or swallow their loss, and keep it anyway.

The Bella's:

Have revealed in an interview, that their family were not happy about them entering the wrestling world, Nikki says they were not even allowed to watch wrestling as children, but friends pushed them in the direction of WWE's Diva search competition, and said they fell in love with the sport.

Brie says they are proud to be a part of the WWE family, and are taking a break, rather than cutting their ties, she revealed some TV dates they have booked, but says they are already looking forward to returning to WWE.

Raw 1000:

Is to be released as a special DVD

WCW Angle Nixed:

WWE planned on remembering WCW as part of the Raw 1000 celebrations, but some of the former stars turned up in an ''Unfit state to appear on TV'' so they pulled the segment.

Harley Race was one of the stars there to represent WCW.


Dixie Carter has announced a ''Big'' name will take over as GM as of the next Impact, taking over the responsibilities of Hulk Hogan while he recovers from his surgery.

Matt Morgan:

Continues to tease his WWE return, during a twitter Q and A...

When asked about a TNA return...

“I’d say somewhere in between NEVER and EVER.”

When asked if we would see him on television again...

“Sooner vs. later.”

Lastly, he was asked if he would return to WWE...


Zack Ryder:

Is risking heat from the WWE office, he has given an interview, saying the love triangle story with, Himself, Kane, and Eve ''Ruined his career''. He says he wants to get a decent run as US Champion and plans to change his character over the next couple of years... 

''I can’t be the same old guy forever, But that doesn’t mean I’ll have to drop all of the parts of my character to get to the top. I think eventually I’ll evolve. If you’ve followed my career I was a Major Brother, then an Edge Head, now I’m Zack Ryder, I’m sure in three years I’ll be completely different.”

Kenny Dykstra:

Has used the news of the Cena vs Alex Riley confrontation (See yesterday), to continue his attacks on WWE's Poster Boy...

“Cena acts stupid to riley, riley calls him on it, loses push. This must be a lie! Lmao''


First words coming out of WWE, regarding Kharma's departure say, She was working with Developmental, to get ready to return, but was said to be...

''Out of shape, hard to work with and stubborn about suggestions of how they wanted to change her character. She had also been losing weight since we last saw her''.


Have increased the top price tickets for live (House) Shows to $95.


A leak in creative has revealed the plan is for The Rock to win the WWE title from CM Punk at the Royal Rumble, then defend in a WrestleMania 28 rematch vs John Cena at WrestleMania 29, where Cena will get his revenge and win.


The title tournament to crown the first NXT champion will be held tonight. (Pic to follow).

Chris Jericho:

Will appear on the Post SummerSlam Raw, will it be his farewell to the WWE forever???, He has hinted during his suspension, that he was ready to move on, as he had achieved every thing he wanted to in the biz.

Road Dogg:

Is been groomed for a ''High Level'' position, when Triple H takes over the WWE.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

The knee surgery that stopped the Hall Of Famer from appearing at Raw 1000, may also have killed the anticipated WrestleMania 29 match vs CM Punk, the surgery would bench an active worker for 7-9 months. More worryingly for fans hoping for one more match, friends of the Texas Rattlesnake, say he has given up on the hopes of ever stepping out under the lights again. He also needs a shoulder surgery, and it is said he has realised, his body is not up to it. 

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